Principer att bygga på
Inlägg: #1
Principer att bygga på

Sitter och funderar på viktiga/bra principer att leva efter och implementera i mitt liv sakta men säkert. Vill att fokuset ska vara på ens liv overall alltså inte bara "Game". Dessa är några av de jag kommit upp med och vill lägga in i mitt liv, något du har i ditt liv som du skulle rekommendera åt mig eller till vem som helst?

80/20 Principen - 80% av effekten kommer från 20% av arbetet. Arbeta smart, inte nödvändigtvis hårt.
Do Something - https://markmanson.net/do-something
4X Rule - Alex Social (RSD Alex) give it 4 shots (psykologi) and then just walk away
No Reason You're Not Enough - (Alex) Finns ingen anledning att jag inte duger.
Start with the end - Vet vilket håll du går åt, så du kan hålla dig på rätt väg.
Constant and Never Ending Improvement - Ständig förbättring.
If you're comfortable, you're not growing - Gå utanför din komfortzon.
Behandla andra som du själv vill bli behandlad (jaja) - Skulle du vilja bli behandlad med respekt, visa även andra respekt
Wanna move mountains? Start with the small stones under your feet - Börja smått, fortsätt uppåt
If you wanna fly like an eagle you can't hang out with turtles - Ganska självklar
You're not getting rejected/failing. You're being Re-directed to something better
Inlägg: #2
RE: Principer att bygga på
Riktigt bra principer, tror att du kommer väldigt långt på de där!
Inlägg: #3
RE: Principer att bygga på
80/20 kan slänga sig i väggen om man tror att man kommer vara konkurrenskraftig mot snubbarna som jobbar lika smart, men hårdare, mer disciplinerat.

Manson brukar skriva intressanta saker.

Låter riktigt bra att du försöker hitta principer. Försök att komma ihåg att göra det till din grej bara.

Bra enkla rutiner jag gör:
- planera veckan en kvart/halvtimme på söndagen. målsättningar förväntningar, antal timmar skall läggas på vad? titta på varje dag och följ upp på kvällen.
- Ta långa duschar. Jag älskar att börja dagen med att duscha i säkert 30 minuter. Bara stå och låta tankarna flöda fritt under hett vatten. Många av mina bästa ideer får jag i duschen.
Inlägg: #4
RE: Principer att bygga på
- Var en visionär, inte bara en målsättare. Skapa en klar och tilltalande vision för framtiden. Ett mål är något du uppnår, en vision är något du ser: en helt ny värld. När du uppnått X, vad kommer det ha för betydelse för dig, andra runt omkring? Din vision går bortom dina mål. Dina mål är stötestenar på vägen mot din vision.

- Kontrollera ditt state/humör.

Detta är något medelmåttor inte klarar av. Vilka states du behöver kontrollera beror delvis på vad du skall göra. Som förälder kanske tålamod är det viktigaste. Dessa är generellt viktiga som fan dock:

3 states att bemästra:

1. Övertygelse – att vara övertygad kring vad du sysslar med.

2. Klarhet - att vara klar och inte överväldigad (som man blir vid information overload).

3. Mod - att ha en övertygelse och inte låta rädsla stoppa en.

- Kontrollera dina beliefs och låt inte limiting beliefs stoppa dig.

De flesta limiting beliefs kommer från tidigare erfarenheter. Key är att inte identifiera sig med sitt förflutna. Du är resurserna och kapaciteten som härstammar från ditt förflutna. Det är basen för förändring. Ditt förflutna är inledningen/förspelet till din tilltalande vision för framtiden. Reframe.

- Utveckla en bra/rätt strategi.

- Höga standards/mål. Nöj dig inte med medelmåttighet.

[Image: Jordan-Belfort-The-Wolf-Of-Wall-Street.jpg]

“I believe in total immersion, if you want to be rich, you have to program your mind to be rich. You have to unlearn all the thoughts that were making you poor and replace them with new thoughts – rich thoughts.” – Jordan Belfort

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” – Jordan Belfort

“When you live your life by poor standards, you inflict damage on everyone who crosses your path, especially those you love.” – Jordan Belfort

“Successful people are 100% convinced that they are masters of their own destiny , they’re not creatures of circumstance, they create circumstance, if the circumstances around them suck they change them.” – Jordan Belfort

“If you want to be rich, never give up. People tend to give up. If you have persistence, you will come out ahead of most people. More importantly, you will learn. When you do something, you might fail. But that’s not because you’re a failure. It’s because you have not learnt enough. Do it differently each time. One day, you will do it right. Failure is your friend.” – Jordan Belfort

“Winners use words that say ‘must’ and ‘will’.” – Jordan Belfort

“Act as if! Act as if you’re a wealthy man, rich already, and then you’ll surely become rich. Act as if you have unmatched confidence and then people will surely have confidence in you. Act as if you have unmatched experience and then people will follow your advice. And act as if you are already a tremendous success, and as sure as I stand here today – you will become successful.” – Jordan Belfort

“If you give people a good enough ‘why’, they will always figure out the ‘how’.” – Jordan Belfort
Will To Power.

Winning Beats The Game.

Inlägg: #5
RE: Principer att bygga på
Nyss läst en bok "Law of Success" 21st Century Edition - Napoleon Hill

Utan tvekan det bästa jag läst gällande till att skapa framgång i sitt liv, oavsett det gäller finansiellt eller något annat. Oavsett vad folk säger om hans andra bok (den mer kända "Think and Grow Rich" som också är rusktigt bra) så är denna SÅ mycket bättre och anser att alla på forumet ska läsa den.
Boken är ganska lång men utan tvekan värd att läsa, kommer börja applicera dem 17 principerna (kapitlen) som finns i boken samt de principer jag redan börjat applicera här ovanstående.

Aldrig varit så taggad/entusiastiskt på framtiden som jag just nu känner mig. Kan mycket väl bli att jag skapar någon slags blogg/journal där jag kommer posta olika inlägg.

Länkar boken här och c+p från boken vilka principerna är och vad dem handlar om lite kort.

1. The Master Mind will outline the physical and psychological laws that underly these lessons.

2. A Definite Chief Aim will teach you how to save the wasted effort the majority of people expend in trying to find their life's work. This lesson will show you how to do away forever with aimlessness and fix your heart and hand on a definite, well-conceived purpose as a life's work.

3. Self-Confidence will help you master the six basic fears with which every person is cursed. - The fear of poverty, the fear of ill health, the fear of old age, the fear of criticism, the fear of loss of love or of someone, and the fear of death. It will teach you the difference between egotism and real Self-Confidence that is based on definite, usable knowledge.

4. The Habit of Saving will teach you how to distribute your income systematically so that a definite percentage of it will steadily accumulate, thus forming one of the greatest known sources of personal power. No one may succeed in life without saving money. There is no exception to this rule, and no one may escape it.

5. Initiative and Leadership will show you how to become a leader instead of a follower in your chosen field of endeavor. It will develop in you the instinct for Leadership that will cause you gradually to gravitate to the top in all of your undertakings.

6. Imagination will stimulate your mind so that you will conceive new ideas and develop new plans that will help you in attaining the object of your Definite Chief Aim. This lesson will teach you how to "build new houses out of old stones," so to speak. It will 'show you how to create new ideas out of old, well-known concepts, and how to put old ideas to new uses.

7. Enthusiasm will enable you to saturate all with whom you come in contact with an interest in you and in your ideas. Enthusiasm is the foundation of a Pleasing Personality, and you must have such a personality in order to influence others to cooperate with you.

8. Self-Control is the balance wheel with which you control your and direct it where you wish it to carry you. This lesson will teach you, in a most practical manner, to become "the master of your fate, the captain of your soul:'

9. The Habit of Doing More Than Paid For is one of the most important lessons of this Law of Success course. It will teach you how to take advantage of the law of increasing returns, which will eventually ensure you a return in money far out of proportion to the service you render. No one may become a real leader in any walk of life without practicing the habit of doing more work and better work than that for which they are paid.

10. A Pleasing Personality is a fulcrum on which you must place the crowbar of your efforts, and when so placed, with intelligence, it will enable you to remove mountains of obstacles. This one lesson alone has made scores of master salespeople. It has developed leaders overnight. It will teach you how to transform your personality so that you may adapt yourself to any environment, or to any other personality, in such a manner that you may easily dominate.

11. Accurate Thinking is one of the important foundation stones of all enduring success. This lesson teaches you how to separate facts from mere information. It teaches you how to organize known facts into two classes: the important and the unimportant. It teaches you how to determine what is an important fact. It teaches you how to build definite working plans, in the pursuit of any calling, based on facts.

12. Concentration teaches you how to focus your attention on one subject at a time until you have worked out practical plans for mastering that subject. It will teach you how to ally yourself with others in such a manner that you may have the use of their entire knowledge to back you up in your own plans and purposes. It will give you a practical working knowledge of the forces around you and show you how to harness and use these forces in furthering your own interests.

13. Cooperation will teach you the value of teamwork in all you do. In this lesson, you will be taught how to apply the law of the Master Mind described in this introduction and in Lesson Two. This lesson will show you how to coordinate your own efforts with those of others, in such a manner that friction, jealousy, strife, envy, and greed will be eliminated. You will learn how to make use of all that other people have learned about the work in which you are engaged.

14. Profiting by Failure will teach you how to make stepping-stones out of all of your past and future mistakes and failures. It will teach you the difference between failure and temporary defeat, a difference which is very great and very important. It will teach you how to profit by your own failures and by the failures of other people.

15. Tolerance will teach you how to avoid the disastrous effects of racial and religious prejudices, which mean defeat for millions of people who permit themselves to become entangled in the foolish arguments over these subjects, thereby poisoning their own minds and closing the door to reason and investigation. This lesson is a companion to the one on accurate thought because no one could become an accurate thinker without practicing Tolerance. Intolerance closes the book of knowledge and writes on the cover, "Finis! I have learned it all!" Intolerance makes enemies of those who should be friends. It destroys opportunity and fills the mind with doubt, mistrust, and prejudice.

16. Practicing the Golden Rule will teach you to make use of this great universal law of human conduct in such a way that you may easily get harmonious Cooperation from any individual or group of individuals. Lack of understanding of the law upon which the Golden Rule philosophy is based is one of the major causes of failure for millions of people who remain in misery, poverty, and want all their lives. This lesson has nothing whatsoever to do with religion in any form, nor with sectarianism, and nor do any of the other lessons of this course.

17. The Universal Law if Cosmic Habitforce, the last lesson. Will show you how to apply the principles in the first sixteen lessons to transform not only your thoughts but also your habits. Through this change in the ways you behave and respond, you will put yourself in total harmony with your environment. Success is a result of achieving such harmony.

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