Yeah precis sånt som bioenergetics hjälper till med dude. Man slappnar av i kroppen och pratar från magen istället. Seaturtle skrev om det här:
(2013-12-10,15:47)Seaturtle Skrev: How to create a DEEPER voice
Exempel på hur han lät då.
Bonus: Gör Low-Larynx Exercises. Instant deep resonating voice. Roger Love täcker allt.
Voice Exercises
• Breathe diaphragmatically only through your nose and speak only when your stomach is coming in. Let the air ride out completely unobstructed and free of stomach tension.
• Maintain relaxation while you speak. Seek out and eliminate any tension by "breathing into" that location. Focus on your jaw, neck, shoulders, chest, diaphragm, upper and lower back.
• Project your voice through the person you are speaking to. Speak much louder.
• Connect all the words together.
• Speak from your middle voice and let your voice resonate in in the front of your face.
• Put colour and emotional variety into your voice by using melody.
• Articulate every word clearly by opening your mouth wider
• Give words different lengths. Drag out the sound of words to avoid fillers. Pause for effect
Exercises: Up and down your vocal range 10 times. Från djupt i magen till högt upp från huvudet ner igen till mitten. Head voice > Middle Voice > Chest Voice
• Take a deep breath and exhale on a “hisssssssing” sound, letting a small bit of air out while your stomach comes in slowly over 30 seconds, with no pressure.
• Push your lips out, corners of the mouth in; lips pursed a little bit, make a “Goog” sound.
• Say “Mm-mmm” (as in yummy), “Mmm-hmm” (like yes).
• Say “Mmmmmmm” until you feel a buzzy sensation in the front of your face. Repeat 5 times.
• Say “Ney, ney, ney, ney, ney” loudly but without yelling.
• Starting at mid-range, make a siren sound with Oooo and Eeeee.
• Make the cords vibrate in a thicker position with the “caaaaaaan” sound.
• Elliots version på MMmmm resonance övnignar:
Galen skillnad mellan elliotts röster