Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Inlägg: #7
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
TonightIsTheNight Skrev:Haha från den artikeln:

Det kan kanske krossa mina fördomar om asiater Big Grin

Ja, men läs vidare. Jag skulle säga att ett "maskulint samhälle" tyder på ett kyligt, otrevligt och våldsamt samhälle:

Characteristics of a masculine culture:
  • priorities are achievement, wealth, expansion, and war
  • in politics, conflicts are resolved by aggression
  • women's liberation means that women begin to participate in male-dominated areas
  • a low number of women represented in politics
  • manufacturing and business are seen as more important than arts and healing
  • the ideal icon is the soldier/warrior or successful entrepreneur
  • professionals often "live to work" (i.e. - long work hours and little use of vacation time)
  • cultural origins are in warmer and relatively mild climates where there was little need to concentrate on environmental survival, hence a low use of cooperation

Characteristics of a feminine culture:
  • priorities are relationships, nurturance, environmental protection, and quality of life
  • conflicts solved by negotiation, with aggression as a last resort

  • women's liberation means that men and women should share equal roles
  • a high number of women in politics
  • arts and healing are more important than manufacturing and business
  • the ideal icon is someone who helps and nurtures the community[
  • professionals "work to live" (i.e. - short work hours and high use of vacation time)
  • cultural origins are usually from cold and/or environmentally harsh conditions where cooperation was necessary in order to survive (tundras, deserts, etc)

Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige - av Whynot - 2012-11-07,18:09

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