Sexual desire, dominance & masculinity
Inlägg: #1
Sexual desire, dominance & masculinity
What's good hoes,

Thought I'd follow up my posts about relaxation and unplugging from validation with cultivating a sexual vibe/aura/energy/state/image/whatever the hell you want to call it.

It's a natural progression from my previous articles. First you relax, let go of people's expectations. Then you unplug from validation. You will get a lot of looks and attention. Now it's time to switch on sexually too. And this part is really my forte. This is what I like the best and something I do really really well. The reason I do it well is because i have spent the majority of my "pickup career" focusing on cultivating this part of my personality. I had some crazy natural friends who had this as a natural strength and I learnt from them.

1. Understand female sexuality
2. Don't judge it
3. Get sexually charged
4. Sexual conversation
5. Sexual sub-communication
6. Dirty talking

1. Understand female sexuality
Alright dudes so I think it's important to talk a little bit about how female sexuality is wired. I know everybody in the PU community more or less understand this to a certain degree. But I think it's a very limited understanding. I don't think most people here have explored/research this topic enough. The female sexuality is CRAZY. Like legit fucking ALL OUT LOCO! I'm not even kidding.
Just like the male by the way. It's not a judgement, I'm just saying it fucking kray-kray and it may freak you out when you start exploring this shit deeper.
So first of all, it loves to be dominated. But by dominated I don't mean "be alpha and make her suck your dick son".
There are many reasons to this and we can discuss a trillion different philosophical ideas as to why this is. That's not my job, I'm just telling you that it is fucking INTENSE and if you want stunners in your life you HAVE TO be able to handle this shit. You cannot be a church boy and pull stunners. They will test your congruence HARD, because if she is going to let you fuck her she needs to trust that you can handle her sexual nature. It's for men only, no boys, no pussies, no posers.

Read My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday if you want a fucking trip. That book opened my eyes. It's a book where women could anonymously contribute their sexual fantasies that they are too embarrassed to admit publicly.

It wants to be held down. It wants to be forced into extreme submission. It LOVES to be choked, fucked so hard that it hurts and called a worthless cum guzzling little whore.

Yeah, really.

Here's a disclaimer for potential retard cases: If a woman ever says no, wait, take it easier, don't do that it means STOP!!. It loves to be forced into submission but the human brain DOES NOT. Which is why we have ROLE PLAYING between CONSENTING ADULTS. We can pretend it's forced and live out fantasies that wouldn't be nice in real life.

Being fucked by the boss, dad, raped, gang banged etc are all very very common fantasies.

Women are also extremely fucking horny and EXTREMELY slutty. If you think women are sexually reserved it's because they are reserved around YOU. You aren't making them comfortable with being a slut.

Women are sexually turned on by two things:
* Men with so intense sexual desire that he can hardly keep himself from ravishing her. This is where rape fantasies are coming from (among other things).
* Men of higher social status. This is why they are attracted to their boss and

But before I move on a gotta bust a myth: You do not have to be the ultimate man to keep women from cheating.

2. Don't judge it
Women aren't going to be open about their sexuality with just anyone. Women get shamed for their sexuality. You need to show that you 1) KNOW how their sexuality works (crazy submissive and super horny) and 20 You DON'T JUDGE them for it.

These two aspects are extremely important to communicate in order to make a woman comfortable with you.

Not judging it is something you gotta be sure to communicate. Do it by talking about My Secret Garden for instance and let her know you think it sucks that women have to be anonymous because they'll be shamed otherwise. Talk about the hypocrisy in the society that men get high-fived and women get shamed for having many sex partners.
Ask her about hers, she probably won't admit to much at first. The tell her "that's a shame, I love helping women out with fulfilling fantasies, because I know how hard it is to find a guy who literally don't judge at all and also is capable of doing the role playing."
Then change subjects. Keep talking about you love helping women fulfill fantasies, you don't judge and you are very capable to do whatever it is they need.

Not judging her is extremely important. Don't neglect this.
If you have issues about this - get over it.

3. Get sexually charged
This is important. Crazy important. This makes you very masculine, your entire vibe will change. Women will feel sex "ooze" off you.
There's a lot of things you can do.
* No fap (ever)
* Watch porn on your way to the club/date to make yourself even more frustrated (i actually used to watch porn all the time)
* Make your own sex tapes
* Fantasize about fucking women you talk to
* Lift heavy weights
* High protein diet
* Maca, vitamin D, green juice, zma etc increase testosterone and therefor sex drive

I don't know if I really need to expand on this. It's been explained before. Women get very aroused from being sexually desire. I don't mean like the way a horny little 14 y/o wants to lose his virginity. I mean an intense, almost scary, sexual desire to completely ravish the woman.

4. Sexual conversation
Talk about sex. Make everything sexual.
Sexual misinterpretation (playfully pretend you misinterpret what people say and turn the conversation to sex)
"How long have you been here?"
"I just came"
"You just came? Omg that was FAST I havent even kissed you yet"

Sex stories
In a very nonchalant and relaxed way talk about sex. Don't make the point of the story be "i have had sex" but rather to illustrate another point.
"I hate when people get attached too fast" (good frame for fuck buddy relationship)
"yeah me too"
"Yeah some people are so creepy..it's like this one chick I met last year. We met at a festival and ended up sleeping and got super clingy...i hate that...so worth it though haha, she was fucking crazy, i'll give her one thing: she was great in bed. (say what she did that was good)"

Discuss My Secret Garden, 50 shades of grey etc (no explanation needed)
Sexual qualification
Just like any qualification. I hate stiff girls in bed. Are you stiff? Good. Are you adventurous? Good. What's your craziest sex story?

Just talk about sex. Talk about what you like and don't like. Get comfortable talking about sex at any time, anywhere.

5. Sexual sub-communication
This is an easy one. Basically slow and congruent non verbal communication does the trick.
Also physicality.
Extended eye contact while fantasising about sex

6. Dirty talking
Massive part of my game. Both during sex and in the club.
SOI (Statement Of Intent)
Very effective. Bold. Dominant.
"If it wasn't for all these people here I'd rip your clothes off and fuck you against the bar"

Stuff like that is great. But I like to escalate the level of boldness fast.

You can say anything, just be creative.
Tell her what you're going to do with her. Tell her you're gonna make her you're little cock slut. A cum guzzling little whore. etc etc. Just make sure to escalate over time and don't just blurt out some overly sexual shit that she isn't ready for.

Put your leg in between hers. Pull her in hard. Then raise your heel up and down. This will massage her clit and make her crazy horny. Combine with dirty talk. May make her cum right then and there and start thinking about wtf you can do in the bedroom if you do this while talk with the clothes on. It also builds conspiracy. You and her know she just came. No one else. It creates a crazy strong connection.
I learnt this from a friend who has been dancing a lot and he figured this out while doing salsa or something. Don't remember really. He is in the community too but don't know his username in here. Props for this though man, this technique has given me and godsgift a lot of success lol.

I can go on about other shit too but I think I've covered most important shit right here. Combine with being a winner in life and practicing being very bold in life (boundaries, direct game, taking risks in business, gym, competing in sports etc) and you will be extremely dominant and masculine. Women are drawn to this vibe. Execute on this shit.
Inlägg: #2
RE: Sexual desire, dominance & masculinity
Dina artiklar är _awesome like peanut butter_! Ser fram emot den om outer game.
Will To Power.

Winning Beats The Game.

2016-06-12,16:16, (Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2016-06-12,16:54 av {2} Bruno.)
Inlägg: #3
RE: Sexual desire, dominance & masculinity
Två grejer jag reagerade över i texten...

(2016-06-12,04:55)ridiculousbeast Skrev: But before I move on a gotta bust a myth: You do not have to be the ultimate man to keep women from cheating.

Nu utvecklade du inte det här mer. Men fan, själv tänker jag att det är precis det man behöver vara. Eller snarare som så att i princip ingen man är säker från det.

Du ska i princip vara känd, rik, snygg och eftertraktad på Justin Bieber-nivå för att behålla en modellsnygg 10:a, som blir raggad på av andra män flera ggr varenda vecka.

Finns ju gott om män med riktigt hög status, utseende, pengar och allting som har blivit utsatta för otrohet. Mycket är ju bara tillfälligheter. En brud ser en kändis på nån fest och en drink leder till en annan som leder till lite beröring och nån liten kyss.

Och innan du vet ordet av det har tjejen en annan penis nerkörd i halsen liksom. Vi vanliga dödliga kan aldrig vara 100% befriade från den risken, tror jag

(2016-06-12,04:55)ridiculousbeast Skrev: 2. Don't judge it
Women aren't going to be open about their sexuality with just anyone. Women get shamed for their sexuality. You need to show that you 1) KNOW how their sexuality works (crazy submissive and super horny) and 20 You DON'T JUDGE them for it.
These two aspects are extremely important to communicate in order to make a woman comfortable with you.
Not judging it is something you gotta be sure to communicate. Do it by talking about My Secret Garden for instance and let her know you think it sucks that women have to be anonymous because they'll be shamed otherwise. Talk about the hypocrisy in the society that men get high-fived and women get shamed for having many sex partners.
Ask her about hers, she probably won't admit to much at first. The tell her "that's a shame, I love helping women out with fulfilling fantasies, because I know how hard it is to find a guy who literally don't judge at all and also is capable of doing the role playing."
Then change subjects. Keep talking about you love helping women fulfill fantasies, you don't judge and you are very capable to do whatever it is they need. Not judging her is extremely important. Don't neglect this.
If you have issues about this - get over it.

Njä, det där är bara trams imo.
För det första finns det ju inget hyckleri med att män inte blir skambelagda för att ha haft många sexpartners på samma vis som kvinnor. Det ligger liksom bara i hur naturen är utformad.

En kvinna blir gravid i 9 månader och är i jämförelse med män jävligt begränsad till antalet barn hon kan få. Bl.a. av den anledningen har kvinnor tvingats bli mer kräsna över sina val av partners. Kvinnor som gett blanka fan i detta, i historien, och i stället knullat runt med i princip vilka jävla mähän till män som helst och fått barn med dem, har helt enkelt inte gynnats evolutionärt då barnen fått sämre gener för överlevnad osv.

Jämför det med en kvinna som faktiskt varit väldigt noga med att inte sära på benen till vem som helst utan väntat på en man av högre kvalité - hälsosammare avkomma. Sen kanske du har läst om telegony(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telegony_(pregnancy) ?), så allt det här faktiskt väldigt logiskt rotat.

Lägg sen till att det är ungefär lika svårt för en kvinna (> 2:a) att fixa ligg idag, som det är för män att beställa en pizza från det lokala haket (bortsett från att män faktiskt tvingas betala för skiten medan kvinnor bara kan göra några svep på Tinder).
En man måste i princip måste vara en fenomenal badass, för att ens kunna vara i närheten av att ha samma möjligheter till sex, i regel alltså. Det ligger liksom inte nån större prestation i att ha fötts med en fitta som det är i att ha skaffat karriär, pengar, karisma, muskler osv.

Sen är det ju inte så att de flesta män får high 5's för att knulla, tvärtom hatas det otroligt mycket på män som tar för sig mer än andra. Det kallas "gubbsjuka" ifall man gillar unga fräscha fittor och man kan kallas "creep" och "fuckboy" och allt möjligt idag för rena smågrejer.

Men ja, att sitta med en kvinna och sen försöka påvisa som nån jävla teknik om hur pass himla tolerant och icke-dömande man är, enbart för att få kunna få ligga, är bara patetiskt och för PUA-aktigt.
Hänger inte här längre men är alltid sugen på att ta en öl ifall nån här har vägarna förbi Köpenhamn/Malmö. Skriv då till: resurso@hotmail.com

The less fucks you give, the more fucks you get.
2016-06-13,02:11, (Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2016-06-13,02:45 av {2} ridiculousbeast.)
Inlägg: #4
RE: Sexual desire, dominance & masculinity
(2016-06-12,09:59)TonightIsTheNight Skrev: Dina artiklar är _awesome like peanut butter_! Ser fram emot den om outer game.
thx dude

No I don't agree at all. I have never had money, fame, etc etc but have kept models around. Now, I haven't done exclusive relationships much, but I am pretty sure these girls have often not slept with other dudes while dating me.
I also have a couple of friends who have insane game. They are keeping models around without money, fame etc.

No validation seeking. Strong boundaries. Purpose. Willingness to walk away.
Some women will cheat almost no matter what as well, just like some men will. Can't win every game.

Also depends on a girl's lifestyle. Is she partying on boats in Nice? Flying to Vegas to hang with Bilzerian? Then forget about keeping her from cheating. Whether ultimate man or not.

But a regular hot girl who doesn't do drugs with a-list celebrities and billionaires is not impossible to keep around without being the ultimate man.

A "regular" 10 who is just getting hit up all the time but doesn't live a crazy party life doesn't need you to be the ultimate man. I mean it doesn't hurt but money, fame, etc isn't really needed. And if you're looking for an exclusive relationship I assume you're not looking to have a relationship with a girl who's going to vegas every other weekend. Those girls aren't even loyal to Justin Bieber lol

Just like guys who party with 10 horny models aren't loyal even to Sienna Miller, Miranda Kerr or Beyonce.

The reason I firmly believe this is because I've seen it happen first hand. I've been casually dating model girls and I'm fully sure they haven't been sleeping around. I haven't investigated though so I can't bet my life on it but honestly I don't even care. I'm rarely dating less than 3 at a time and can't even bother thinking about what she does with her pussy. Second is like I stated above, have friends who have done the relationship thing without being rich, ripped etc and they have kept girls around.
Now we can't know for sure these girls have never cheated but I'd be very surprised if they did. Also doesn't help me living my life in fear like that.

One friend is a short, chubby, bald dude who is the craziest natural I've ever met. He makes an average living He keeps these girls around. They don't cheat.

Well there's short term and long term mating strategies for women, just like men. It can actually be evolutionary winning. Read Evolutionary Psychology by David Buss or Selfish Gene. They actually talk about this.
But my point is not about hypocrisy being real or not. I just want to make my point that I won't judge and women shouldn't be judged.
I don't care whether they OBJECTIVE should or shouldn't. For my purposes I don't want them to be shamed.
And it doesn't sound PUA weird when you do it right, AT ALL. Ime it has been really effective. Oh and like I said - get over it for real. I didn't say just use a technique to imply this - actually stop being weird about it.

And yeah, as a guy I def get high fived a lot from more than just community people. A woman sure doesn't.

But at the end of the day it's more important to just unplug from validation. That'll make her more down than any other "technique". But this shit def helps. A lot.

Why don't you write an artcile on your take on this? Not sure but you're getting laid a lot right? So give us your thoughts. I'm not preaching any dogma here man. Give us your take on this, your experiences, what's been working for you etc etc

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