Being vs Doing: At the Edge of Transformation
2013-11-27,21:57, (Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2013-11-27,21:57 av {2} Benson!.)
Inlägg: #15
RE: Being vs Doing: At the Edge of Transformation
Citat: The Ultimate Man. Read: A man that lives up to the standards required for pragmatically/functionally doing and experiencing the things he wants to do, as well as being a person with beliefs and values the man he wants to be has. This doesn't not mean the ideal is to be perfect, but just good enough to live life in a way that is preferable. Det finns alltid en gradskal mellan alla polaritet.

Tolkning: Vet vad du vill ha för beliefs och värderingar i livet, dessa may not be perfect, men hitta vad du anser det mest ideella för dig. Och om du lever upp till dessa, då är du ”THE ULTIMATE MAN”. Alltså baserat på dina egna värderingar, inte samhällets. Tror inte någon här inne debatterar detta, jag kommer verkligen inte göra det i alla fall.
Då är väl följdfrågan på detta, min kära vän, hur går vi till väga för att komma underfund med vilka värderingar och beliefs vi vill ha. Dessa värderingar är vad jag, som individ, anser rätt, inte ett globalt alltomspännande slutgiltigt antagande om vad alla människor på planeten bör ha som värdering. I så fall är det också individuellt hur man hittar sina värdeingar. Kanske genom att se på GOT, jelqa, träna, tagga och meditera, whatever suits your personality.

Men här tror jag att du kommer mena på att dessa ideella värderingar ligger redan för oss i våra instinkter. Allt vi måste göra är att förstå detta på något vänster för att komma till en förlåtelse med oss själva och sedan leva ut detta ideal. På något sätt.
Hur når vi denna förståelse?

Citat:The great divide here is between: Be what you want to be (?) and Doing the things you need to do to Be who and what you want to be.

If you are trying to be something or someone, you by definition are NOT. To be, you have to BE. If you are Doing things to Be, you are doings things that a person that isn't does, and you will never Be as you keep trying to Be. You will end up in a never ending search, becoming a Ever Seeker Never Finder lost at sea.

Jag håller med och inte håller med.
Godsgift: Sluta gör så mycket för att försöka bli någon, bara var, detta är en emotionell resa och inte fysisk eller mental. Så sluta investera så mkt i bitches, det är då dom kommer.


SeaTurtle aka The Enlightened One: Man måste få pointers mot THA TRUTH så vi kan förstå vad allt handlar om.

Also, granted.

Detta är nu två avskilda diskussioner, right? En snackar pussy, en snackar higher purpose. Så vad diskuterar vi här?
Being, not doing, så var det.

Being the champ with bitches: Stop trying
Being enlightened, finding unity, reconciling with God: Well I have no fucking idea but sure as hell ain’t getting closer to no truth by NOT doing shit, but not from doing shit either. But I can still feel like there is some force out there, somehow. I need DMT, mescaline and psilocybin before we go further into this shit.

Så jag håller alltså med Godsgift: STOP TRYING TO BE.

Här är dock en cool liten loop hole för den som ÄNDÅ vill göra shit:
BE someone who does shit. Not for the purpose och breeding results, you are not entitled to the fruit of liberty my son, but, you are entitled, even encouraged by nature, to the action that may or MAY NOT result in the fruit of holy liberty and wisdom.
Find out what you love TO DO, and do this, now you are being you are meant to be, aligned to your values of course.
What you want to do is not in my opinion enough of an explanation to the one who finds enjoyment in actions of instant gratification, however.
Path of most resistance is a well put pointer to this truth, although you have to whink wisely. Don’t kill your best friend, no matter the resistance to it.
Men i slutändan, finns även visa ideal och värderingar som är bäst för oss, individuellt och kollektivt, vår planet, djur och växter omkring oss. Dessa värderingar är altruistiska.





Förutom värderingar som dessa globala måste du inse dina egna, unika värderingar och elva efter dessa. Alla har vi en unik genetisk make up som ska hedras och utvecklas, detta ger oss personliga styrkor och svagheter, utnyttja detta för att göra det du gör bäst, och bidra med detta genom att föra mänskligheten framåt, för vidare denna information till nästa generation genom genetics (kids) och knowledge (mentoring, writing, lecturing etc).
Det är här koncept som path of most resistance är användbart, hitta dina värdering, och gör vad som är svårast och mest krävande för att upprätthålla dessa. Som att hålla sig kärleksfull mot en kvinna som bedragit dig eller något annat s.k. svekfullt och liknande.
This breeds happiness, and no need to find the ultimate truth, aka breaking down the human condition.

Har jag diskuterat något helt annat nu? Känns som jag kan ha missuppfattat och misstolkat en del som vanligt.

Detta är i alla fall higher purpose för mig, intense action, love, kindness, mastery for the purpose och mastering. Be it PU, martial arts och sex, does not matter. I am in love with the action.

Citat: This makes me think:

If you aren't not doing things, then you are not moving forward. By the Law of Inertia: What stays at rest remains at rest, and what is in motion remains in motion, until/unless some external force acts upon.

If you are a Newb and you want to be Guru. You won't be able to just sit and be like fuck this Newb shiet, I'ma be Guru now. Son, if things worked that way, EVERY single dood would be who they want to be and I'd be a Super Sayan.

But, you will die. Soon. And no one will remember you, you are a teeny tiny little piece of fucking DIRT. You do not matter.
So, who gives a fuck nigga? Stop taking this shit seriously, and smile, mr cowboy.
Gör saker hela tiden, som utvecklar dig, för att det är kul, inte för att du ska ha resultat. Jag skulle säga skit totalt helt i BEING t.o.m., bara var vad du än är, be it alpha male player of the world or little Chodey McChode, spelar ingen roll, gör ändå vad du älskar att göra.

Citat:So what is it that gets you from Newb to Guru. To be a success it’s necessary to embrace and operate from the principles that produce success. Not just imitate the actions of successful people. To really do what they do it’s necessary to be like they are. I know that but... To Be like they Are you have to Do what they Do for the purpose of shaping an idea of and experiencing how it feels like to Be that person.
I'm saying it's about initially doing shiet that produce tangible results whether it's a desirable feeling or external situation. Ideally following the method that is the closest to the required course of actions for the desired result they produce. Sure we can never know the perfect method, but through our own firsthand experience of trial and error, and reading about other's experiences of desireable result-producing idea and actions: we can make PROGRESS. (A book is secondhand experience of someone else's experiments in reality, given that you choose sources wisely, read critically and try these secondhand experiences for yourself, books: information provides lube and a potent boost for erecting yourself to the clouds)

Det här är så jävla bra. Älskar första biten. Om du ser någons framgång kan du inte bara säga att det är för att han gör si eller så, det går djupare än så. Men om du imiterar hans actions kommer du gå igenom liknande inre processer och komma ut starkare än du var innan, din karaktär och ditt känsloliv har förändrats. Du kan nu göra motsatt till lika effekt.
PU är en väldigt unik hobby, det som tar dig för newb till guru här är inte knowledge, utan endast en känsla av vad du förtjänar. Vad som skapar denna känsla hos dig är enskild.
För vissa: I am enough, let’s do this shit.
För andra: I work hard, I train hard, I study hard, therefor, I am enough.
För den evigt sökande: When I have earned enough money, memorized enough ideas, built enough muscle, then I am enough.

Basera self worth antingen på något du är eller något du gör, skitsamma. Men inte på något resultat.

Citat: The next issue becomes: If it's not about reaching perfection, but just making progress. When does the end of this journey come in sight? In terms of game and Manson’s words: "A constant fixation on sex and women's reactions to you, an addiction to validation from women (and men), a constant and nagging feeling of "not enough" that will persist and never go away, an unhealthy lifestyle that will grow old while your friends grow up, and an inability to ever maintain a relationship of any significant satisfaction. Your social life will be less about enjoyment and more about achievement. Friends and lovers turn into numbers and statistics. Every conversation you have will simply be a ladder rung to get to your next destination and victory... one that you will celebrate by yourself in your own mind."
Solution: Fuck result. Love action. Intense action is the name of the game.

Citat: I believe this is a judgment call that depends on your own honesty and maturity.
More importantly, there's is a vast difference between Progress out of feeling of lack and Progress out of aspiration of becoming more of yourself and creating a reality that you like to experience. You can love yourself and accept yourself and your life situation in the present moment. Know your own self-worth through understanding that you are an indispensable and essential fragment of the universe and God itself. In fact I believe that you can only change when you fully accept yourself as you are now and stop resisting the flow of change. And still aspire to grow, mature and improve, mental and physical abilities.
Det finns en till typ av utveckling. Den som sker av att du bara gör en action for the love of the process. Detta kan även benämnas som moving meditation. Dock är moving meditation ren meditation men det är en övning för att ta med meditation ut i vanliga livet.
Love of process.
Kontemplera detta ett tag.
Känn sedan efter.
Sen börjar du meditera, inhabit the body (som tolle kalalr det) + walking meditation varje dag i 3 månader. Träna samt konstant på att leva i no-mind och bara göra action utan tankar. Känn varje action, känn hur skööööönt det är, gör det med kärlek. Det spelar då ingen roll hur det går. This is some enlightened shit, you ask me how I like donken, this is how my friend. Also why my game sucks, I can’t keep this feeling in the field, I get hypnotized by those sexy titties and just want the fucking result and I get all antsy and weird.

Citat: Taking myself for example. I've always known that sexing 50 girls and external validation is never going to give me any lasting sense of fulfillment or achievement. But I also know that my Ego is not to be taken lightly. If I were to say, no Ego, no fuckie fuckie sexy sexy 10 para ti porfavor, and keep living in a western world constantly challenged by my own corrupted mind and weakness for God given excruciatingly perfect tiny little teen asses in mini skirts, high heels on long legs and pouting big soft pink lips created for the apparent sole purpose of male genital suction; I'd be a fucking Liar and Hypocrite to myself. Sure maybe you can meditate that shit away, and you should... but I didn't... I fucked it away. I got it out of the system and reached a point where one more wouldn’t make any difference. I freed myself from it, even though I marched to hell for a heavenly cause. Yeah buddy. I could keep doing it, immersing myself into my own corruption, or I can be honest to myself and this time KNOW through first hands EXPERIENCE that no, sexy 10 is meaningless in comparison to finding Anamcharas. Playing through life, and doing everything for the pleasure it provides rather than using the present moment, girls or whatever as a means to a mental end.
Först av allt: När du använder ord som Anamachras, förklara vad i hela helvet det detyder din flummige jävel.
Vidare: Yes, meditate it away, while tkaing action. No biggie to figure out. It’s difficult.
(Hint: It’s supposed to be difficult)

Citat: Same thing with the actual process of Pick Up, you have done you're share of doing. From an external viewpoint gone from Newb, Intermediate, Advanced and Guru. When is it enough: When can you stop doing your little tricks and watch weekly videos mentally masturbating to the grand vision of the bitches your going to fuck, reaching for the "next-level", get out of the linear progress of egoic mental goal achievements; And finally just Be? Come into power, become fulfilled from the inside, knowing your own worth as an unbudgeable and infinite internal constant.

This I believe is the key to all transformation and the phase that defines the paradigm shift of my life. To make it and get to the other side where the meadow, grove and stream, the earth and every common sight seems appareled in celestial light my nigga!

There's a difference between doing and being. And the question is where and when to put emphasis on the two.
Igen, sluta reacha efter resultat, get in the process and love it.

Citat: It depends on what you choose as a goal, if it is an internal or external goal.

Doing is a function of the body.
Being is a function of the soul.

If you seek peace of mind, absolute fulfillment, happiness, core confidence, integrity, supreme knowing and reunion with God, these are internal states that you'll find little of that on the path of doingness.
You cannot achieve something that is within and inside of you by seeking externally. Even though I believe it's true that you wont produce the evolution of your soul by the worldly activities of your body, it's also true that it do nigga. How to say, it helps you get to the Entrance of the state of Being you seek: The Doing of Meditation gets you to the Being state of No Mind.

Detta är exakt det jag menar, amazingly put too, ni99a.

”these are internal states that you'll find little of that on the path of doingness”

Så jävla bra min vän.

Citat:The body is always constantly doing something. It never stops. Its either doing what its doing at the will of the soul or in spite of the soul. (The ego, sees your soul and being as a weakness and will try to sabotage your entrance to the realm of being with whatever self-destructive thought and behaviour it can. It's no coincidence that people drink, smoke, eat shitty food and think poopy thoughts. Society is centered around superficiality and anything that numbs and destroys any authentic being. Just having a rant.)

As I said the body is always constantly doing something, either for your betterment or the opposite. I do daily routines to direct and align my mind and body with the path of doing that facilitates my ability to Be who I want to be. Ideal breathing, powerful and fluent vocal power, unstifled and soft muscles, positive and meaningful ideas all are doings of the man I want to be. As I am not that man by my own standards, I imitate this man, until my superficial doing allows me to find the Entrance of Being , enter it, andexperience the feeling of being of that man and gradually adopt this being as I exclude everything else that is NOT.

The quality of life hangs in the balance. You have to become what you want to be, by Doing the things you need to do but without ever losing sight that it's not about the doing, it's merely a means to an end, the end being finding your way to Being and staying there.

Håller inte med om means to an end. This is sad. Waste of life energy.

Kan du inte njuta av det, gör det inte.
Njuter du endast av resultatet det producerar. Tänk efter jävligt noga om du verkligen ska göra det.
Men självklart hitta dina vägar till vad som tar dig dit du vill, men det finns ingen plats som är bättre än där du är nu. Gör för att du vill göra, allt annat känns rätt dumt tycker jag.
Men det betyder inte att du inte ska lära dig andas rätt. Att andas rätt är värdefullt, och viktigt som fan om det är relevant för dit du vill. Men se för guds skull till (actually, really, truly, for the sake of God), att du lär dig att älska att träna på din andning, annars är det till ingen nytta ändå.

Citat:Bringing this back to the process of Pick Up from Newb to Guru. You approach, learn techniques that produce results, learn the principles that allows them to work, you shape your behaviour, then your thoughts, you learn to bring your knowledge together, see the bigger picture, produce tangible results you can anchor your belief in (reference experiences), expand your comfort zone, give up your old behaviours, insecurities and egoic needs for validation, adopt the mentality and beliefs of a man, a true man that know his own worth, that takes action towards the creation of the reality he wants to see and freely expresses his intentions and sexuality.
As we are progressing on this path of doingness, we see that all of this doing stems from our state of being, our consciousness, the mode we are in. We stop actively doing the things that works because they work, to finding ourselves in a State of Being were we allow Doing simply be a reflection of Being. You don't do stuff anymore, you just are (the shift to congruence). We think back and wonder what all the fuss was about.
You then LEARN to be whatever you want to BE. Happy. Present. Social. Sexual. Good. Free. As you, through doing experience the being of those different Modes of Being, you can simply choose to be any of them simply because you prefer to. I mean that literally. In the same intuitive way your arm moves only when you want it to by conscious will rather than just conscious thought.

All true. Inga argument här. Läroprocess. Som måste älskas, annars förlorar man sig sig, vilket du som sagt gjorde, även jag men jag är lite av en förlorat case since waaaay way back. Viktigt att hitta tillbaka dock. Smiley.

Citat:The next issue lies in his future. He did it, he became what he wanted, he stopped operating from forced doing and let the Doing be a reflection of his Being. But he wasn’t’ this man from the beginning. He’s old way of being, mind patterns, learned/conditioned behaviours are still there in the back of the head. As soon as he looses momentum of the two way feeding system of Doing and Being. He’s power/progress meter will cease to increase and slowly leak, and he will regress. As higher he’s taken his meter through ever higher plateaus and levels of solid integrated understanding and belief the less it will leak, but he will be forced to upkeep this newly recruited self indefinitely. Depending on were you started out, how loved and secure you've grown to become. Also the mind will lag, the mind just doesn’t let you believe you have arrived, as soon as you keep providing it proof it reboots to the old programming.

The questions I'm left with are: When you Do and learn to Be, how can this change stay permanently. Do you have to keep Reading and Doing to stay where you Are. Or just Do it until you've setup your life in a Being reinforcing environment. Do you just distance yourself or leave the community completely? What material can still be read? Where is the end really, contentment?

Du blandar PU med spiritualitet constant, dom är relaterade men inte samma.
Being: Vänta ej, du är där.
Doing: Love it, keep doing it.
Därför behöver du inte sluta, du behöver inte något big arrival “I’M FINALLY HEEEERE!”
Du älskar det, samma som Picasso väntade inte på att komma till en punkt där han kan sluta måla för att han äntligen ”Got it”, the perfected artist. Han är redan där han ska vara, framför sin canvas, skapandes ett mästervärk. Mozart också. Da Vinci. Kobe Bryant. Michael Jackson.

Du är där. Det betyder inte sluta, dock, betyder fortsätt, fortsätt ge dina gåvor till världen, och stanna där du är, som en ärlig, altruistisk, kongruent maskulin varelse med en riktning i livet som inte har någon annan poäng än att ha en riktning. Vaför pekar kompassen mot norr, för att den måste peka någonstans, inte viktigare än så min vän.

RE: Being vs Doing: At the Edge of Transformation - av Benson! - 2013-11-27,21:57

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