Symptom utav att sluta runka!
Inlägg: #1501
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
(2013-12-10,20:07)Evilvalle Skrev: För er på NoFAP, DO NOT EDGE


Citat:230+ Days Of No Porn, 30+ Days Of No Edging (General Feelings, Tips, Advice, Opinions, etc)
I stopped watching porn on June 8, 2011 and haven't seen a naked girl on my screen (in any form) since then. However, a crucial mistake that I was making, up until 32 days ago, was EDGING. I saw very little, to no, progress for the first 6 months or so, and never completely contributed this to edging (partly out of denial, and partly because it was second nature and something I didn't think about very much when it was happening). So, for the past 30 days, I've been seeing massive progress. FINALLY! Here are my experiences up until now, as well as some tips and advice:

Trodde edging innebar att man runkade till porr/kolla på porr, men inte ejakulerade?

Men är det edging bara att ta på penisen? Även i ett icke sexuellt syfte? HÄnder ju ibland att man låter handen vila över bollarna när man kollar på TV... varför vet jag inte lixom, känns väl bra att skydda kronjuvelerna i guess..

Update för mig: 19 dar eller nåt.. Börjat drömma sexy dreams, förrgår och inatt Big Grin rätt mysigt.. samt att jag uppskattar kvinnoparfym till tusen!!
men känns fortfarande som man har lite ED.
Inlägg: #1502
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
Dunno, jag tar på penis då och då, tror det är porr/runka till porr som suger!

Ye mycket vanligt, din libido kommer snart tillbaka.
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #1503
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
(2013-12-10,20:07)Evilvalle Skrev: För er på NoFAP, DO NOT EDGE

Well denna e ju omöjlig för alla jelqare och pumpare
Inlägg: #1504
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
Jelq o no wank är en jävel att knäcka
Extreme Living
Never complain - never explain
Inlägg: #1505
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
Jelq och no runk är ju nästan per defenition paradoxalt.
"Do you mind if I sit back a little?
Because your breath is bad- it really is."

- Donald Trump, to Larry King, on CNN'S "Larry King Live".
Inlägg: #1506
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
Att inte röra penis är ju givetvis omöjligt om man ska jelqa. Vad jag personligen gör är att jelqa utan sexuella tankar.
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #1507
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
40åring går från 500ng/dl till 900ng/dl testo, 90 days no fap

You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #1508
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
(2013-12-12,21:19)Evilvalle Skrev: 40åring går från 500ng/dl till 900ng/dl testo, 90 days no fap


nofap är the shit, men läs även detta:

"I would recommend the use of meditation and spirituality if possible, to complete this journey. That helped a lot.
I also used this time to greatly improve my health and nutrition. I get on the bike every morning at 7:30 Am and do about 3 miles. That was never the case before. I do ~30% raw food in my diet now, and do lots of high quality supplements and amino's. "

han fortsatte inte leva som ett retard utan börja även sköta kost och träning samtidigt, troligen större påverkan än nofap skulle jag gissa
2013-12-12,23:05, (Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2013-12-12,23:09 av {2} illdan.)
Inlägg: #1509
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
(2013-12-12,22:55)Benson! Skrev: nofap är the shit, men läs även detta:

"I would recommend the use of meditation and spirituality if possible, to complete this journey. That helped a lot.
I also used this time to greatly improve my health and nutrition. I get on the bike every morning at 7:30 Am and do about 3 miles. That was never the case before. I do ~30% raw food in my diet now, and do lots of high quality supplements and amino's. "

han fortsatte inte leva som ett retard utan börja även sköta kost och träning samtidigt, troligen större påverkan än nofap skulle jag gissa

Säkert. Men det är ju no-fap som hjälper oss många att vilja träna/äta nyttigt och improve:a våra liv Big Grin

edit: Verkar som min ED börjat försvinna nu, haft några stånd under dagen... Shit, nu börjar den svåra utmaning med no-fap på riktigt Big Grin
Inlägg: #1510
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
(2013-12-12,22:55)Benson! Skrev: nofap är the shit, men läs även detta:

"I would recommend the use of meditation and spirituality if possible, to complete this journey. That helped a lot.
I also used this time to greatly improve my health and nutrition. I get on the bike every morning at 7:30 Am and do about 3 miles. That was never the case before. I do ~30% raw food in my diet now, and do lots of high quality supplements and amino's. "

han fortsatte inte leva som ett retard utan börja även sköta kost och träning samtidigt, troligen större påverkan än nofap skulle jag gissa
Nice find brother, totally agree.

Typ två månader kvar för mig innan första året är avklarat.
Inlägg: #1511
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
(2013-12-12,22:55)Benson! Skrev: nofap är the shit, men läs även detta:

"I would recommend the use of meditation and spirituality if possible, to complete this journey. That helped a lot.
I also used this time to greatly improve my health and nutrition. I get on the bike every morning at 7:30 Am and do about 3 miles. That was never the case before. I do ~30% raw food in my diet now, and do lots of high quality supplements and amino's. "

han fortsatte inte leva som ett retard utan börja även sköta kost och träning samtidigt, troligen större påverkan än nofap skulle jag gissa

Mkt möjligt. Grejen är att det aldrig gjorts några studier på folk som kört nofap under en lång tid (flera månader) där man undersökt eventuella testoökningar. Dock tenderar trådar som dessa dyka upp lite nu och då där personers testo ökat nämnvärt under dessa 90 dagar (eller mer), här har vi ett till exempel:



Fortf mycket broscience men det skulle inte förvåna mig öht om man kan se markanta testoökningar efter ett par månaders nofap.
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #1512
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
Även om man gjorde studier på det lär det ju vara svårt att isolera faktorn no fap / no porn som sådan från andra förändringar under perioden. Men jag kan tycka att det gör ganska mycket det samma om det är no fap i sig som gör skillnaden i T eller om no fap gör en mer driven och att som en bieffekt av det gör man saker som höjer T (träning osv)... eller en kombination.

Oavsett hur det påverkar T så är det ju the shit av andra skäl f.ö.
Will To Power.

Winning Beats The Game.

Inlägg: #1513
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
(2013-12-13,09:16)TonightIsTheNight Skrev: Även om man gjorde studier på det lär det ju vara svårt att isolera faktorn no fap / no porn som sådan från andra förändringar under perioden. Men jag kan tycka att det gör ganska mycket det samma om det är no fap i sig som gör skillnaden i T eller om no fap gör en mer driven och att som en bieffekt av det gör man saker som höjer T (träning osv)... eller en kombination.

Oavsett hur det påverkar T så är det ju the shit av andra skäl f.ö.

ja, jag hade velat se någon testa nivåer, köra 90 dagar nofap och testa igen, sen runka i 90 dagar, testa igen, och nofap 90 dagar och testa igen. samt försöka hålla träning, sömn, kost osv så stabil som möjligt under perioden, då kan vi börja snacka studier
Inlägg: #1514
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
Oavsett om nofap påverkar T el. annat hormon el. ej så visar min empiri på mig sj att jag blir mer "driven", mer "på g" å ambitiös i min vardag när jag undviker fapping än när jag fappar regelbundet (jag har alltid fappat till porr vilket jag då utgår ifrån när jag menar på fapping).

Why care why it works if it just works and aint hurtin' ya! Wink
Inlägg: #1515
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!

exakt. Spela roll vad fan som händer rent fysiskt. faktum är att det funkar, jävligt bra dessutom.

Sjukt vad starkt ens porrberoende är ändå.. spelar ingen roll hur mkt jag vill, förr eller senare syndar jag till porr iaf, även fast jag i stunden vet att det är "fel". Typ nu skulle jag kunna runka sönder, men ska hålla mig lol.
Inlägg: #1516
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
Några random inlägg gällande nofap och en ökning av kvinnlig uppmärksamhet:

Citat:This month, I got 3 women who explicitly told me that I was good looking, and if I was not married, they would want me.
The first was a mother of a friend. Second was an overseas colleague, third was a another person I just knew.
Wow. That has never happened to me before. It sort of feels harassed. Now I know how the ladies feel when they get unwanted male attention.
Citat:I'm going to receive a lot of flack for this but I'm working on a hypothesis that the increased attention from females when undergoing the nofap process is actually a result of some form of telepathy or quantum nonlocality. I'm only basing this theory on my own subjective experience and anecdotal evidence gathered from this site and others. It appears to me that women can, on some unconscious level, sense when a man is sexually 'primed'. Of course one could argue several things:
The man is merely carrying himself in a manner more appealing to females. This could be the case but I have received much more attention from females even when feeling pretty low/depressed on nofap.
The man is exuding pheromones of some sort. Again, quite possible, but even from across busy nightclubs, I've caught the eye of girls which normally doesn't ever happen when in PMO-mode. In such a setting, I doubt pheromones could be accountable for this increased attention.
Scientist Rupert Sheldrake has proven that telepathy is a real phenomenon via several experiments. Most notably, his book The Sense of Being Stared At, showed that participants in his experiment correctly guessed (far above chance rates) when they were being intently stared at by other participants. If we allow that telepathy is a real, although not fully understood, phenomenon then couldn't it be the case that it is being employed by females in a biologically useful application such as choosing highly virile male partners for mating purposes?
This is real drawing board stuff at the moment and needs a lot of work but I'd appreciate any thoughts you guys might have had about this. I'm by no means a scientist as you may have guessed but I do find this possibility fascinating to say the least.
Citat:I have always been known as a "nerd" or "geek" since grade 4 and my looks aren't the greatest. My friends consider me socially awkward and they have a point, its true.
When I started Nofap, I noticed two things: people would behave differently around you and girls seem to notice you and they have attempted to talk to me. I found this amazing. I soon relapsed and went on a fapping streak. This sort of behavior of peers stopped.
I've noticed almost every time I start a Nofapping streak, girls will notice your body's desire to find a mate, whether it be pheremones or whatever, its noticeable.
My confidence levels have boosted, and I pay more attention to my appearance.
I can actually talk to girls now.
Citat:So Im on day 37 and oh my fucking god, what is happening?! Girls are staring at me EVERYWHERE I GO.
Yesterday at the gym, I had several hot girls just sitting STARING at me, its like they are gravitating towards me.
Then today on the way home from work thru town, I look around and girls are looking at me from left and right.
When walking towards girls in the street many of them - not all, ofcourse, but MANY are looking me straight in the eyes in a very horny way.
Ive never ever gotten this much female attention in my entire life.
Can anyone please tell me what the fuck is going on? This is extreme and it sure as hell aint no fucking placebo, when I jerk it I NEVER get this much attention, EVER.
Anyone experienced this crazy thing?
Citat:Had to travel for work last week. At the client office I was pulled aside repeatedly by colleagues who told me several girls were asking about me. End of the project I received an email from one of my female clients that her colleagues noticed me and liked what they saw. Said that I'd be back. Played it cool. Prior to nofap this did not happen.
Citat:Trying no flap again after not doing it for a couple years. Noticed last time I got a lot of female attention, maybe because of the vibe I put out. Anyone else?
Citat:I wanted to dig deeper into this with you all cause out of all of the benefits of no fap, this one is the most amazing to me. In a thread I made last week, I mentioned how after a week into it, I started to once again notice the attention from females. Here was the theory I had on the matter:
I've been wondering about this for a while too. I've read in a few different places that women are great at picking up on very subtle things about men that we barely notice. They're not always attracted to men in the same way we're attracted to them (i.e. physical traits being #1). Attractiveness to a women is more so about attitude and personality. When you stop PMO, you no longer carry that shame and guilt or pathetic feeling about yourself. This in turn seems to change the way you carry yourself and is picked up on by women. Just my own theory about it, but it seems to be holding true. Since puberty, I was stuck in an endless cycle of daily PMO for 10 years. Not even a hint of a woman being attracted to me. Once I stopped, life made a complete 180. Not only were they now attracted to me, but I had the confidence to pursue without fear of rejection.
So based on my experience and the comments of others, the main reasons for it are:
You feel confident in the fact that you've accomplished something big (conquering your struggles). And the number 1 attractive trait to women is confidence.
You no longer reek of patheticness and shame from constant fapping so you carry yourself differently (sort of relates to #1).
The increased testosterone causes your body to give off certain non-verbal cues that women pick up on (deeper voice, clearer skin, etc.)
So those are just a few of the things I've heard mentioned so far. Anymore ideas (scientific or anecdotal) would be appreciated.
Citat:I've heard a number of people on this reddit claiming that not fapping for extended periods of time increases the attention you receive from the opposite sex and to be perfectly honest I thought they were making shit up. But as I have gone past the 1 month mark I'm noticing more unusual behaviour.
For instance the other day I had some cute girl outside my gym say Hi and smile for no apparent reason. Then again today I merely looked at another girl as I was walking into the gym and she gave me the biggest, most genuine smile I've seen from a women. And I've caught a number of girls checking me out; just a few observations I've made.
This may have been happening before but perhaps I was too caught up in my own little world that I missed all the obvious body language and positive energy but I don't think so. If there was ever an incentive to stick at something, this is it. Whether this is perhaps a placebo affect due to all the other post's I've read, saying exactly what I'm describing now, I'm not sure but I hope (and I am beginning to believe) that there is something more to it.
I honestly can't wait to see the positive changes in the weeks and months to come as I continue in this uncharted territory.
Citat:Hello all!
As all I stumbled upon the your brain on porn video on youtube and quickly realised that I could relate to it tremendously. Over the past months I have been able to build up a few short streaks, such as 20 days or so.
During those streaks some very strange things happened to me,(This would be the first time anything like this has happened before in my life). My first 20 or so day steak, I went to a party and fooled around with an incredibly good looking woman then the week after I lost my virginity.
Whilst being on quite high streaks I then realised that I could draw in more female attention. I am quite unsure on how this works but does anyone have any ideas?
Citat:When I am at the metro, or just walking down the street, I notice women looking at me more then they used to before. I am not sure if it is because of not fapping, or I am paying more attention to other women while commuting.
Like today, I am in the metro train and this cute chick is looking at me through the reflection. Then while walking home (I live near the university) a bunch of girls I walked by held eye contact.
Anyway, not gloating or anything. But, honestly I do feel like my confidence has gained a boost with this no fap, plus no porn.
Citat:A girl approached me on the bus to ask me some directions. We started to chat and her behavior went from friendly to flirty. She ended up missing her bus stop to stay a little longer with me.
I'm not in this to get the girls. I'm telling you this as an encouragement that NoFap changes people.
I can't explain it. Was it something that always happened, but I only started to notice it? Well, a strange (hot!) girl has never missed her bus stop to stay with me longer. Was I simply more confident? I can tell you I didn't act like a smooth playa, I was the good old slightly awkward me.
Did I simply misunderstand her friendliness for flirting? Nope, the change in her body language, voice and looks she gave me, her excuses to touch me, her giggling, her compliments were quite clear.
It was something I was unaware of, some unconscious signal I sent I'm satisfied with my healthy sexuality, and most importantly, something that could be perceived by people around me.
I hope it inspires all of you to persevere.
Citat:I never thought superpowers were real. I'm not superstitious by any means, even if I'm Christian. And I'm scientifically minded. I have a physics degree for crying out loud.
So when I read these articles on here of fellas who claim superpower status, I don't take it seriously. I never do. Didn't. Until today.
And Oh My God I love my Savior. Let me break it down.
I AM NOT INTERESTED IN MEETING WOMEN RIGHT NOW. Let me restate that: I am not interested in women. I blow them off, don't bother trying to explain myself to them, don't pay attention to them, and just be amicable - no more. I'm at two weeks, and it's all I can do to keep my focus and discipline my sexuality and be the best fapstronaut I can be right now.
Half the women I meet are staring at me when I catch them. I am not dressing any better ... intentionally. There's just something in the air. I don't know what it is. But they look. They smile.
I went to a temp agency today. Just being myself, minding my own business. Noticed that for some reason I'm standing taller though. This beautiful woman (unfortunately married) saunters down the hall, and she took one look at me and couldn't stitch a sentence together straight. I mean, she wasn't coming on to me at all, and I avoid hitting on married women (but she was so hawt) to glorify my Creator's reputation which I bear.
But every third or fourth sentence she was dropping spoonerisms, correcting her own grammar, running her hands through her hair, laughing even when I am not trying to be funny, and it goes on and on.
Like I said, I am not coming on to her at all. Not on any women. But today it was like wherever I went like I was wearing something I never had before. Weird. And I don't want the attention. I really don't like it.
But it keeps coming. They're relentless.
So, superpowers ... yeah. They're real. I'm afraid of what I'll be like in another 70 days.
Citat:Anyone got any thoughts on this? I've been NoFapping for a month now and I'm getting strong IOI's from women everywhere I go. I've even had women approach me on a few occasions. Feels surreal.

För mig är skillnaden i female attention också väldigt uppenbar jämfört med när jag brukade runka flertalet ggr varje vecka.

Det går sällan en enda dag nu för tiden där jag inte får flertalet kåtblickar av flickor på stan/gymet/tåget, nog för att jag fick en del uppmärksamhet förut också men skillnaden är stor.

För mig personligen kickade detta in efter 3-4månader.
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #1517
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
(2013-12-14,23:34)Evilvalle Skrev: Några random inlägg gällande nofap och en ökning av kvinnlig uppmärksamhet:

För mig är skillnaden i female attention också väldigt uppenbar jämfört med när jag brukade runka flertalet ggr varje vecka.

Det går sällan en enda dag nu för tiden där jag inte får flertalet kåtblickar av flickor på stan/gymet/tåget, nog för att jag fick en del uppmärksamhet förut också men skillnaden är stor.

För mig personligen kickade detta in efter 3-4månader.

Blev du biff kriminell före eller efter du slutade runka? Just wondering om det kan ha med det att göra
Inlägg: #1518
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
Alltså nae, jag var rätt biffig av mig även när jag runkade. Har väl något kg extra muskelmassa idag men någon större visuell skillnad kan jag ej påstå att det är.
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #1519
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!

Funderar på, ingen risk att det är farligt att ge fan i att runka/ha sex i allt för lång period??

Kroppen kasnke vänjer sig och så blir man nån jävla könlös asexuella snubbe!! Penis kanske ramlar av för kroppen anser att man inte längre har nytta för den? hahaha.
Inlägg: #1520
RE: Symptom utav att sluta runka!
Såja, såja. Försök inte rationalisera nu.

Artikeln innehöll för övrigt inte en enda källa.

FaceOfF Skrev:But a PUA, I am. Did you see me do my thing man?

Möjligen relaterade ämnen...
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  Symptom av att duscha kallt Entreprenören 35 32,593 2015-06-21,21:56
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