Nån som vet hur man fixar Onnit till sverige?
2013-02-25,21:57, (Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2013-02-25,22:07 av {2} Whynot.)
Inlägg: #10
Nån som vet hur man fixar Onnit till sverige?
Kolla recensionerna på Amazon. och kritik till deras användande av vetenskap Jag är ofta skeptisk till sådana här produkter där företaget lägger ned mängder med pengar på att skapa ett varumärke. Den här innehåller definitivt vissa intressanta ingredienser som L-Theanine som ska fungera som en smooth och lugn variant av koffein och olika former av Choline. Dock verkar dosen av Choline vara otillräcklig; 100 mg ist för det rekommenderade 500-1000 mg. (Kan dock bero på en bättre form av Choline med högre biotillgänglighet.)

Och angående L-Tyrosine:

Wikipedia Skrev:Tyrosine is a precursor to neurotransmitters and increases plasma neurotransmitter levels (particularly dopamine and norepinephrine)[11] but has little if any effect on mood.[12][13][14] The effect on mood is more noticeable in humans subjected to stressful conditions (see below).

A number of studies have found tyrosine to be useful during conditions of stress, cold, fatigue,[15] loss of a loved one such as in death or divorce, prolonged work and sleep deprivation,[16][17] with reductions in stress hormone levels,[18] reductions in stress-induced weight loss seen in animal trials,[15] improvements in cognitive and physical performance[13][19][20] seen in human trials; however, because tyrosine hydroxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme, effects are less significant than those of L-DOPA.

Tyrosine does not seem to have any significant effect on mood, cognitive or physical performance in normal circumstances

Plus att dosen verkar vara extremt liten. 500-1500 mg föreslår Wikipedia som normalt, Alpha BRain innehåller 300 mg.

Då folk pratar om nootropics brukar folk prata om Racetams där den vanligaste är Piracetam. Jag har själv ingen erfarenhet av det och har inte researchat det JÄTTEMYCKET. Men jag har hängt en del på bloggar för mental performance-nördar och har aldrig hört Alpha Brain nämnas, men ofta Racetams och Choline.

Här är en post jag fann på forumet till What.cd som är intressant:

Citat:I've experimented with nootropics for the past few years.... Your mileage will likely vary....

I found piracetam completely useless. What small, minor, and largely insignificant, changes that I observed were so short lived that it was not worth my time to actually even bother dosing out daily. I gave away my 500G can.

Aniracetam I found to work wonders for me! I only take it now on special occasions but took it while I was still in university and it was fantastic. I would usually take 750-1500mg once every two days. I found that it noticeably increased my memory and my ability to communicate. I'd always take 1500mg before an exam and would (nearly) always make the top marks. People hated me for that year as I was always the curve killer. My first few times with Aniracetam I actually had some minor visual distortions (this may be related to HPPD from years of heavy psychedelic use.) Colors were brighter and things were just a little.... more alive. I would walk around with a giant smile on my face all day. I found Aniracetam helpful because although it took about 1.5-2 hours for peak, it would actually last me for 8 hours or so and I would never redose again for the day. I found it to be stimulating to the point where I generally wouldn't be able to sleep easily at night time if I took it after 10AM. After about 2 years of use the effects began to become unnoticeable/severely diminished. I've now taken a 8 month hiatus (with the exception of one day) and plan to recontinue use in future. I did take a source of choline but not daily. I'd usually only supplement with choline when I noticed that I was deficient..... I could usually tell because sometimes I would get headaches and severely drowsy instead of stimulated.... Choline + a good meal usually cleared that up.

Oxiracetam -- I found oxiracetam to be... interesting. It did have nootropic properties for me but not in the same way as aniracetam. I didn't FEEL like I was as concentrated or able to express myself as well but I generally performed at the same level as when I would take aniracetam. Oxiracetam made my auditory senses heightened and I began to appreciate music a lot more. My problems with Oxiracetam was mostly with price and duration. Due to it being water soluble the duration was only about 4 hours and I had no stimulation at all and would generally have to combine with caffeine. Oxiracetam is/was also a decent bit more expensive than aniracetam so I just didn't use it as much...

Pramiracetam -- I hated this one the most. I could never get the dosage right... I only ever took it twice about 2 months apart from one another. I just had a really odd headspace, couldn't concentrate well, and generally felt off. It was followed by the driest sinus cavities of my life and then a sinus infection that lasted a week. This happened both times that I took it. It is likely pure coincidence but it was enough to make me give this one away as well.

I just heard about noopept recently and haven't tried it but have been considering it.

tl;dr IME, Aniracetam works best, has the longest duration, and is the best bang for the buck. Pass on the others unless you feel like trying oxiracetam.

Här är mer bra information:



Två andra saker som jag finner extremt intressanta gällande performance:


Extremt effektiv och säker stimulant. Ökar koncentrationsförmåga, motivation och kognitiv förmåga. Ungefär som en ickerolig och ej beroendeframkallande amfetamin. Jag har inte använt den vid mentalt krävande aktiviteter där den ska vara mest effektiv dock. Den fungerar utmärkt som PWO vid lite sömn. Jag presterar precis lika bra på gymmet efter fem timmars sömn istället för mina vanliga nio timmar. Ska vara helt ultimat om man inte sovit något. I vissa studier har stridspiloter varit utan sömn i tre dygn och presterar nästintill lika bra på Modafinil [ur minnet].

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/johann-har...56954.html Skrev:[...]A week later, the little white pills arrived in the post. I sat down and took one 200mg tablet with a glass of water. It didn't seem odd: for years, I took an anti-depressant. Then I pottered about the flat for an hour, listening to music and tidying up, before sitting down on the settee. I picked up a book about quantum physics and super-string theory I have been meaning to read for ages, for a column I'm thinking of writing. It had been hanging over me, daring me to read it. Five hours later, I realised I had hit the last page. I looked up. It was getting dark outside. I was hungry. I hadn't noticed anything, except the words I was reading, and they came in cool, clear passages; I didn't stop or stumble once.

Perplexed, I got up, made a sandwich - and I was overcome with the urge to write an article that had been kicking around my subconscious for months. It rushed out of me in a few hours, and it was better than usual. My mood wasn't any different; I wasn't high. My heart wasn't beating any faster. I was just able to glide into a state of concentration - deep, cool, effortless concentration. It was like I had opened a window in my brain and all the stuffy air had seeped out, to be replaced by a calm breeze.

Once that article was finished, I wanted to do more. I wrote another article, all of it springing out of my mind effortlessly. Then I go to dinner with a few friends, and I decide not to tell them, to see if they notice anything. At the end of the dinner, my mate Jess turns to me and says, "You seem very thoughtful tonight."[...]

Läs vidare här. Sjukt vetenskaplig text. För lite mer lättlästa anekdotiska rapporter, se längst ned innan källhänvisningarna.


Naturlig sömnhormon som troligtvis hela västvärlden har brist av pga av våra dygnsrytmer, elektronik och ljus. Du sover bättre och behöver därmed kortare sömn. Många sparar uppemot en timme per natt. Dessutom används det för att reglera dygnsrytmen vid jetlag eller skiftjobb. Lär vara perfekt vid fucked dygnsrytm pga festande på helgen. Just därför har jag beställt hem det och ska testa.

http://www.gwern.net/Melatonin Skrev:[...]My basic argument is:

it works

If that’s not enough, an extended argument goes:

1 electrical lighting and electrical devices in particular emit blue light
2 blue light inhibits increase of melatonin levels
3 melatonin supplementation increases melatonin levels
4 increase in melatonin levels is necessary to sleep well
5 either eliminating electricity or melatonin supplementation will cause melatonin levels to use
6 one will not eliminate electricity
7 one can use melatonin supplementation
8 it works

The existing phenomenon of alarm clocks etc is partially caused by this effect. People live normal modern lives with countless devices, and stay up too late or sleep poorly. To avoid one of the consequences, oversleeping, they use alarm clocks. Of course, either lack of melatonin or lack of sufficient scheduled time can torpedo one’s overall quality. Melatonin is necessary, but not sufficient, as is sufficient hours in bed.

My rule of thumb is melatonin subtracts an hour. (I originally guessed at this value, but my Zeo sleep recordings seem to suggest the value is more like 50 minutes.) That is: if one slept for 7 hours, one awakes as refreshed as if one had slept for 8 hours etc. From comparing with others, I think I benefit more than around two-thirds of people.

There are few to no side-effects to melatonin use in adults (there is uncertainty about the risks & benefits in children & adolescents31), and it is not addictive or habit-forming like caffeine is.[...]

Läs vidare här

Benson! Skrev:Jaha nice, jag har som dom flesta i guess blivit intresserad efter att joe rogan reppat skiten som in i helvete i sin podcast. Det låter jävligt intressant och jag vill testa helt enkelt. Det jag är ute efter är att bli klar i skallen, öka koncentrationsförmågan, höja serotoninnivåerna osv.

Tror att preparaten ovan är bra mycket mer effektiva än Alpha Brain. Inget av dem, inte heller Alpha Brain, kommer att höja din serotoninnivå dock.

Nån som vet hur man fixar Onnit till sverige? - av Whynot - 2013-02-25,21:57

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