allt om PUA Del 1 (hittad på nätet)
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allt om PUA Del 1 (hittad på nätet)
When you’re talking to a girl and your unconscious mind will make youflinch so that you can tell yourself: “She didn’t reject the real me. She rejected the flinching me 27 You can’t really go out and try to cultivate total belief as a newbie, because what you’re gonna get as a newbie is evidence that you suck. But what you can do is go out and get referenceexperiences that it doesn’t matter what other people think of you. ► Eventually, you cross something called the indifference threshold . It’s true indifference, letting go of the outcome. Confidence is communicating that you’re successful with other women. The women’s system is designed not t o feel attracted to you if you’re not confident. So if you aren’t successful withwomen, the system is designed to make you not get girls. It’s designed so that you can’t get confident unless you really have what the women want. ► So what you have to do is essentially scramble the system. Pummel your brain with so many reference experiences that the whole system overloads. You realize that you’re still here after getting blown out a million times, and then you cross the indifference threshold. And nowthat yo u’re indifferent, things change. (You go from stifled -> unstifled.) ► When your mind has the click “It’s better to be this high value, fun, social guy than it is to avoid attention and not infringe on anybody, the micro behaviors start to come in. RAS startsto look at behavior of cool guys more. The indifference threshold is something that can be crossed very quickly. Don’t try to be confident in life, just try to be indifferent. Confidence will flow from that point. Stifling When you’re stifled, your mind is telling you: “ Don’t let your voice be heard past this range that is permissible. Don’t take up space beyond xyz range. Don’t go interrupting people, taking up their time and space. Don’t do that” Stifling happens because, as you change environments you ’re not totally certain of what that environment is (possible danger), so your unconsciousmind stifles you in. What happens is your voice is not totally unlocked. Youhave to unstifle yourself. ► That richness in your voice is what she’s responding to, that unstifledness. (It conveys that you are comfortable in theenvironment at a deep level, unconcerned with taking up space.) How to get unstifled and cross the indifference threshold: ► First realize the law of inertia is acting on you. An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. If you’re just sitting there with your buddy and then you see somegirls you want to approach, you don’t have any momentum. So you need to BE that outside force to get yourself unstifled. ► To get unstifle d you have to do something that’s out of character, isn’t really you an expandsthe energy, time and space that you’re taking up. 1. The Imitation Game – Imitate something that’s not you. (Ex: Lion, crocodile, toaster, rhinoceros, t -rex, whale.) The club social pressure is pushing down on you, and the club can get on top of you, oryou can get on top of the club. Social Vibing Logic is the opposite of emotion, they flush each other out. When you’re vibing with people and trying to be to logical, that can break the vibe – Logic is a vibe-breaker. The idea is that socializing and vibing with people is an end in and of itself. If you’re feeling like you have to prove yourself, that’s not really vibing 28Emotional states are addictive. Someone who ’ s addicted to positivity when you bring up a negativetopic won ’ t focus on it, they ’ ll change the subject. But someone addicted to negativity will play off of itand explore all the negative ramifications. ► The more often that you access an emotional state, the more synaptic pathways your mindcreates in order to access it again and again. ► Memory is also state-access dependent. When you ’ re unhappy, you ’ ll remember unhappymemories more and vice versa.Why Tyler reads books is not only to get the info that ’ s in it, but to get the presence from that author,get him into that zone.The new social habits that you get from going out are maintained. You don ’ t go back to beingintroverted, stuck in your head, logical right after you stop going out. Logic vs. Emotion (cont … If you ’ re used to being an engineer or computer programmer and you ’ re doing logic all day, a lot ofthe time when you go out to that social gathering, you feel alienated/disconnected from theenvironment. You see people playing around and you ’ re still trying to compute it.A logical conversation is very linear, so you ’ re thinking very linearly – topics that are logically related.Vibing is not linear, you ’ re just expressing yourself outward. You ’ re shooting images in-between eachother ’ s heads that amuse you and therefore amuses her back. (The value is fun.) Side Belief: Sex is a natural consequence of chemistry and therefore an inevitability. It ’ s a way to cement a moment and blow off steam. Unhitching From Social Conditioning You have unhitched from your old identity and the easiness of social conditioning. ► When you ’ re in newbie/intermediate phase, it ’ s like there ’ s a hole in you, ananxiousness/uneasiness that makes you crave validation and more reference experiences toreinforce your reality. You want to keep living in the reality because, in abundance, your stategoes up. So you get addicted to reinforcing your reality. (Approaching every girl, getting “ pickup ” friends, researching it for hours at a time.) You can ’ t relate to your old friends as much,because they ’ re stuck in the old reality. So you keep pushing the reality and start to develop afalse self, instead you want to find your centeredness.Being a chode is easy – it doesn ’ t require an expenditure of energy, you could go through your wholelife without anybody insulting you, humiliating you, and you won ’ t have to push your edge. The Concept Of “It Did n ’t Work” There was a point in Tyler ’ s life when he was a teen and going through a rough time and thought, “ If I just had x and y and z, then I ’ d be happy. ” Then a couple months later he had all the conditions hehad said would make him happy, but it didn ’ t work. ► Think of how celebrities feel when they have all the fame/women, but they ’ re still unhappy.Because if your conditions are bad, you can blame them, but when you can ’ t blame anything,you start to feel nuts.Later he lives on beachfront Hawaii, nymphomaniac gf, RSD going fine, perfect day and everybody ’ shappy, but he ’ s not. Thinks “ I have arrived, so why am I unhappy still? What the hell is going onhere? ” True insanity is when you get what you want, but you still have not become the happy personthat you expected. What happens is that you develop an ego – like your “ pick up persona ” that you need to “ put on ” incertain situations in order to get love and respect, and it starves real self esteem. In the same waythat a chode feels the need to show other people his watch, when you learn about social dynamics,you feel the need to show people your more gregarious self. ► If you ’ ve developed a lot of shells around your core personality, then you always feel like youneed to be doing something and controlling the frame, find it difficult to just chill. You feel thistype of antsiness 29 Ego vs. Self-Esteem Society has got most people so fucking scattered, going from stimulation to stimulation. They don ’ teven realize that confidence and feeling good about yourself is a default state .The difference between ego and self-esteem: ► Self-Esteem: you ’ re born with it, it ’ s indescribable, self-sustaining. ► Ego: A rational construct that we come up with as a substitute for self-esteem, when self-esteem becomes wounded at a young age. Getting status, making money, pulling girls – allows us to logically see why we should have confidence. On the surface, ego makes sense. -> “ If I don ’ t have anything going for me, then why should I feelconfident? ” It ’ s rational. We come up with reasons why we should feel confident even though it ’ s adefault state.There ’ s a very freaky epiphany that happens when you realize that happiness is your default state.Means that there ’ s been no real purpose to all that you ’ ve done in your life. Start to question “ Why amI doing this if I could just feel happy independently? ” You used to have self-esteem, but at some point in your life you were wounded. (Parents toldyou not to talk to strangers, not talk loud, social conditioning hits you with “ the path to happiness ” .)Kids are sponges, soak this in, and … ► What eventually happens is that you don ’ t feel you can be confident just for youanymore. You feel disconnected from the tribe, not a part of it. Your mind can ’ t just let youstay that way, unconfident, so it says “ What are some logical reasons why I can feelconfident? ” ► So you start comparing/differentiating yourself from other people. (Self-esteem is based on common humanity, and ego is based on separateness/differentness.) The ego is false because we don ’ t have perfect memories, we twist them more positive/negative sowe can make an identity out of them. Your ego is never as accurate as you think, it ’ s just this littlefake construct that you ’ ve made. ► It seems big, but really it ’ s like a little grain of sand stuck to your eye, that ’ s the filter throughwhich you see the world.The ego is made up of: ►
You are taller than me. You are cooler than me. You are more attractive than me. But I get all the girls, sounds like a fair deal to me
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2012-03-26,23:21 Senaste inlägg:: Evilvalle |
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