Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Inlägg: #1
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Jag sitter och valkvakar valkvakan 2012 och kom att tänka på att USA är ett klassiskt individualistland vilket innebär att individen är viktigare än gruppen och jag hittade en rolig egenskap hos mer kollektivistländer (vilket Sverige är).


"Both collectivist and individualist cultures have their failings. People in individualist cultures are susceptible to loneliness, and people in collectivist cultures can have a strong fear of rejection."

Det ligger alltså i vår kultur sedan länge tillbaks att vara extra orolig för social avvisning och därmed kan det delvis förklara varför Sverige är så äckligt PK och varför det är stort fokus på att bilda familj, skaffa barn osv samt jantelagens uppkomst där alla ska hålla ihop och vara på samma nivå och inte låta någon få gå och göra något vettigt av sitt liv (vilket individualism förespråkar starkt).

Tycker det är roligt med denna slags psykologi och ingen av mina polare i Mumble fattar om detta! ;P
Inlägg: #2
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Fan vad intressant....
Inlägg: #3
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Fan vad mycket bra och intressanta sådana här länkar som postats på senare tid, uppskattas!

"All limitations are self imposed"

Inlägg: #4
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Och klicka gärna vidare längre ner på sidan

Tex "Masculinity index"

"All limitations are self imposed"

Inlägg: #5
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
LOL jävligt good finding!
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #6
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Carnivore Skrev:Fan vad mycket bra och intressanta sådana här länkar som postats på senare tid, uppskattas!

Haha från den artikeln:

Citat:Japan is the world's most masculine society, with a rating of 95, while Sweden is the most feminine society, with a rating of 5.

Det kan kanske krossa mina fördomar om asiater Big Grin
Inlägg: #7
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
TonightIsTheNight Skrev:Haha från den artikeln:

Det kan kanske krossa mina fördomar om asiater Big Grin

Ja, men läs vidare. Jag skulle säga att ett "maskulint samhälle" tyder på ett kyligt, otrevligt och våldsamt samhälle:

Characteristics of a masculine culture:
  • priorities are achievement, wealth, expansion, and war
  • in politics, conflicts are resolved by aggression
  • women's liberation means that women begin to participate in male-dominated areas
  • a low number of women represented in politics
  • manufacturing and business are seen as more important than arts and healing
  • the ideal icon is the soldier/warrior or successful entrepreneur
  • professionals often "live to work" (i.e. - long work hours and little use of vacation time)
  • cultural origins are in warmer and relatively mild climates where there was little need to concentrate on environmental survival, hence a low use of cooperation

Characteristics of a feminine culture:
  • priorities are relationships, nurturance, environmental protection, and quality of life
  • conflicts solved by negotiation, with aggression as a last resort

  • women's liberation means that men and women should share equal roles
  • a high number of women in politics
  • arts and healing are more important than manufacturing and business
  • the ideal icon is someone who helps and nurtures the community[
  • professionals "work to live" (i.e. - short work hours and high use of vacation time)
  • cultural origins are usually from cold and/or environmentally harsh conditions where cooperation was necessary in order to survive (tundras, deserts, etc)
Inlägg: #8
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Whynot Skrev:Ja, men läs vidare. Jag skulle säga att ett "maskulint samhälle" tyder på ett kyligt, otrevligt och våldsamt samhälle:

Förstår inte vad det har med saken o göra huruvida det ena är bra eller dåligt, men om du ändå vill diskutera det så - ja, det är möjligt. Ett så feminint samhälle som Sveriges är dock negativt av flera orsaker.

Flera av de där sakerna så som att prioritera pengar, ambition , lite fruntimmer i politik m.m. ser jag bara som bra dock haha
Inlägg: #9
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Det var inte min poäng. Jag menade mest att det på individnivå inte betyder ett skit. Det gör inte japaner som individer mer maskulina. Även om jag nu inser att poängen inte alls framkom i min post.
Inlägg: #10
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Whynot Skrev:Det var inte min poäng. Jag menade mest att det på individnivå inte betyder ett skit. Det gör inte japaner som individer mer maskulina. Även om jag nu inser att poängen inte alls framkom i min post.

Vi missförstod varandra. Jag var halvt ironisk med, tror icke average japan är spec alpha =).
Inlägg: #11
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Sverige är helt enkelt ett kvinnligt land. Vi har tappat våra manliga rötter för länge sedan.
Inlägg: #12
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Overview of the Masculine-Feminine Polarity
Essentially, the masculine side comes from a place of strength. Strength is at the top end of the scale, whereas weakness is at the bottom end. In contrast, the feminine side comes from a place of goodness. Here, goodness is at the top end of the scale, whereas badness or evil is at the bottom end.
You develop the strength of the masculine side by having a deep belief in the value of your own life, and you develop the goodness of the feminine side by having a deep belief in the value of the life of others.
The balance between the masculine and feminine side is very important. If you have too much strength for the amount of goodness you have, you can really do a lot of harm to people. Conversely, if you have too much goodness for the amount of strength you have, then you can do harm to yourself, because you tend to "give it all away".
On a more physical level, if you have a strong masculine side, you have the ability to take control of your own life, and if you have a strong feminine side, you have the ability to let go of trying to control the lives of others. A strong feminine side keeps you from interfering with the choices that others have the right to make for themselves.
In terms of energy output, the masculine side always has energy available to put into accomplishing things, while the feminine side always has energy available for doing what is right or good.
How developed one side is compared to the other defines the balance between the masculine and feminine sides. This balance not only determines how you treat others relative to yourself, but it also determines what types of emotions you feel most strongly.
Inlägg: #13
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
slyngel Skrev:Overview of the Masculine-Feminine Polarity
Essentially, the masculine side comes from a place of strength. Strength is at the top end of the scale, whereas weakness is at the bottom end. In contrast, the feminine side comes from a place of goodness. Here, goodness is at the top end of the scale, whereas badness or evil is at the bottom end.
You develop the strength of the masculine side by having a deep belief in the value of your own life, and you develop the goodness of the feminine side by having a deep belief in the value of the life of others.
The balance between the masculine and feminine side is very important. If you have too much strength for the amount of goodness you have, you can really do a lot of harm to people. Conversely, if you have too much goodness for the amount of strength you have, then you can do harm to yourself, because you tend to "give it all away".
On a more physical level, if you have a strong masculine side, you have the ability to take control of your own life, and if you have a strong feminine side, you have the ability to let go of trying to control the lives of others. A strong feminine side keeps you from interfering with the choices that others have the right to make for themselves.
In terms of energy output, the masculine side always has energy available to put into accomplishing things, while the feminine side always has energy available for doing what is right or good.
How developed one side is compared to the other defines the balance between the masculine and feminine sides. This balance not only determines how you treat others relative to yourself, but it also determines what types of emotions you feel most strongly.

Från The Way of The Superior Man av David Deida??
Inlägg: #14
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige

Lite halvflummig sida men intressant ändå.
Bygger på samma teori om polaritet som Deida ja, längesen jag läste hans verk men tror inte det är kopierat rakt av iaf.
Inlägg: #15
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
slyngel Skrev:Overview of the Masculine-Feminine Polarity
Essentially, the masculine side comes from a place of strength. Strength is at the top end of the scale, whereas weakness is at the bottom end. In contrast, the feminine side comes from a place of goodness. Here, goodness is at the top end of the scale, whereas badness or evil is at the bottom end.
You develop the strength of the masculine side by having a deep belief in the value of your own life, and you develop the goodness of the feminine side by having a deep belief in the value of the life of others.
The balance between the masculine and feminine side is very important. If you have too much strength for the amount of goodness you have, you can really do a lot of harm to people. Conversely, if you have too much goodness for the amount of strength you have, then you can do harm to yourself, because you tend to "give it all away".
On a more physical level, if you have a strong masculine side, you have the ability to take control of your own life, and if you have a strong feminine side, you have the ability to let go of trying to control the lives of others. A strong feminine side keeps you from interfering with the choices that others have the right to make for themselves.
In terms of energy output, the masculine side always has energy available to put into accomplishing things, while the feminine side always has energy available for doing what is right or good.
How developed one side is compared to the other defines the balance between the masculine and feminine sides. This balance not only determines how you treat others relative to yourself, but it also determines what types of emotions you feel most strongly.

I liked that one!
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #16
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Yepyep, gillade det där citatet eller vad det var. Fattade dock inte hur feminin sida betyder mindre kontrollbehov mot andra.
Inlägg: #17
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
TonightIsTheNight Skrev:Yepyep, gillade det där citatet eller vad det var. Fattade dock inte hur feminin sida betyder mindre kontrollbehov mot andra.

LOL vilket irl-garv du gav mig nu. Inget kontrollbehov i feminina Schweden? bahaha

"All limitations are self imposed"

Inlägg: #18
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Carnivore Skrev:LOL vilket irl-garv du gav mig nu. Inget kontrollbehov i feminina Schweden? bahaha

Haha, ja, alltså jag tänker mig feminina människor som skall påtvinga sin hjälp på andra & inte respekterar gränser osv. Vanligt fenomen..
Inlägg: #19
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
TonightIsTheNight Skrev:Haha, ja, alltså jag tänker mig feminina människor som skall påtvinga sin hjälp på andra & inte respekterar gränser osv. Vanligt fenomen..

haha guess it applies to that too Wink

"All limitations are self imposed"

Inlägg: #20
Individualism & Kollektivism: PK-Sverige
Carnivore Skrev:haha guess it applies to that too Wink

Ah, vad tänkte du på?

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