State: En komplett guide
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Citat:State overview
State is a peak sense of self
is achieved by
suspending the critical factor
is achieved by
detachment, social momentum, unstifling
is achieved by
eliminating limiting beliefs, increasing testosterone, alignment through affirmation
Deviding and defining
This model of culminating state, a peak sense of self, is devided into four main parts:
1: The concept of state as a peak sense of self
2: The concept of suspending the critical factor
3: The concepts of active suspension
4: The concepts of passive suspension
Understanding how these concepts affect your every day life, and how you can apply them to be in state relatively all the time is the foundation. Taking action and responsibility for your own success and improvement is the essense.
On state being a peak sense of self
What are we really confident in, and who are we really? Most people define who they are as what they believe in and what they believe about themselves. "I´m a good student, I don´t like foreigners, I´m a lawyer, I´m not cool enough, I´m funny, I´m the most badass person in the world" etc. But is that really you? Or is it just an interpretation of what already is, a perfectly valid one, but not the only one.
As an experiment, take some of the beliefs you have about yourself and imagine putting them down in front of you as pictures, movies, objects, and sound files on a table. You know how you interpret these beliefs, and they are perfectly reasonable interpretations, but for now put the interpretations aside. Imagine that four strangers from different backgrounds would come in and view these beliefs lying on the table. Can you see that they could easily come up with several interpretations, totally different from yours?
Go back to the table now, let the strangers leave, and stand in front of it. Push everything off the table, don´t leave a single belief about yourself there. Are you really the sum of your beliefs? Try feeling inside, even with the beliefs gone, there is still a you isn´t there?
This is your sense of self, before there was an interpretation of yourself, there had to be an interpretor, this is who you really are. When in touch, there isn´t much hesitation, fear, stress or sadness, only confidence, excitement and enjoyment. Can you see how being in touch with your sense of self is being in state? A peak sense of self is simply when you can be in touch for a longer period of time, allowing you to stay in what we call state.
Final note, it is not something you attain, not a specific emotional state or some form of new mindset to adapt. It will be there by itself when there is no critical factor active.
On suspending the critical factor
Why aren´t we always in state? Because we are designed to learn, to adapt and to survive. We can´t really say that the mind has bad motives for keeping us from doing crazy shit all the time, it is helping us in so many ways. Acting on impulse is by that measure like going against our natural tendencies, which it can feel like, and you know this if you have ever wanted to take action while out of state.
It is as if though working against a resistance. This resistance takes shape in a few ways: Feeling judged by others, feeling judged by yourself, judging others and comparing yourself to others.
This is the critical factor, and if we want to be in state, this resistance can not be active. It would take a lot of energy and would feel like a lot of work to do even the simplest of actions, or increase your expressiveness. If you find yourself with low creativity, not knowing what to do, lack of motivation and a certain sense of depression you are most likely feeling a lot of the resistance, and in that case you will have to relieve some of the critical factor in a passive way, before being able to take right action.
On passive suspension
I´ve got good news, there are steps you can take towards state without having to take right action. These steps are mostly about developing new habits, getting rid of some bad habits, getting your mind focused and getting rid of bad thoughts.
The reason you might need to do some passive work before taking right action is becouse you might be experiencing one of the three conditions that occurs when someone has been exposed to the resistance of the critical factor too much for too long. They are: Bad self-image, stress and confusion.
Do you recognize yourself in any of these conditions? Then listen up, because here are the solutions to the conditions: Eliminating limiting beliefs, increasing testosterone, alignment through affirmation.
Eliminating limiting beliefs
In my time in developing and finding tools for achieving state there has only been one tool that really made a diffrence when it came to eliminating limiting beliefs, and that is the lefkoe belief process.
Go to this site:, become a member and do a search for morty lefkoe, and the program you´re looking for is natural confidence.
His webpage:
Product description:
This will help you with overcoming the condition bad self-image.
Increasing testosterone
Testosterone is the hormone that helps men deal with stress. I have found that there are a few things every man can put into motion that will make their stress levels almost disappear, and they are:
Nofap: No more jerking off or watching porn, it´s time to stop. After one week you will feel a diffrence in your confidence, but after approximately two weeks something else happens, withdrawal. Once you get past the withdrawal period that´s where the real changes start to happen.
Exercise: Build muscles and exercise, do something, start running. There will always be a need for instant gratification when people exercise, but you have to be aware that it´s a process. There will be a pain period where you really don´t want to exercise, you just need to push past that to gain from it.
Tongkat Ali: Buy it, eat it.
Recovery: After you have been through stress, whether it´s from work or conflicts, allow yourself to do nothing, zone out completely. Sit down on the couch for a while and watch some television, it instantly rebuilds your testosterone.
Put these things into motion, and within a few weeks there will be a significant diffrence in your stress levels.
Alignment though affirmation
Alignment through affirmations, fancy words with a simple meaning, know what you want and want what you have. On a logical level, we do know what we want and we do appreciate what we have, but emotionally we usually have some conflicts. These conflicts creates a cognitive dissonance in our mind, which in turn leads to us feeling confused. When we are confused we are always looking for suggestions, wanting someone else to tell us who we are, what we should do and even how we should think.
There is one tool that I have found to be the most useful when it comes to aligning ourselves with our intent, and that is a certain process of affirmation. I am not talking about the old "affirmations" where you repeat a sentence to yourself over and over, this is something completely diffrent. It´s called clean language, and is based on the idea of giving no influence to thought, only provide a way to think clearer.
Read about it here:
The way I have used his tool is to make a simple affirmation, and then take it through the process of clean language. After just a couple of affirmations your mind is a lot clearer and you have aligned yourself.
It is also important to let yourself feel your alignment, and if this means getting horny, then let it happen.
Using this one simple tool regularly and efficiently will eliminate the confusion.
Kommer att lägga till en introduktion, disclaimer, en presentation om mig, mer studier, och "on active suspersion". Kommer självklart avsluta med en sammanfattning.