Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
Inlägg: #21
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | October 19th, 2009 at 3:29 PM
“Strength Of Reality” Part 3 Interestingly, I think a person’s innate awareness of their society provides a biological explanation for peoples’ spirituality. If every human is born with a mechanism in their brain to be aware of the higher power that is their society around them - which they need to fit into to survive, could it be that this is misunderstood by most people as God, religion or spirituality? That distinct feeling that most people get of a ‘higher power’ or of something that is bigger than them is interpreted by a lot of people to be a God or a spiritual force. I wonder if this distinct feeling of a higher power isn’t actually a God or a spiritual force, but rather just every human being’s evolved mechanism in their brain that makes them acutely aware of, and pay respect to, the society in which they belong? People fear, trust, have faith in and react to Gods and spirituality in the same way that they fear, trust have faith in and react to their society and the people around them. I Personally believe in evolutionary theory, but always wondered why I had distinct feelings of spirituality that others attributed to religion. I could never reconcile the two. My best guess now is that the spiritual feeling I experienced was my innate awareness of a higher power that isn’t the work of God or deities, but rather my inborn evolved mechanism in my physical brain that serves to pay attention to the social culture around me. Awareness of society as a higher power helps me to understand that I belong to a bigger force, human society, that I depend on to survive. I, like everyone else, is biologically driven to fit in more and more, to build a strong reality as reinforced and validated by the people around me. This need for an externally reinforced reality and a desire to fit in is true for most people, but not alpha males and those who have alpha mindsets. Understanding that spiritual feelings and that your awareness of a higher power is just an evolved mechanism in your brain is very important when it comes time to trust yourself and make your own decisions that go against the way you have been socially conditioned. Once we establish the fact that most people are striving to form and reinforce their reality, we can understand and explain why, for the most part, everyone you meet is insecure in one way or another. Usually people are a lot less secure than the way they behave when they’re around you and the way they interact with you. These feelings of insecurity go hand-in-hand with feelings of un-fulfillment, which most people struggle with on a daily basis. Feelings of un-fulfillment means you will be unattractive, and it means you won’t pick up girls for a few reasons. Firstly, girls are attracted to guys who are natural and the first sign of a natural guy is if he feels fulfilled in life and with himself, usually exhibited by an overt good feeling or state – if the guy feels fulfilled and good he will instantly inspire attraction in the girl. Secondly by nature, the way a man forms his reality is different to the way a woman forms her reality. Ultimately, a man has an ability to have a stronger reality than a woman, so if you have feeling of fulfilment and good state as a result it’s a reflection that you have a strong reality and you have something of value to her, and she is attracted to you because you can offer her a sense of security and the good feeling she gets from that. This means you will be better at picking up the girl because the girl will instantly categorise you as the sort of guy she would want to be with. A strong reality can come in two forms, but both of these forms are characterised by certain behaviours. When I did my Bootcamp many moons ago at a time when the Blueprint was still on the cusp of release, JLAIX taught me the importance of four things: core confidence, unreactiveness, offering value and being assertive. To be honest I didn’t really understand what these things meant, nor did I have any idea how it would help me pick up girls, and at the time I was pretty deeply immersed in all things self-help. So I imagine that other less learned students of the game would really struggle with comprehending these concepts, let alone implementing them... BY Alexander~ | October 21st, 2009 at 12:18 PM “Strength Of Reality” Part 4 Core confidence, unreactiveness, offering value and being assertive are all behaviours that inspire attraction in women. Not because of the behaviours themselves, but because they are the markers that you’re an alpha male – and thus, desirable to be with. On a superficial seminar level on bootcamp, these things made no sense to me, because they can’t be internalized through a seminar or reading online. They need to be internalised through life experience, and during my bootcamp those things were indeed internalized and have continued to be ever since. These things inspire attraction in women because men form their reality differently than women. The difference in men’s and women’s realities provide mutual evolutionary advantage, which has driven natural selection and left us with the genes we have inherited today. One way to demonstrate this difference is the caveman example, where men do the choosing and make the decisions and women vie to be chosen - or that man take risks to make progress and women question taking risks to mitigate danger. Again, of course, I'm just speaking emotionally and socially. In modern day, women and men are completely equal. But it is in the emotional and social realm that attraction and picking up girls exists. While men and women should form their realities differently, most men don’t behave like real men or ‘alpha males’. Instead, they act like women as well. These sorts of guys are called beta males, but are more well known as little bitches. Before we look at the way a strong male reality is formed with core confidence, unreactiveness, offering value and being assertive, we first need to look at the female reality and beta male realty - which is one and the same thing. For the purpose of understanding this, think of it in terms of females, beta males and alpha males in caveman times. The alpha male has an alpha reality and is self-reliant, so much so that others look to rely and depend on him. The females and the beta males have to rely on others. In a physical sense, all men have the potential to rely on themselves whereas women do not, especially during pregnancy – the primary difference between men and women. Through the process of evolution, women have developed an alpha/beta recognition system that rivals telepathic mind reading. When they sense the alpha male, they feel very strong attraction. When they sense the beta, they feel no attraction at all. If you can inspire women to feel attraction, then you pick up girls. If you can’t do this, then you won’t - and there are a lot of people out there who don’t get laid. In animal culture, all the females have an innate urge to mate with the one alpha male, whereas the beta males get left behind in the gene pool. This is not necessarily true in human culture, but it’s a similar dynamic. All the females look at the alpha male first and do silly things to make him their own (if they have the self-esteem to think they’re good enough for him). A commonly recited fact is that 20% of guys sleep with 80% of women. This is true - the men who behave like alpha males in today’s society sleep with all of the women. Those that don’t are not alpha males and are not getting laid. In modern society, how do women know if a man is an alpha male or not? In this day and age, there are probably a lot of men who have enough money to be self-reliant (a provider) and have a woman rely on him, yet these men don’t behave like alpha males. Through natural selection. women are simply hard-wired to be attracted to men who BEHAVE like alpha males. The way alpha males behave is with core confidence, unreactiveness, offering value and being assertive - the same ways that primitive males behaved in ancient times that caused females to evolve a recognition system in their brain that feels attraction for men who behave in certain ways, regardless of their modern day social status. A ‘modern day alpha male’ might be the head of a corporation, someone who inherited a company or someone born into privilege, but because they didn’t earn it or because reality has taken responsibility for them, instead of them having to become an alpha male by taking responsibility for their reality, many ‘modern-day alpha males’ don’t behave with core confidence, unreactiveness, offering value or being assertive, and hence they do not inspire attraction. Sometimes ‘modern day alpha-males’ do have the mindsets and behaviours of a traditional alpha male – Donald Trump is an example of this. Even though he is not the prettiest looking billionaire, I would image that if he was to lose his fortunes he would still inspire attraction in women. His mindsets and behaviours that have led to him to massive international business success would be the same mindsets and behaviours that would inspire attraction in women. Richard Branson is another example of this.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #22
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | October 26th, 2009 at 2:05 PM
“Strength Of Reality” Part 5 There is the Alpha male reality and there is the Beta male/female realities. This is best described diagrammatically. The most important thing to note is that the Beta/female reality is held in place by forces projecting inwards onto it from the world around it. It’s held in place by society and social feedback. The more it is held in place, the more social reinforcement an beta male/female receives, the stronger their reality is going to be. This is a representation of the notion of a ‘bucket with a hole in it’. It is the sense of self and reality that cannot be fulfilled and continually requires external reinforcement. So much so that it can literally become a draining force on others around it. If I was to show this diagrammatically it would look like this. This is the same dynamic as a black hole – you don’t want to be a social black hole. Contrary to the alpha male traits of core confidence, unreactiveness, offering value and being assertive the beta male/female reality is the opposite in all of these respects. Because alpha males and beta males are so polarised – significantly different – it’s very straightforward for a woman to instantly tell if any man is an alpha male, and attractive, or a beta male, and unattractive, immediately at the very moment she lays eyes on him. Usually this impression will be made sometime before you even start talking to the girl on your way to approaching her. So, understanding this, and how to be alpha, is extremely important if you want to form a strong reality, be attractive and have success when picking up girls. Alpha males have core confidence – betas/females seeks validation for confidence and are only contextually confident. They only feel confident when others give them permission. Alpha males are unreactive, beta males will react and ‘take to heart’ the opinions and actions of everyone around them, always seemingly fighting an uphill battle to be noticed, respected or taken seriously. Alpha males offer value – betas males suck value like black holes. As shown in the diagram beta males say things and take actions in order to get others to acknowledge them. For example, people who take value often throw out conversational threads that are ‘fishing for compliments’; “My first class trip to Paris was pretty cool.” Saying this is like the internal arrow coming from the place of small self esteem trying to project themself outwards to compensate for diminished self-esteem and is intended to project out to try and suck in reactions and validation, as demonstrated by the arrows projecting inwards onto the false and projected reality. At the same time, beta males' realities don’t just take value but they are defensive – they take actions to project defences against their diminished self-esteem being exposed. These actions and negativity are also coming from a place of diminished self-esteem. Alpha males are assertive – betas/females are passive, easily lead and lack in self trust and internal centeredness. One needs to know themselves and trust themself to be assertive, beta males and females don’t know themselves in the way alphas do. But because this beta/female reality is perpetually reinforcing, it does actually become quite strong. Think of the example of the teenaged female pop singer. If everyone tells her that she is awesome, she will think she’s awesome, but not because of internal confidence but because everyone told her she was allowed to have confidence. But such external confidence is fleeting and cannot be sustained. So, the minute the external validation ceases to be projected onto the pop singer, she’s going to be compelled to take actions to try and re-establish the former good feelings she was getting. But because she's chasing reactions, it will be coming from a place of diminished self-esteem and have a negative feeling about it. This is the same way that most beta males approach women. Maybe at one time in their life they had a girl give them a compliment or do something that validated them, which left them desperate to have that validation and the good feelings that came from it replicated or reinforced. It’s a negative self-perpetuating cycle that leads to the creation of chodes. BY Alexander~ | October 28th, 2009 at 2:33 PM “Strength Of Reality” Part 6 If you are a beta male or a female your reality can take any shape or form as long as it is something that is re-enforceable. The more it can be externally reinforced, the stronger your reality will be, the more you will feel like you fit in somewhere, the more secure you will feel, and from a secure reinforced feeling comes a good feeling. Although it seems like madness to think that some people will feel good from being a chode, let me explain how chodes are born. Imagine a beta male thinks that he can be a pick-up artist. He goes out and creates actions that come from a place of diminished self-esteem. He’s trying to create a strong reality of ‘pick-up artist’. But because he’s ultimately taking value by being a beta male, he won’t be attractive and girls won't like him. So, he will have the fact that he’s a chode reinforced so many times that soon he will just think that he’s a chode. Soon, he will become frustrated with all the bad feelings associated with trying to become a pick-up artist and quit trying because his primary drive as a human to live in a strong reality won’t materialize. Instead, he will accept he is a chode and look to reinforce that by taking no more actions. When he takes no more actions, the chode reality will become reinforced, a form of reality that will at least yield some good feelings that come due to an externally reinforced reality that leads to a secure feeling. This creation of the chode happens during the time teenage boys are going through social conditioning. They set out trying to get girls - they have mixed success, but at least some success early on, and then they strive for more success with girls to reinforce their reality in which they’re popular with girls and feel secure. But, as they get older they have to compete with older males who have gone before them who easily eclipse them and put them into place as beta males to them. So their chode reality is reinforced by the older alpha males that they’re eclipsed by, and they quit trying. Voila, modern day society is creating armies of chodes – about 80% or more of the male population. By the way, there are groups of alphas somewhere in ivory towers or running international banks that are eclipsing all of us and socially conditioning us, reinforcing that the average guy is just a chode - and that he should think and behave like a chode. The more a female reality or a beta chode reality is reinforced by external influences, the stronger the reality gets. Above is a reality scale. On the left of the centre axis is an alpha reality and on the right is a beta reality or a female reality. For the alpha reality, the more influence it has the stronger the strength of reality becomes. For the beta males and females, the more it gets externally held in place and reinforced by society, the stronger it becomes. Remember that a human's primary drive is a strong reality and most people are females and beta males all interacting with each other seeking contextual confidence, being reactive, taking value and being passive and victims of their surroundings. Suffice to say, society is in a bad way, but at least the few alpha males in the ivory towers have everyone ‘under the thumb’ which prevents the bloodshed and social chaos that have been the way of life since humans became humans. But most men aren’t born as chodes, they are free-willed and rambunctious children that act on their own intentions in the same way that alpha males do. All men have the potential to be alpha, but most get socially conditioned. Imagine that when a male is born he is at the bottom of the reality scale and in the middle. He both needs to rely on society around him and at the same time has ample impulses to express himself, adventure, take risks and push the boundaries of his influence. As males go through life they will have experiences. Experience itself will strengthen a man’s reality in one way or another. Life experience is directly proportionate to time. Even if you are doing nothing with your time, being passive and reactive to the world, this will constitute your life experience and the reality that you live in. If you are socially conditioned in this society you will be told to ‘sit down and shut up’. You will inevitably move from the weak reality centre point in the middle of the scale towards a beta reality. But at the same time you will constantly have underlying innate urges to be assertive, take risks and take responsibility for your reality instead of letting other people push you around. Most men have a weak reality because they continually swing between a reality where they obey social conditioning but want to be more proactive, and a reality where they take their own initiatives against social conditioning and do things their own way without wanting to stray too far away from the social standards that everyone around them lives by. Most men’s realities exist somewhere in this part of the scale, marked in blue.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #23
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | October 30th, 2009 at 2:15 PM
“Strength Of Reality” Part 7 Guys who exist on this part of the reality scale are characterized by having a lot of self-doubt, identity crises and inconsistency in the way they interact with other people. After a while, most succumb to social conditioning and succumb to a ‘chodey’ socially-conditioned reality. At least with this passive succumbing comes some good feelings, due to a sense of security in a strong reality that is continually reinforced, shown in blue below. Girls by nature have an externally-defined reality and it’s their sole purpose to have this reinforced through life, ideally by an influential alpha male. In modern day society, that would be a respected guy in the community or someone who is well-established and reliable. A young girl in society who is attractive, in good shape, educated and youthfully enthusiastic will be treated well by everyone. Her reality will be continually reinforced by everyone she meets and she will also take actions to retain good external reinforcement. This way she can get a good feeling through her having a secure reality. A hot girl's reality would fall somewhere on this part of the reality scale, shown in pink. For a hot girl, everything is given to her. She is adored and continuously complimented. Her reality is continuously and fortuitously strengthened. For young guys the same age as the hot girls, or guys without established contextual confidence, their reality is weaker than the girl's and thus they don’t feel as good about themselves as the girls they’re trying to pick up. When a guy with a weak reality tries to approach a hot girl, who usually has a very strong reality, it would compare like this: The girl can see what type of a guy he is, instantly – even before the guy starts talking to her – and she will usually blow the guy off immediately. When pick up gurus say that you need to be cooler than the girl, they mean that you need to have a stronger reality than the girl and have a better internal feeling than she does, through a secure sense of self. In terms of guys with externally-defined realities like rock stars, drug lords, sports stars or rich business chodes, their contextual confidence RELATIVE to other people who also live in their externally-defined realities is stronger. So these guys with contextual confidence have more unreactiveness, can offer more value and be more assertive, as long as it exists in the bounds of their contextual confidence. Even though these guys only have contextual confidence in their context, they can afford to behave in similar ways to an alpha male. And of course these behaviours, in context, inspire attraction in the girls the interact with. An example of a rock star talking to a groupie, or a college quarterback talking to his cheerleaders would compare like this, where the guy has the stronger reality and therefore has a better feeling about himself through sense of security of self: To be the guy with the most contextual confidence is a difficult thing to do. To be the best football player, the biggest pimp, the most hardcore drug lord or the rock star is near to impossible. These guys think and act in ways that inspire attraction because everyone gave them that permission. But in the realities of the 99% of guys trying to get into their positions, they don’t have the permission from others or the contextual confidence to think and behave in ways that inspire attraction in women – so they don’t get girlfriends. Even in the case of the rock star, drug dealer, sports star or business mogul, their title and contextual confidence is a fleeting and inconsistent thing, and like beta male and female realities their's is a reality that is essentially a bucket with a hole in it that can never be filled. This type of contextual confidence game cannot be sustained. Sooner or later, the crutch will be kicked out from under the externally-formed reality and the reality comes crashing down like a house of cards. This is called an identity crisis. When your reality comes crashing down you can lose your girl among many other things. This is why a lot of budding pick-up artists can pick up girls inconsistently, but struggle to keep the girls when they do. Again, this is why so many people turn to drugs – to escape the seemingly insurmountable task of being internally-fulfilled and attractive to women. Remember, it’s not what you do, who you are, your social status or your bank account that inspires attraction in women. It’s the way you behave that inspires attraction in women. Granted that enough money, status, or notoriety can lead you to think you are allowed to act in alpha ways. But really, any guy can act in ways that inspire attraction in women because any guy has the potential to be an alpha male. A straightforward way to summarize the combination of core confidence, unreactiveness, offering value and assertiveness is with the word CONFIDENCE. Confidence is a mindset that is reflected in a man’s behaviour. It is the ways a man’s behaviours reflect his mindset that inspires attraction or not. So confidence is the key to the attraction inspiring behavioural traits. The best way to understand and implement confidence is to understand that CONFIDENCE HAPPENS WHEN YOU PERCEIVE THAT NOTHING HOLDS YOU BACK. This definition explains why five year old children can be just as confident as rock stars, sports stars and millionaires, if not more so. Really, the key to confidence and a strong reality, and its properties of core confidence, unreactiveness, offering value and being assertive is having no limiting beliefs. Achieving a mindset with no limiting beliefs is a whole ‘nother article, but for this article I will assume that you have no limiting beliefs. In a beta male’s reality, his confidence is destroyed by limiting beliefs and he is stifled and held back by his limiting beliefs – as a result he can never behave in a way that inspires attraction. The fact of the matter is, a limiting belief can only exist if you let it exist. BY Alexander~ | November 2nd, 2009 at 4:30 PM “Strength Of Reality” Part 8 An alpha male and a man with confidence has the perpetual mindset of ‘if anyone can do it, I have as good a chance of getting it done as anyone else’. This is in congruence with a man’s innate alpha trait of ‘being a man of action’. This is a non-assuming mindset, an assuming mindset would be reliant on external factors – limiting beliefs can only exist in assumptions. If a man can retain the mindset of ‘if anyone can do it, I have as good a chance of getting it done as everyone else’ then from the time he is born to the day he dies, he will progress along the reality scale until he is a true alpha male. But of course, he has to contend with social conditioning and competition from other males that will look to eclipse him and stifle him so that they can retain influence and stifle any other potential alpha males from influencing them. This is how natural selection works. It is survival of the fittest and strongest. In the wild, it is the fittest and strongest that become the alpha males and survive. In emotional and social society, it is the guys with the strongest willpower, discipline and those who make the effort to generate influence that are the alpha males and get girls. Willpower and whether or not you make an effort in life is the difference between you being a good person or a bad person. To be yourself means behaving in congruence with what you physically are AND using what you physically are to take action and have influence. If a guy can use his willpower, discipline and effort, he can form and retain a strong reality that will only build momentum all his life. From the time he gets a taste of what it’s like to be an alpha male, he will never want to go back to being a beta male. The primary difference between alpha males and beta males or females is that alpha males are self-reliant and take responsibly for themselves and their reality, whereas beta males and females must rely on others to take responsibility for them on one level or another. Beta males rely on alpha males for jobs, alliances or protection, whereas women rely on alpha males for protection and emotional security. In primitive times, females wanted protection from the elements and other men, something that alpha males could provide that they couldn’t get for themselves, and though evolution females become attracted to men who behaved in alpha ways. In modern society, the deep emotional impulses remain. Alpha males in modern society have a fulfillment and strength of reality that is completely self-reliant. On an emotional and social level, modern women can have plenty of happiness and a very strong reality, but they will never have that autonomous fulfillment that an alpha male can have. But, for a modern day woman, fulfillment can be gained from a relationship with an alpha male who is internally fulfilled. All people seek a strong reality for security and good feelings to fit into society. Women form a very strong reality through external reinforcement. Alpha males form a strong reality in a completely different way, through self-fulfillment that is autonomous and independent of external reinforcement – it is drawn from internal strength (willpower, determinedness, resilience, proactive effort), and is strong enough for others to rely on. An alpha male with an extremely strong reality is something that beta males and females can rely on. A female with a strong reality will have an even stronger reality when she is coupled with an alpha male, and she will have even better feelings than when she is on her own. That’s why women are attracted to men – a good feeling that comes from the security he can provide her that she can’t entirely provide for herself. That is why, as a man, it is important to have a strong, dependable and influential reality. Without it, you won’t be attractive, and evolutionarily, you wouldn’t survive when you die. In terms of pick up, when you are in the club and going after girls with very strong, externally reinforced and externally validated realities, you need to have a stronger reality than them to offer them value and have any chance of picking them up. If you have nothing to offer the girls, then there is no reason why they would want to engage in talking to you or spend any time with you. Even though hot girls in the club do have very strong and continually reinforced realities, it can never be as strong as an internally defined and autonomous alpha reality. When a hot club girl comes across an alpha male as a source of strength, if she were to be validated by it, then it would make her reality even stronger through even stronger sources of external validation than she had previously known. Therefore, she would feel better than she already felt. This is what it means to offer value
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #24
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | November 6th, 2009 at 3:30 PM
“Strength Of Reality” Part 9 To be an alpha male you need to have the mindset that ‘if something can be done, I have as good a chance as anyone else of doing it’. This is self-assurance, not arrogance – arrogance doesn’t set out to take action but rather rests on its laurels or what it claims to be able to do. In the alpha headspace of ‘if something can be done, I have as good a chance as anyone else of doing it’ you will naturally and automatically have core confidence, unreactiveness, you will offer value and you will be assertive. When you automatically and unconsciously exhibit these behaviours you will inspire attraction in women because they are evolved to be attracted to alpha males. And women have a telepathic ability to recognize an alpha male. You will have core confidence because you will trust in what you are as a man and put no obstacles or limiting beliefs between you and your objectives. You will be unreactive because you will shun or ignore other people’s efforts to stifle you or put doubts in your mind about yourself – you will hold your course free from external forces influencing your core purpose as an alpha male. You will offer value because you will become someone of integrity that other people can rely on and always get a good feeling of security and validation from. And you will be assertive in that you follow your instincts for honourable purposes, to create a positive dominant influence and to seek fulfilment through benefiting others though your good influence on them. These are all good things and fulfilling to an alpha male. The more you behave in alpha ways, the stronger your alpha reality will become and the more efficient at inspiring attraction you will become. But, an alpha reality doesn’t get stronger through reinforcement, rather it gets stronger through momentum, decisiveness, magnitude and frequency of behaviors. An alpha reality gets stronger as your influence increases. Metaphorically, you become more influential and more attractive to women in the same way that water siphons out of a tube drawing from a positive internal source, some call this the ‘infinite well’. The more momentum you have drawing from a source of good autonomous energy source inside of you, the stronger your reality, the more ability you will have to inspire attraction, the more you will pick up girls. The hottest girls. So, what I have talked about and shown in this article goes hand-in-hand with the attraction formula. Attraction equals higher value plus a full range of emotions, to the power of infinity. If you have a stronger reality than the girl, then she will notice immediately and be interested in you. If you have a strong reality and she has engaged you, then she will be reactive to you as you have an influential reality over hers. If you are the one doing the influencing then you are going to be a source of stimulus for those around you. Stimulation is emotionally arousing and women become turned on when they are emotional aroused. Because you are a source of stimulation, and your strong reality is a source of continual and dependable validation, people around you will continue to gravitate towards you and attraction has infinite potential. A strong reality makes you very attractive - the stronger the better. If you don’t have a strong reality and you want to get one, then that involves a rite of passage and finding your indifference threshold. In terms of the strength of reality graph, that would involve a situation when your chode reality came crashing down, where you hit the bottom, then started climbing back up. This time taking responsibility for everything, ‘the buck stops with you’. Tangibly, this is done through congruence tests and retained through congruence tests. Congruence tests is the gymnasium of social and emotional experience and growth in natural game. The learning of natural game and transformations is another in depth article. I have began to plan it and map it out. It will be comprehensive. When you move away from having your reality externally-defined and reinforced to being internally-defined, and you build momentum of influence, you become socially versatile. Those principles will be totally explained in yet another in depth article.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #25
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | November 11th, 2009 at 3:22 PM
The Best Ever Date I know that Jeffy, Ryan and Christophe claim to have the best day two known to man. They’ve tried and tested it successfully many times over, even I tried out their day two scenario while I was up there. The girl loved me, which made sense, but Ryan and I fast got into a situation where we both loved the same Girl, while her friend was definitely a minger, and as the night wore on it seemed that the minger liked that old Sparky and for the purposes of winging, he was going to end up with her. We did the date. We drank the cheap San Francisco sangria, and ‘car slammed’ the girls before taking them back to Jeffy’s house where Ryan lived and I stayed. We were all pretty drunk. I was on with my girl and I think the minger was warming up to Ryan times of love that night – but Ryan wasn’t warming up to this idea, and he didn’t like the idea I was with the cuter of the two girls either. He and I are extremely competitive. Credit to him though, he’s ‘beating me’ this year. Back at Jeffy’s house my date and I were kissing. Out of nowhere, the minger friend comes charging downstairs, grabs my date from me – mid-embrace – and leads her out the door. Head spinning from makeout times and plenty of cheap sangria I wondered why this had happened, and why had I surely been the reason this girl would get the Blue Cunt. Ryan answered my questions with his brief, slurred and pissed-off explanation. He said he was pissed that he had to occupy the minger friend, but he did his best in the interests of Alexander~. He took his girl on a brief tour of the house then lead her to his bedroom, where she eagerly followed. He pointed outside at the stars, said the words “look, romantic”, then he pointed at the bed and said “look, bed” and proceeded to take off his clothes – except for his socks. And due to Ryan’s tolerance for the minger running out and him getting arrogant with her, she ran downstairs and pulled a great escape on me. Funny times Ryan, but I didn’t get laid so I argue my date is better. I grew up in South East Queensland in Australia, with an extreme scarcity mindset. For a long time, dates were few and far between, so when I went on one – about once every solar equinox – I wanted my date routine to be perfect. With little time taken up by social engagements, I had plenty of time to myself to plan the perfect date. When I discovered this date, my prior chodely planning served me well. The date went like this... Before self-actualization, I used to get a lot of numbers thinking that that was the goal, and of those numbers maybe something might happen with one of the girls. For the most part, they would just ignore the calls. And if I did get them on the phone they didn’t remember me, or they didn’t want to. When I did get them on the phone, I just tried to convince them to see me. Yuk times, but once in a while it worked. Because I was a chode, I wanted to do elaborate date things all the time. Like mystical adventures beyond the horizon of Southern Brisbane, including music by Coldplay. I’d usually spend the entire day washing my car in preparation, get a haircut, clean my room in case she came back home with me and make sure I had nothing on the next day – in case it was going to be a long night. I’d like it when the girl met me at my place, that way we would have to be back at my place by the end of the night. I’d never tell the girl what I’d planned for us on the best date of her life. She’d just show up then I'd whisk her away in my car like a degenerate finding a crack rock on the ground. Desperate times. Then we’d start driving, and it was quite a drive. My destination was invariably the drive-in cinema. Realistically, this was a pretty cool idea for a date - classic movie for a date, but it was a bit different and creative. It's just me and the girl, a chance to talk on the way there as it was about an hour drive. All the while, the girl's anticipation and curiosity would rise as she wondered where I was taking her. The Drive-In was in the middle of nowhere. I wonder in hindsight if they thought I was taking them to meet their morbid end? 50-50. On the drive, I planned a route that had plenty of landmarks to talk about. I'd strategically turn up the radio to tease the girl and make silly little jokes, like if she’s silly she has to walk home – haha. The thing where you turn up the volume of the stereo when the girl is talking is actually kinda funny and a playful way to tease a girl, like flirting. All the while, suspense built as to where we were going. When monolithic silver screen rose up from the middle of Yatala bushlands, the girl would make some kind of gleeful chirping or humming sound and congratulate me for a good idea and being clever. Another good thing about drive-ins is that they’re pretty cheap compared to conventional movies, but just as good quality as long as you have a transparent windscreen. If you have a sick subwoofa, car stereo, that’s a bonus because you can tune your car radio into the movie soundtrack. There, I'd be all tough and order the girl to get me some popcorn. Sometimes I'd make the ‘if you don’t do it you have to walk home’ joke again. They would usually say it wasn’t funny the first time. And then the movie played. And I really like watching movies, so even if it was awkward with the girl I could just watch the movie and eat my popcorn. I’d also text people so that I might get a text back, so the girl I was with saw me getting heaps of texts and think I was cool. But me watching the purpose served to get the girl inside her head. After doing this drive-in movie thing 10-15 times I was just so comfortable being there, in my car, with my popcorn watching movies that the girls would frequently ask me ‘if everything was ok’, as if to ask me if I was going to make a movie on them or something... or just sit there and watch the movie. I wanted to watch the movie. Plus, others could see us and the car is kinda awkward, my car was dirty and sticky to begin with. The movie would conclude. We had rapport. She was inside her head building anticipation and curiosity and I still had to drive her back to my place. The thing that made this such a good date is the next bit. After not making a move during the movie, even though I could have, and some of the time the girl even challenged me to, the dynamic between me and her was not ‘boy trying to score with girl’ but rather, ‘girl wondering why boy who’s not weird doesn’t want to score with her?’. Good dynamic. So on the way home, we’d drive to a city lookout that wasn’t mapped that I’d found years earlier. Because I didn’t want the girl to know where it was, or find her way back there I always asked them to close their eyes on the drive up there. This served to build more suspense. Why did I go to the lookout? I liked Coldplay and I was a chode...a love of lookouts are part of that equation. I liked to go there when I was clear and quiet at night to think. I thought, I might as well bring the girl as well. With her eyes closed, we’d pull up and I’d lead her hand-in-hand to the steps, guide her up them until the point where she could see the entire city and when the view was in front of her I’d tell her to open her eyes. The walk, where she had to hold my hands for guidance, was like those trust test things you do at work where you have to fall backwards, but far more sensual, where all she could smell was my cologne and all she could hear was my voice. When I first did this it was to keep my lookout a secret, but I now realise how arousing this would have been. Alone, with a great dynamic, with plenty of rapport and the girl completely immersed in my quirky little world it was usually on. I was never one to not make a move on a girl except for one girl when I was a bitch. So up there we’d makeout for a bit. It was cold she we would have to be close. We couldn’t sit down so we’d have to get close with hugging and whatnot. And then, to get me back to the car I’d tell her to lead me back to the car with my eyes closed this time. More fun for everyone, and more rapport as well. By this stage I was usually well and truly in, and sometimes I would start hooking up with girls in the car and get very intimate there and then. But, most of the time I had to take her back to my house where her car was waiting. But olden-chode me of doom had planned this too. Before I knew about the idea of seeding ideas for her to come back into my house, I would always make sure she had plenty of water or soda to drink on our date so that by the time we got back to my place she was in dire need of a bathroom. There were no proper bathrooms in the outback cinema or at the lookout. This usually served the purpose to get the girl into the house. Later on I wouldn’t do this. I’d either just ask the girl inside, or show her Google Earth or the electric blue African cichlids in my chode fishtank. Once inside at my place, I’d pretty much just make a move and hope for the best. Some of the times this would work. A lot of the time it wouldn’t. But I began to enjoy going to the drive-in movie and going to the lookout afterwards, that I began to do it every time I had the rare chance to go on a date. When I began to get into Real Social Dynamics and my phone numbers began to get solid, I found myself taking up to three girls a week to the cinema and the drive-in. At the same time, I had a volley of texts going back and forth with all the girls I was trying to play. To the girls I was on dates with, it looked like I was a popular and in-demand guy and it was becoming more and more true. Once I made the shift from the scarcity to abundance mindset, I took LOTS of girls on the date and had lots of success with them. At one point, I stopped going on the epic drive-in date from o’er the horizon and instead took them to a local cafe. The dates were just as successful, because they’re attracted to the guy not the date, but it just wasn’t the same as popcorn in the Mitsubishi and driving adventures with the girl. So I kept on going on the ultimate date... and I still do, when in my home city. Glory and growth, Alexander~
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #26
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | November 16th, 2009 at 3:07 PM
In Conclusion: Strength of Reality Series “What does it mean to have a strong reality, and why is it even important?” If you have a reality that is stronger than the girl you are trying to pick up than you have something to offer her that she isn’t getting for herself. The stronger your reality, the stronger your internal sense of security. With your internal sense of security comes positive and calming feelings. To have a weak reality means you feel vulnerability, anxiety and negativity. For a guy, a strong reality can come in two forms: externally-derived or internally-defined. Both can be strong realities, but one is resilient and can be absolute, while the other is fleeting and vulnerable. In the case of the strong externally-derived reality, it usually means that you have more contextual confidence relative to the girl. It means that in that situation, you have a stronger security of reality and therefore a better internal feeling about yourself than she does. If the girl connects with you emotionally, then her sense of self (her reality) is strengthened because when she is with that guy, her reality is being strengthened and validated by a stronger source. She is attracted to a guy with higher value than she has. The things that make a guy valuable to a girl is if he has strong positive and secure feelings that come from having a stronger sense of self. But, an externally-defined reality is EXTERNALLY-DEFINED, so it is always at the mercy of external elements and influences. His reality is formed through validation seeking actions and him identifying with abstract external labels and identities. If a guy’s reality is externally formed then it can be externally broken. One day he can be attractive to girls, but If his reality should be broken by an external source the next day, then he would no longer be high value. Some people call this an identity crisis. For people learning how to become better at picking up women, this explains their inconsistencies and frustrations. In the case where the guy defines his reality internally, it is safe from external fluctuations and is more consistent and can always be stronger. An internally-defined reality can be ABSOLUTE or 100%, whereas an externally-derived reality can never be ABSOLUTE or 100%. An internally-defined reality is formed through proactivity, initiative, willpower, effort and decisiveness. The foundations of an internally-defined reality are positive, whereas the foundations of an externally-derived reality are negative. Girls are attractive to guys who have any type of stronger reality than them, but they are more attracted to guys who have internally-defined realities because they pick on the positive vibes of internally -efined realities. A woman’s recognition system instantly categorizes those types of guys as alpha males. They are attracted to those guys. If you are one of those types of guys, picking up becomes easy. A guy who has a stronger reality than a girl is attractive to her because he is less reactive to her than she is to him. A guy with an internally-defined reality is not only less reactive to the girl than the girl is to him, but he is unreactive to the world itself. Unreactiveness leads to core confidence. Core confidence leads to automatically offering value and when you know you are offering value you can supercharge your attraction by asserting that value. Picking up becomes more effective. Unreactiveness, core confidence, offering value and assertiveness are all behavioral patterns that girls recognize as alpha and they instantly categories that guy as attractive. When a girl makes this alpha male categorization, that guy gets high value status in that girl’s emotional perception. When that guy is higher value than the girl, the girl is reactive to him. She will become nervous but attentive around him. The more time a guy with a strong reality spends with a girl with a relatively less strong reality, the more she will react to him. Each reaction she has to him, the more he becomes a source of arousal and the more she becomes aroused. Arousal is EMOTIONAL STIMULATION. Attraction builds when high value is combined with emotional stimulation. A = HV + E. Girls’ realities are inherently different from guys’ realities. Guys are designed to be delusionally confident and delusional confidence stems from a delusional sense of self trust. Innate emotional self trust is what guys have that girls don’t have as much of, and that’s what girls want from a guy: a guy who is being the man he is supposed to be. Girls innately have a more skeptical and cerebral reality, as a result of being less physically versatile in the natural world. Humans have evolved in a way that men are the risk takers and women are the risk questioners. Between these two opposing forces, they find some happy medium and offer mutual value. The woman urges the man to take fewer risks to be safer, but men look to take more risks to conquer more territory or gather more influence. Girls are attracted to ‘ballsy’ guys. ‘Ballsy’ guys have the strongest internally-defined reality because they are deluded in their sense of entitlement, strength, capacity and abilities. For a girl to spend time with a ‘ballsy’ risk taking guy, she will be very aroused because she will always react to him. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, that type of guy is high value to her because he has a very powerful feeling of internal strength that the girl wants more of in her own reality. She feels safe, and therefore good, when she is with a man with a strong reality. That’s what it means to have a strong reality and that’s why it is important to have one. It’s just as important to have the right type of strong reality. How do you go from having a weak reality to a strong one? In short: nominate your path and goals and follow them. Seek to remove blindspots. Firmly adhere to your personal boundaries, and come into congruence with Presence, Positive-Dominance and being a Man of Action. Are there different degree of Alphaness and Betaness? Yes. But somewhere between the two there is a DEFINITE divide point - this idea is more important than the degree to which someone is alpha or beta. The varying degrees of alphaness depend on how many times (socially and emotionally) that the guy is reactive, relies on his context for confidence, how often he takes value and how often he asserts value taking. Degrees of betaness depends on how often a beta male or female has core confidence, is unreactive, offers value and is assertive with that value. How do you know when you are an alpha male? You are an alpha male when your own (social and emotional) opinions of yourself are more important to you than the reactions and opinions of other people. But this is only true if you have no blindspots. Can beta males get girls? Yes, if they have a stronger reality than the girls. But it's easy for the beta males reality to fluctuate, and with that their attraction from girls fluctuates. Can Alpha males with an absolute reality get girls? Yes. They are higher value than everyone in their own reality. When they interact with girls, the girls are reactive to these guys and the alpha male inspires a full range of emotions in the girl. Girls are usually shy and nervous around alpha guys and they test them a lot. But don’t worry - tests give you a chance to overtly DHV. Remember that when girls give shy and nervous reactions, it’s the true IOI. In conclusion, having a strong reality of the right type will help you pick up a lot of girls. Open your eyes to the strength of reality matrix. Alexander~
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #27
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | December 2nd, 2009 at 8:12 PM
Inner Game: Magna Carta The most important notion in the game is the idea that ‘my game is a fucken ten’. But who actually and wholeheartedly believes that their game is a fucken ten? I know that Tim does – without a doubt Tim does. I know that even some of the most experienced playa’s in the game struggle with maintaining that belief all-day every day. The best in the game identify with, and are congruent to, the idea that ‘their game is a fucken ten’. And that’s what makes them the best. It starts with what they believe. Truly believing that ‘your game is a fucking ten’ is a mindset. Your mindset is kind of like your cognitive software. Your mindset is your belief system. Your software/belief system/mindset is the control centre of your existence that autonomously dictates your automatic behaviours (or lack thereof) and your automatic responses/reactions (or lack thereof). With the right mindset, you will automatically generate attractive behaviours and automatically respond attractively. With the right mindset, you will have an ability to NATURALLY pick up girls. With the wrong mindsets, you will not automatically generate the correct behaviours and responses, and NATURAL GAME will simply be beyond you. The importance of inner game: Inner game is deep and philosophical and shallow and superficial at the same time. On the deep level, it’s the fine tuning of your mindset and beliefs. On the shallow level, it is described in terms of club situation applications, what your mindset translates into in the real world. Or, what actions you can take to alter your mindset. Inner game refers to your mindset, the way you think about yourself and the way you think about your reality. Your inner game, your software or belief system, is your coding that helps you make sense of the world around you. With good inner game you will have good natural game, without it you won’t. It all comes back to the way you think about yourself and your reality. It starts with inner game. It’s the root of the meaning and purpose of your life and it flows on to all aspects of your life. Inner game is a complicated thing and a lot of it is pointless mental masturbation. But the relevant ideas and concepts can change a person deeply. Differences in people’s inner game can give different meanings to identical actions. A person’s inner game can give a million different meaning to the word hello. With the right inner game your ‘hello’ could be all you need to pick up a girl. Once you get past the superficiality of outer game, things like ‘moves’, ‘lines’ and ‘routines’ you realize that they all count for nothing unless you think right and you do it effortlessly and automatically every day. Your ‘moves’, ‘lines’ and ‘routines’ need to be coming from the right place. With good inner game you just BE right. You just ARE right. You don’t act (like an actor) but rather authentically behave right. Don’t get me wrong. Outer game can be good for some instant successes and some faking it until you make it. But in the long term, if you really want to master ‘the game’ and your dating life or become consistently attractive to girls, getting your head right is the final frontier. Outer game is intermediate. Outer game is the language of inner game. Let me repeat that, outer game is the language of inner game. Outer game, moves, lines and routines are the practical advice of different forms of real life experiences. Enduring experiences, either good or bad, lead to changes in your perception. Another way to say that is that outer game is describable actions. Actions give you experiences. Experiences alter your perception. Through perception changes you alter your inner game. Ideally, you alter your inner game to become better than it already was. Though if you are misguided, then your inner game could be altered negatively. Until you accomplish good inner game, until you take the time – and experiences - to get your head in the right place, you will be continually plagued by frustrations of inconsistency. In some cases, when your headspace is so far removed from the correct paradigm, it can drive you insane – resulting in a worse belief system and consequential generation of worse automatic behaviours than before. Such is the repercussions of neglecting your inner game. What then, is good inner game? What is the goal or Holy Grail of inner game? The belief that ‘your game is a fucken ten.’ Sort of. I’m absolutely certain that the best possible known mindset, the best possible inner game, is to truly believe that your game is a fucking ten. The guys who have this mindset are the best. Tim said it and Tim automatically behaves in ways that are profoundly naturally attractive. There are several other guys who are well known to RSD who also truly have this mindset. I’ve had stints where I walked around thinking ‘my game is a fucken ten’ and during those times my game was on-fucking-fire. It’s a scarily powerful mindset with scarily powerful influence. It’s almost overwhelming. But I, like everyone had the little concerns creeping in. Ego bullshit would confuse my mindset and then affect my behaviours making my game less than a ten. When I was learning game, my problem was that I couldn’t maintain the ten-game mindset. It would come and go and I would become overly dependent on external situations to get my good mindset and inner game back. Of course... the girls could tell if I thought my game was a ten, or if I doubted it during the time I was interacting with them. How many RSDnation citizens doubt that their game is really, truly and actually a ten? Probably all of you. Most of us have SHIT inner game. I had shit inner game. I used to wonder if I had ten game. After some progress I got to the stage where I would inconsistently feel I had ten game – my inner game was inconsistent. Now, my inner game is excellent. Why? Because I truly believe every moment that my game is a fucken ten. Or more accurately... And think about this and how it would make you feel and behave... My mindset is...: “I can’t avoid the fact that MY GAME IS A FUCKING TEN.” Fortuitous inner game. Sort of the same as ‘my game is a ten’. Instead of wondering if I have ten game, and being frustrated that sometimes I could have the inner game and be brilliant, and sometimes not have the inner game and suck. Now, in my mind, I cannot avoid it. I cannot avoid having ten game. My mindset, my belief systems, and my software converts my mindset automatically into ten-game social behaviours and responses. And my behaviours give me good game because for alpha males perception is reality. While for others, reality is perception. Good natural game. Like Ryan said, I am the game. ‘I can’t avoid having ten game.’ Whatever I feel, they feel. My strength of reality is alpha-strong. A = HV + (+-)E It’s who I Am. It’s an expression, not an impression. But how do you get to the point where you truly think that ‘you can’t not have ten game’ and not avoid ALWAYS behaving as a ten and giving automatic and natural signals to girls around you that your value is a ten? Well, that’s the transformations process. It has to do with learning game, your perception of reality, experiences and growth, your perception your identity and an awareness of the dynamics of natural attraction. This is what I’m going to teach you. Good inner game. My goal is that students of Real Social Dynamics can’t possibly defy the fact that their game is a ten. Rather than hoping that they merely aspire to ten game. Aspirations can be taken away, facts cannot. Facts are solid things that give you a strength of reality that will work for you automatically and continue to reinforce itself as it gathers momentum over time. This is a Magna Carta. A whole new level of game and Real Social Dynamics conveyed in mindsets, ideas, concepts, practical tips and exercises that haven’t been seen in the pickup community before. Some kind of new level. Unchartered territories. What I know and hope to teach has so far given me phenomenal results consistently for years. It’s my mission. Alex~ P.S. The other day I called RSD headquarters and asked admin to set up a time to speak with Tyler. I was losing my mind worried about my life and my role in RSD. I was dividing my time between enhancing my bootcamps, between writing RSDnation articles, between enhancing my free tour workshop, gathering infield video, practicing video editing skills, writing my book similar to Jeffy’s 9Ball and of course continually working on my game. Between all these things, I was making progress NOWHERE. When Tyler called me, I explained this to him. I asked him, “Boss, tell me what to do, and I’ll make it happen. Not only will I make it happen I want to do something profound enough to earn your admiration and express gratitude for giving me the opportunity to become an RSD Executive Coach.” He said, if you can put together a three-day seminar, we can make it happen for you. I said I’ll need four days and he said “Cool. Get onto it. Ozzie’s finished his book and it’s in production. I guess it’s your turn to put something together.” With something to do with my energy and enthusiasm I feel a passion for the game that I haven’t known in years. What am I going to put together? What I know about. Inner Game. RSD Grade Inner Game. Condensed information. Imagine prolonged exposure to guys like Tim and Tyler AND Jeffy AND Ozzie AND Ryan AND Brad? Combined with my own experiences over the past four years? Few people in the world have access to these sorts of people and experiences. To have an opportunity to live and publish the sorts of things you could learn from a group of guys who have been the best in the pickup game – ever – is a profound thing. The publication of RSD Inner Game Begins.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #28
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | December 16th, 2009 at 8:57 PM
Sydney SUMANOVA Glory Summer time in Sydney. Deep in the trenches of war of SUMANOVA. Bootcamps every weekend in Sydney Melbourne or Brisbane and mingling with the RSD Australia Royalty. The set up in Sydney was sick. We had a tight crew. I had my pad, my car and we knew all the venues inside out. Chief, my intern and I were well and truly wining the SUMANOVA battle. Imagine 35 degree days, beers, bars and tourist girls from the likes of Sweden and Germany. Good times. So good I had to ban myself from going out too much, for fear of wasting too much money on partying and neglecting my RSD writing assignments. But of course, on Bootcamp I would always go out in full force. This particular weekend I had some students on Bootcamp, that to this day almost a year later, I consider to be my esteemed friends. Guys who I’d see in field, time and time again after Bootcamp. Two of those guys would make their way to Las Vegas for the hallowed RSD Summit where I shared stories of glory with them as wingmen. Swiftace, Anu~. Vladimir rounded out the crew. On Friday night of Bootcamp, we ran around tearing up the CHB. It was an awesome night. Vladimir was somewhat of a headache because he was Eastern European and didn’t want to approach, so I had to battle with him all night long. But eventually he broke through, Chief worked with him while I got Anu~ and Swiftace on track. But the CBH is violence central and in hindsight not a great Bootcamp venue for what I wanted. Though up until that point, that was the best place that I knew. With a hot tip from one of my former students and a guy who would eventually become esteemed RSD Staff (BRAH), we made a historic change of location to what would soon become RSD Sydney’s Bootcamp Headquarters. A location that shall not be named. Its name is too sacred to be pixilated in these mortal halls of RSDNation. Stepping into the venue for that Bootcamp on Saturday night, Seduction Saturday, I knew that the place would be special. There were no dudes with knives trying to stab each other in the throat. As it turned out, Chief knew most of the security staff. And the bar had wooden floors, a sure sign that it would be an awesome place. Know this: a bar with wooden floors is a bar that’s good for picking up. I don’t know why. It has just always been that way, probably since the beginning of time. And there were girls in this place. Lots of hot girls. Unlike some of the other places where we’d battled with elder birds, angry cliquey boyfriends and lines, the entire place had a friendly, fun vibe to it. A far cry from places like Kings Cross or the dictatorship management of Darling Harbor bars - Bunglechode. This was a field for Nimbus timez. Looking around I saw there were girls everywhere, tourists speaking in different languages, hot local city living type girls, girls form the upper class north shore, perfect for me and even better for the Bootcamp. Looking around, I noticed one girl who was hotter than the others. Exotically hot. Aggressively hot. My height, blue eyes golden hair, Barbie Doll face, sparkling eyes and bright white teeth. ‘Turbo Deluxe’ in Tim speak. Fucking gorgeous in Alex speak. You beauty. I was cruising around getting a feel for the place with Chief when I first saw her. When I first laid eyes on her her, I just stopped. She was standing there all arrogantly, nonplussed over the attention she was getting from yet another pack of random annoying immature guys trying to impress her. Chief noticed her at the same time - his response was something like ‘damn…I’d like to slap that’. But I’m RSD. In my mind I thought that’s for me. So I said to Chief with self-assurance on a level that only I have, and Probably Tim, “That’s for me”. But I also thought that’s not for me yet! I have Bootcamp to annihilate. Students are always plan A, as much as I could love this stunning goddess. The students are keen as. After tasting some day game glory, they are straight into their sets, inside, outside, dance floor, smoking zone. Everywhere. Except Vladimir. He’s still crippled by approach anxiety. Vladimir has all the hallmarks of Dracula from Romania. He could be crazy. He could lash out and destroy me. Well, as an instructor that's just something I guess I’m going to have to deal with. He’s going to get good even if I get destroyed. The coaching dynamics begin. He’s freaking out. A massive guy who could crush the skulls of living men is scared of approaching cute little girls. One of my other students is a virgin and he is on fire. The other student is exhausted from making vigilante (citizen) arrests during the day, but still, he goes to work – entertaining himself and me, trying to convince girls he’s a missionary from the church of Scientology spreading the good work of Alien R. Hubbord. Naturally the girls loved it. Swiftace would go on to close no less than seven girls during his time at the RSD World Summit. RSD Australia represent. But Vlad still isn’t doing anything. He’s standing there - an imposing figure, scared out of his wits. Time for an intervention. I can’t talk about what I said or did, but I can say I was worried he was going to lose it and take it out on me. But it’s my duty to him to step up and motivate him, even at the risk of my own health. I can’t have graduates of Alex Bootcamps out there in the world sucking in field and being a shit representation of RSD Bootcamp. It’s get good - or get kicked off, refund and all – to face a chode life with no girls. EVER. After some pushing, and different motivational techniques, Vlad does snap! He goes from being a steely-faced Eastern Block citizen, to a smiley bouncy happy childlike guy. Awesome. He charges up to some girls knocking chodes over as he goes with his iron frame. He yells at them. “VWELLL HCHELLO, YOU ARE NICE VOMAN, YOU KEN PUNCH IN DJOUR DIGITS IM MINE PHONE!” He thrust his phone at the cute little girl and she burst out laughing. She asked him where he’s from and what he’s doing in Australia. Vlad is too nervous to deal with this, but he gets the number anyway and runs away back to me. I’m laughing at the absurdity of this and partially from the relief that he has finally cracked for the better.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #29
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
I congratulate Vlad on his breakthrough. He’s very pleased – albeit - shocked with himself. Of course I tell him to go again, but this time to try some kino. Scary stuff for him, but he has to break his own comfort zone and get used to physical social interaction somewhere right? He sees two girls and charges up to them.
When he gets there he puts them in Greco-Roman wrestling headlocks. Girls are freaked out and try to escape. Vlad doesn’t know how to deal with this, so he locks them in tighter. Girls are kinda intimidated but soon realize that they’re dealing with a social infant and they are cool with what he’s doing - Chief and I amused and confused by his behavior. I would imagine that if Borat had game it might look like this. He gets another number and the girls scurry off. I explain to Vlad that girls have a right to not be headlocked, and to tone it down. He goes again. I work with the other guys who are doing well. All through the night, I’m leering at the glamour princess of the club - the cute little girl I noticed earlier. She’s just leaning back unamused by the chodes buying her drinks and complimenting her and treating her like a porcelain doll. I would like my chance with her, but not yet. Students first. Chief’s chatting some girls and Anu~ and Swiftace are getting physical, leading girls all around this new and soon to be hallowed club. With those guys in my line of sight, I work with Vladimir and push him through the comfort zones offering feedback the whole time. I want to talk to the gorgeous girl of the club, but I cannot. Well, at least Vlad can. I send him in while she’s talking to a group of big rough looking Australian Guys. Vlad goes in uncalibrated and the gorgeous girl doesn’t like it. This is to be expected for now. What Vlad needs to do most is learn how to deal with tests. The girl is cool with his response to her cold reaction, but the guys orbiting her aren’t. Upon closer inspection, I realize the guys are actually high profile footballers in Australia from a tough code. The types of guys whose egos are as large as they are prone to being bruised. In set, Vlad was acting as though he was in social no-mans-land ,not knowing where to go or what to do, having to think on his feet and for himself. The gorgeous girl is entertained - the orbiter guys are PISSED. I’m standing nearby at the ready. One of the guys flares up and starts on Vlad, veins bulging out of his neck and sweat beads forming on his head and face. He’s furious. At the time, I figured it must have been the famous footballer’s girlfriend or something - maybe sister. Relation enough to make him physically aggressive. The guy is yelling at Vlad to get the fuck away from them. Vlad doesn’t understand due to language differences and my instructions to stay in set. The guy is now facing up on Vlad. Socially, Vlad is scared - physically, Vlad was trained in some Eastern Block Military force so he could probably handle hand grenades. But the last thing I want is one of my students getting annihilated by some footballing tough guy. In set, the guy is poised to swing and I can see his entourage are trying to keep him back, but the guy wants to fight my little Vlad. Not on my watch bitch. I enter the set. I take over the frame of everyone, positive dominance unapologetic style congruence! I express myself as though I am more angry than the footballing guy and at risk absorbing the brunt of his fury. I also know full well that I am in full view of the glamorous girl and the centre of attention in the set. Alpha status in the microcosm. “OI VLADIMIR YOU FUCK-WIT, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING.” I’m yelling at him as though I was pissed. Everyone turns to me - I’m the shortest one in the set. The angry dude transfers his rage to me. Vlad is scared and confused, but I have it under control. “OI, FUCK-HEAD, YOU THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE ANOTHER SHOUT… IT’S YOUR BEER ASSHOLE! WE’RE GOING TO THE BAR. I WANT TO GET WASTED.” With the grace of a Russian ballet dancer I claw student out of set and towards me. Now the rage guy is confused, but his entourage can tell what I’m doing - they don’t want drama either. With eye contact, I communicate to his entourage that I’m diffusing the tension of the situation for us all. The girl notices this dominance and I make eye contact with her too. I’ll talk to her later. Unless chode footballer can get her - which I doubt. I debrief Vlad and he’s cool. Another experience in the bank and he’s getting cooler by the minute. I’m on edge because I alone realize the potential catastrophe that was averted. Then I think again, fuck I’m good at this. Team JIGJAM represent. Alexander~ ‘FTW’ – Lolz, ‘eh doesn’t afraid of anything’. Vlad goes into set. I spend time talking scientology with Swiftace, who is now giving sensual exorcisms and I note that Anu~ is Nimbusing and tearing the place apart. He couldn’t-not smile if he tried. It’s getting late and things are going swimmingly. Students are running around and the club is getting emptier. I’m going overtime because everyone is having fun and I’m loving this new club. I’m loving Sydney, I’m loving my job and I love Bootcamp. Life is good. At about 3AM, I’m swaggering through the club - Nimbus flaring away - to check on one of the students who had been sitting inside with some girls. Out of the blue, someone approaches me from behind speaking in a girl Eastern European accent. Just as I had forgotten the gorgeous girl, she’d come back into my life. She opened me. Before she can complete her first syllable, I think: ‘Done’. “Hey! You look lost?” I laugh and think to myself does she know who she’s talking to? Now, she was intimidatingly hot and up close she’s even naturally prettier and sexier than I originally thought. She smells nice. Her eyes are bright and I can tell she’s a risk taker. “Lost, NO! I own this club. Its mine.” Of course. “OH come-on!, You don’t own this club! You ARE lying.” “Fuck you, I own this club.” I step closer, eye contact, hands on both her tanned shoulders “are you from Russia?” “No.” She feels my intensity and it's making her nervous in a good way. Classic IOI; nervous and attentive. “Could you be?” “No. I am from Poland.” “You’re dead to me...” I should have known. Fuck she’s hot. She opened me. All I need to do is remember to stay my course and it’s on. State, tests and touch. No sweat. Someone’s got to do it right for these sorts of girls. “…Well fuck, you suck. We can just be emotionally close friends then. Have you been to Russia?” “Oh COME-on! Poland is better than Russia! Why do you like Russia so much?!” “Russian people are genetically superior. I wish to have genetically-advanced children. No offense to you, but I have high standards. But like I said, we can be friends. Do you know any way to smuggle me over the Russian border?” “OH COME-ON…” I cut her off mid reaction. “Let’s get drinks." I brush her arm and lead her to the bar. The courtyard is cobblestone and she wobbles off balance in her high heels. “See you can’t even keep your balance, genetically inferior to Russian girls and their balance. But you seem nice. Tell me about your emotions.” I continue to lead her by the hand to the bar. “Oh come-on. You are and ASSHOLE.” She’s compliant and smiling. “A Russian girl wouldn’t say that. She would be grateful, you just feel left out.” I turn to the bar and order two drinks. It’s more than an hour after Bootcamp should have finished so a drink won’t hurt. Plus, it’s for demonstration purposes. “You get me drink!” Brat demands drink. I order her some vodka shit and a beer for me. I pay. She thinks I’m like every other chode. I push her away by the shoulder and tell her that she’s being too emotional and that I’m not ready to be that close yet. I don’t trust Polish people because they aren’t real Russians. She says ‘OH Come-on’ again. I drink her vodka drink using 4SPD and give her the beer. “OH COME-ON, I don’t like beer.” Tension is building, smiling and touching. “Oh really, Russian girls can drink beer! Ah well, I’ll have to have that as well. Where are your friends?” “Oh come-on, you are an asshole. My friend went home with her boyfriend.” Confirmation of what I had already concluded: done. Now for logistics. I text Chief asking him to gather the students, so they can see a demo with the hottest girl in the club. They appear in the background and I move the girl again to the smoking area where the guys can hear me. All is well. The bar is closing, so I ask the girl if she wants to go to an after party? She’s skeptical but she’s down. So I lead her out of the bar and towards the taxis. On my way out, I get a text from Chief asking me what he wants me to do. I tell him to make sure the guys see me lead the girl to the taxi and to give me a call soon to talk about an ‘after party’. I’m leading the girl to the taxi rank when Chief calls. [hey man what’s up] “YO DUDE! AFTERPARTY AT MY PLACE” [what the fuck? Who’s going?] “Yeah yeah, cool, bring whoever, I’ll be there soon, bring booze as well if you can.” [Bro… what the fuck are you talking about?] “Yeah man, sweet sweet, I’m getting a taxi now. See ya there.” [hahahahah… ohhh I see what you’re doing. Ok man ill debrief the guys and tell them the usual time and place for Sunday.] “Yeah man perfect. Righto, See ya soon.” The girl and I jump into a taxi on the way to an ‘afterparty’. I give the Middle Eastern taxi guy my address and he starts off on his journey. But taxi guy sees the hotness of my girl and goes into entertainer mode and completely engages the girl. Dammit. Gaybar. I respond by pushing the girl to the other side of the backseat of the taxi. Damn she’s hot. She springs back to my side and I claw her in. It’s on - all I have to do is go back to my house. Driving through the streets of Sydney at almost 4AM can be dangerous. Sydney is a drug pit, fuelled by racial violence. You have to keep your wits about you. While driving through some late night taxi traffic, a guy jumps our taxi. My adrenaline shoots through the roof. I prepare myself for the worst. Another potential roadblock to the glory at hand. But it’s OK. It’s just a gay dude, drugged and boozed out of his mind, wearing a fishnet top. Shameless homosexual. He gets in and tries to tell the taxi driver to take us in another direction. The Polish glamorous girl is highly entertained and using these other stimulants to test my patience and congruence. The gay dude has accosted my taxi and now he has engaged my girl. My experience tells me to let it play itself out. I command the taxi driver to drop the gay guy off where he wants to go. The gay guy is hitting on me and trying to flirt with me, saying such grotesque shit like ‘asshole is better than punani’. Fucking hell. The gay guy turns to the driver and tried to get touchy with him. The driver is Middle Eastern and homophobic deluxe. They start yelling at each other to the tune of you should kill yourself. Racial slurs and sexist slurs fly back and forth. The girl is getting unsettled and not having fun. I hold my frame. Right now the game is mine to lose. I just have to keep my cool. No sweat, yet. The driver is pissed, he slams on the breaks and tells the gay guy to get the fuck out. The gay guy tells him he’s a dirty smelly immigrant with chocolate salty balls. I can’t believe this and I expect him to shoot or stab the guy. I say nothing and claw the girl in. Play it out Alex, play it out. The driver shoves him out of the taxi and the homo tells him to ‘suck his little pink dicky wicky’. What the fuck. I love Sydney. Well, at least now we're heading back to my place. But now the driver has more material to entertain the gorgeous girl with. Annoying. I just stay with the push pull and ignore the chode who drives the taxi. The girl loves it. I wish he would stop. Play it out…I picked her up - he’s driving the taxi. Let self-trust prevail. We drive and the vibe builds up. Her buying temperature amps up. In the middle of their conversation, I push the girl away and she predictably springs back. Then I pull her in and kiss her neck. Taxi driver is still talking to her. I kiss the girl on the mouth. The girl responds hard. I’m rough. Taxi driver is waiting for the girl to reply to whatever shit he is saying, only to realize that she’s kissing me. I see him in the side rearview mirror looking dejected. You’re out of the game chode. Just focus on getting us to the ‘after party’ mate.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #30
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
We get to my place and the girl is astonished with the view at night. I lived in Hunters hill and the view from the place was really beautiful. I pay taxi chode and send him off into the night. We head up the stairs to the kitchen. The house is quiet and dark. I turn on lights, turn on music and get out some drinks. I’m relieved to be home and clear of any more potential drama bullshit. I know that even if we ordered a taxi right now, it might be impossible to get one at this time of the night. I can’t drive because I have been drinking. As Bear Gyrlls would say, we’re landlocked.
I’m in the fridge getting some beer for myself and the girl commands me “You get me drink!” I get her some wine. Right now I couldn’t be happier. Here I am in my place, with the gorgeous girl harassing me, drinking beer and listening to music. I start shooting nerf hoops because I love that game. The girl wants to play, but I tell her she can’t. Only Russians are allowed to play, she is inferior to nerf hoops. I entertain myself hugely. “OH COME-ON! Assssssssssssssssss hoooooooooooooooole.” I keep shooting hoops and dancing and drinking. “You give me turn!” and she tries to steal the ball away from me. “No! Drink your drink and sit on the dog couch, no nerf hoops for you!” I pick her up and put her on the dog couch. Yuk for her. By now it can’t-not be on so I decide to indulge in a little self-entertainment. “OH COME-ON, you give me turn!” She attacks me again trying to get the ball. I hold her back with one hand and keep playing. She is getting more aggressive. She is funny when she’s frustrated. “OH! You are an assssssssssssssss hoooooooooooole” I hold the ball out to her in an offer for her to have a turn at nerf hoops, though I doubt that a glamorous Polish girl would be very good at the nerf hoops. I hold the ball out and she lunges for it desperately. I move my hand and she misses. I laugh. This is very entertaining. Here is a person who is used to people waiting on her hand and foot, and now she is getting all confused that it’s not happening. “ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE!” I lift her up and put her on the hairy dog couch again and laugh. This is all very funny. She jumps off it like a cat trying to avoid a bath. “SO!? Where are the people for this party then asshole?!...” Ignore, swish. “…you get me drink!” Ignore. Shoot, miss. Dammit. Beer. I turn up the music. I keep shooting hoops. This is the party, and a fun one. I am thoroughly entertained. Fuck I love nerf hoops. One of my roommates comes out from his room, fat and white and bleary eyed. He surveys the situation. Me and hot girl dancing around playing nerf hoops drinking his beer. He addresses us. “Hur Dur. Hur Durrrrrrr, Hur Durrr, Matt Daaaaaaamon.” He goes back to his bedroom and slams the door as though to teach me a lesson. Lesson learned - don’t be a squid and spend the Saturday nights of your life playing network games. Go out and pick up stunning girls and put them on the dog couch back at your place while you drink beer and play nerf hoops. The girl is getting frustrated that she can’t sway my attention from nerf hoops. She climbs up on my kitchen bench and starts to dancing seductively showing a lot of skin. “Next time you will have to pay for it!” Implying that the way she dances on my benchtop is worth paying for. Negative. Though I would pay for beer and nerf hoops. Fun times. She turns up the music while she’s dancing on my kitchen table. At this, my other roommate and his fatty girlfriend stumbles out into the light of the living room. “Hur durrrrrrr, hur hur hur hur dur dur. Its late man hurr durrr.” They waddle back to their bedroom. Noted, but not prioritized. Back to beer and nerf hoops and partying with the girl. The girl is laughing at them condescendingly. Or maybe she understands the international language of hur dur. I’m getting good at getting the ball in the nerf hoops. Balancing a Melbourne bitter in one hand and defending against the glamorous wannabe-Russian. I’m in the zone. I’m on fire, sinking consecutive shots. Russian is speaking in my ear but I am focused. I am the Hakeem Olajuwon of nerf. With hot detractions, still I sink. In triumph, I hug the HB-something. Then I push her onto the dog couch. “OH COME-OOOOOOOOOOON!!!!” She kisses me. I remember that she is really hot and all the drama that I overcame to actually get her home. With the girl rubbing herself up against me trying to get my attention, Jeffy comes to me in the form of a blue and glowing holographic figure. It's Jeffy, but he’s impersonating Tyler. “Eh, eh, dude, dude…. Be in the moment.” I ignore this and I think of Ryan. I wonder how the Real Social Dynamics championship is going and who’s leading for the year, him or I? I am concerned but self-assured that I can rein. Meanwhile, during my little fantasy trip, the girl has started to drag me, kissing my neck, to my bedroom. Interesting. What about nerf?! I worry. In my room she climbs onto my bed, beginning to get girly, going from confident, pushy mode to please pay attention to me mode. I’m not convinced: I’m on a hot streak. I turn to go back to the kitchen for hoops, but she shouts. “OH COOOOOOOOME-ON!....” I turn back and face her. “…DO THE RIGHT THING AND FUCK ME!” Haha, did she really just say that? Haha, I guess she did. Very well then. Now she’s taking off her dress. And climbing into my covers. Cool. The thought of nerf supremacy is fading. I’ve probably frustrated her enough. I comply with her request. Glory time begins… it is very good. Mid-glory as things are getting out of control, she interrupts and yells at me. “OH COME-ON!… THAT IS TOO ROUGH FOR ANY GIRL!” There I was thinking she was Eastern European. Ah well, less rough glory times. We soon fall asleep. There’s nothing quite like falling asleep, knowing you’ve done a killer program with a tanned, blonde, sexy, Polish honey invading your personal space. By this stage, the sun is just coming up over the horizon and it looks pretty cool from the view from my house. The girl falls asleep. I text Ryan wherever he is - somewhere a world away, telling him of my night. Then I fall to sleep satisfied. In the morning, she wakes up first and initiates glory times again. Excellent. It’s getting hot around midday on a summer Sydney Sunday. Glory is a great way to start the day. Time for showers and coffees. We enjoy the view from the house and the girl and I fool around in the house some more. I have program soon. So I’ll have to figure out what I will do with this honey. But she’s getting all demanding and over confident. It’s kinda annoying. “Oh come-on, you make me drink!...” “Oh come-on, you drive me home…” To the middle of nowhere, I don’t think so. “Oh come-on, come back to bed for me.” Negative, woman. I have to see the students. I tell her we are going for breakfast in the city and we head off in the white knight. We park and we get some oysters for breakfast. I tell her I have a conference in a hotel soon and that she will have to fend for herself. She’s gorgeous, but I don’t know how long I will be able to deal with ‘oh come on, you be my slave, I am spoiled brat’. I’ll figure that out later. When I get to program, the students see that I’m still with the girl from last night. Now they can be sure that Real Social Dynamics is the real deal. REAL Social Dynamics, not Pretend Social Dynamics. Glory times. Epilogue. I dated the girl once after that night and that was enough to know that I didn’t have time for the childish commands she kept bestowing upon me. Later after that date, she texted me and met me at a bar. There she told me about how she moved into central Sydney. The whole time she expected me to fall all over her. I knew this because she said ‘Oh come on, you buy me a drink’ repeatedly. I ignored this. I hung out with some guys from the Sydney crew. One of the guys was telling me about an awesome new place he was going to move into and that we could pull there as it was literally right across the road from the bar scene. Awesome, I thought. They asked me about the Polish girl and why she was bothering me. I told them about when I met her and told them not to humor the girl’s diva ways. They noted this, but I think they took it too far. One guy, Wiktohr Qwhereholme, from Sweden was hitting on her shamelessly - brash and miscalibrated. He was getting nowhere because the girl was trying to get my attention back. Meanwhile, I was hitting on other girls looking for more love in the night. She was getting pissed at this. And when I kissed another girl in front of her, she was crestfallen. What made it worse was Wiktohr Qwereholm harassing her to irritation, which had now evolved into pretty rude verbal abuse. The girl was yelling abuse back. I didn’t want to be involved. I was talking to other girls. Why did he do this - I don’t know. I’m not his father or something. The girl got pissed and screamed at him and threw drinks. She fucking hated Wiktohr Qwereholme. Frustrated that I was kissing another girl and sick of dealing with Wiktohr she left the bar. I left with my girl back to her place and had different glory times that night. Excellent. The next day I get a call from Wiktohr. He said he had just moved into his new place. But he said when he opened the door to start moving, it was opened by the Polish Beauty. Awkward times. Haha, oh well. SUMANOVA in Sydney adventures with Alexander~
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #31
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | January 8th, 2010 at 8:11 PM
The Alexander~ 2010 Tour Schedule. The Growth of the Tour. Hey crew out there how’s it going? Did you have a good new year’s eve? Have a good party wherever you are in the world? Did you find someone to kiss at midnight? I hope so... if not you’ve got about 11 months to take the actions you need to change that for the next NYE. I myself just spent the last four months travelling through Europe and then South Africa, conducting workshops and meeting the RSDNation citizens from the far corners of the physical world – and might I add shared plenty of adventures with them as well. The tour was pretty hardcore at times, but absolutely enlightening at all times. On tour sometimes I’d find myself in desperate and dangerous situations, and sometimes I’d happen upon delightful instances. A tour brings with it a whole range of experiences that help me to continually put things into perspective, helping me to learn about the nature of myself and the nature of the people of the world. See when you go on a tour, you expose yourself to new experiences that you haven’t ever had to deal with before. In these new situations, you are called to think on your feet and continually ask questions of your value systems and sense of self. Ultimately the more experiences you have, the more you are familiar with. The more you are familiar with, the less you can come across instances or situations that give rise to anxiety. The less anxiety you experience in life, the cooler you NATURALLY are. The more naturally cool you are, the more you naturally inspire attraction in girls. Tours = experience = developing strong natural game. So when I set out on these tours, I know that I will be inconvenienced, angry, tired, frustrated, and forced into unpleasant situations. But even in light of this knowledge, I accept the RSD tour duties because I know there are lessons – and victories – to be had that will ensure that I CAN’T NOT grow and develop as a person. It’s a great thing. Besides the negative range of experiences, there are always new adventures and excitements to be had. If you stay in one place and one lifestyle for two long, you can get caught in the daily grind and get so lost in your cushy comfort zone that to even step outside your daily routine is to cause sudden and sharp rises in anxiety. Anxious in many situations means less cool than girls. Means bad natural game. Touring and new beyond-comfort-zone-experiences are key to getting good and staying good. Another way to think about the value of touring is this: They say that the bottom line of pick up is you need to be cooler than the girl. Being cooler than the girl comes not from achievements, but rather being unreactive and comfortable in more situations than the girl. The more experiences you’ve had, the wider your reality. If you are comfortable in almost every situation, scary or fun and exciting, the more situations you are naturally attractive to the girls you talk to. Just remember to actually talk to the girls to let your lesser anxiety be subcommunicated and emotionally conveyed to the girl. So tour it up. Get organized with a crew, some guys or girls and drive to a bar you’ve never been to and put yourself under new social pressure to incorporate that new experience into your reality. Go overseas. Travel to new places to realize that people are in fact extremely emotionally alike. Socially interacting with people that hail from different forms of social conditioning, what is more commonly referred to as different cultures, you realize how shallow and meaningless the social conditioning that you were constricted by where you grew up really is. I’m back home in Brisbane now with a brand new perspective. I’m looking to get out and do research for the inner game program I’m working on. Four months at home, then five months overseas, then home again to Australia in October is - I believe - a great balance between gathering experience abroad and gathering experiences at home. Some experiences you need to build up over time in one place, others need to happen on the fly in faraway lands. And... let’s be honest, Lithuanian girls are pretty stunning, and Vegas Summit is absurdly fun. So add it to your new year’s resolution to take a tour. Get experiences, get cooler, and grow to get girls naturally in more new situations this year than ever before. If you’re here on RSDNation, it’s your duty to represent RSD in the world. Make yourself and the RSDNation proud. From me, a Happy and prosperous New Year and I wish you many enlightening and growth inspiring experiences. Alexander~ RSD Executive Coach, Australia. P.S. I’m working hard on the 2009 video in high definition. I have images and video clips from ALL KINDS of situations from all around the world. As a Pick Up Community Video it’s looking like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Stay tuned.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #32
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | May 19th, 2010 at 8:39 PM
Chode’s Night Out and Creepy Guys Hey dudes what’s up? I’m in Sweden right now, it’s cool. Airlines lost my shit – idiots. Today I am writing for your help. On Behalf of me and Jeffy, about something that pains all instructors. Throughout my coaching career I have had so many students ask many good questions. But for every good question I get a stupid limiting belief thrown at me. As an instructor they are frustrating to hear but no problem to work through. Just a little silly. From our point of view, you have realize, that every week I get a student saying something like ‘I already spoke to them’, ‘but I don’t know what to say’, ‘I can’t do it’ ‘what angle should I use’ or ‘they won’t like me’. Please, two generations ago dudes our age died so we can go to the bar to talk to girls. Shut up.Fear is ok, cowardess is unacceptable (C., 2007). These limiting beliefs are totally true things for the student at the time, we understand that, instilled by conditioning, and a cause of crippling fear. I understand how real they are, but from my point of view it's real fucken silly. It was once crippling for me too, no doubt about it. But the goal is to transition past it through real life experiences. Imagine this comparison: you have your computer and mouse and you want to show it to your grandparents because computers and internet is a great thing. But the grandparents say ‘oh no, I can’t do that, it’s too scary’, and you’re all like WTF? Are you kidding me? Girls can be scary if you’re new, sure, but really they’re not. One weekend that I don’t exactly recall, I had a student refuse to do approaches for two days. Silly. But there was once a time when I felt the same way. In this case it was demo funtimes for me, which brought the student out of his sillyness trance and into the fun of the game. BUT, he only saw me do good sets – which is what I’m supposed to do, what he was really scared of was the bad reactions. Of course this instantly gave me permission to entertain myself in whatever way I liked, as long as it was something I could do to get myself rejected. So I approached some girls asking the time, then started coughing and sputtering telling them that I had recently been diagnosed with, and I quote ‘a transmitted disease’. They looked on stunned and shocked not knowing what to do. No blowout. So I upped the ante. I spat some throat gunk into my hand then reached into my pants and began to rub the throat oyster onto the transmitted disease area. Blowout. Great success. Gross though. Ew, in retrospect. But hey, all for the good of the students. The student, though horrified, was doubled over laughing. Not only was his fear of the blowout gone, he now saw the silver lining. It was fun to fuck around and not take yourself seriously, and with that sort of boundary pushing it’s only going to make you more indifferent. He overcame both the fears of embarrassment and fears of success. He went on to get his indifference, get results and have a great program. Next week the students had the same problem. Fear of blowout and screw up. And then the weekend after that. Then the weekend after that. Then the weekend after that. Every weekend the same sillyness of limiting beliefs. A time-consuming legitimate limiting belief that served to slow down bootcamp progress. Something had to be done. One weekend when I was in Seattle I heard the song, MMMbop by Hanson come over the stereo system. And I thought it was a pretty chode song. Then I thought to myself, what if I made a video of me being a chode and doing things that might get me blown out to show the students that it’s not only NOT a big deal… but pretty fucking funny as well! So, I proposed this to Jeffy. Being such an absurd idea he was enthusiastic. Plus for us it was a good way to vent some of the sillyness of the limiting beliefs that get thrown around by students. So I pulled on a button down shirt, tie, slacks, pink cosmopolitan drink and hobnobbed about in a dive bar trying to be the biggest chode I could. I tried to get blown out by speaking in a high pitched voice, but to my alarm, I didn’t get blown out. I tried talking about computers and network gaming. Still no blowout. I opened by asking the time. That didn’t go down so well, but not the intense blowout I was hoping for. So we upped the ante. I stood in the corner for ten minutes nursing my cosmopolitan and holding a condom. Trying to get inside my head. The sheer verbal game wasn’t getting me blown out. So I decided to start falling over. That worked pretty well. One chick swung her handbag at me. Another one called me a racist because I had a New Zealand accent? Wtf? When I fell in front of those girls - and cut my hand pretty badly - they were more concerned that I spilled drink on their shoes than they were that I had fallen from a height and had cut myself open. Good people. To us it was hilarious. The girls were confused. But ever since, it has served to show students that the whole idea of blow outs is so petty that it’s not worth the excuse or stress. Take your anxieties and turn them into fun, this is the essence of transformation. While I’ve included some screen shots of the original chode’s night in this article it’s not something that I could ever put on the internet. Could you image how RSD’s wannabe competitors would jump on it? I can read the articles now: “ALEXANDER~ FROM RSD’S GAME SUCKS AND HE CAN’T EVEN WALK WITH OUT FALLING OVER, WE ALWAYS KNEW RSD WASNT GOOD. AND SHIT”. The first chodes night out was my maiden foray into filming and editing. Now it’s time to do it again Chode’s night out 2. This time I will use my new affer effects skills and a high definition camera. I will not star in this one, but rather cameo, as will Papa, Jeffy and Tyler. This way we can create a video we can post online and share with the world that risking rejection is no big deal. The fact is, it’s actually hilarious. Just don’t go around deliberately pissing people off. Don’t be a sociopath. Now, I’m a pretty creative dude – don’t worry about that – so I have some good ideas in mind for this rendition of chodes night out. But I’m asking RSDnation… what instances of embarrassment or rejection are you most scared of?! What would cause you to fear death in a social sitation?! As a committed coach, it’s my job to do it, film it and share it. For you. What do I get out of it? I share with my students that the risk of embarrassment is no biggie, it’s time to get the fuck over it. What do you guys get out of it? Turning crippling fear into humor and positivity. Another stepping stone in transformation. Plus it’s fun to do these things, especially with unsuspecting people. The last filming was hilarious. Plus, video production and editing has become a favorite hobby of mine. Especially leading into the Hotseat Seminar future. So please reply to this article with the chodiest thing you have ever seen community people or normal people do. Urinate in the pants? Chode bling? Someone threw drink at you? It must be conquered… in the name of science. And getting laid. You can trust that Real Social Dynamics will go where you won’t, all to help you learn. Alex~ Please share Below: Alexander~ RSD Update: I'm currently living in Stockholm, Sweden running Bootcamps every weekend in Europe. I leave Europe July 7th for Bootcamps all through Canada. July 22nd I leave for two pre-summit Las Vegas Bootcamps. Most of these programs are full or have one seat left. The topics I will be covering during my world summit presentations are 'One Night Stands', 'The Realm Of Inner Game' and another session sharing 'Stories and Video Highlights' where I will show the kinds of things that can never be put online. Some of the video's that I will show at world summit are nothing anyone has ever done before, I look forward to a forum where I share them. After Summit I'm back in Australia for September and RSD HQ is tentatively planning an Alex World Tour for November 2010. This particular tour is still in the works and not ready for announcement but it will include massive value for all involved! Fun for me, good access to my work for students.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #33
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | May 24th, 2010 at 9:08 PM
Day Game and Solid Interactions Hey dudes, here are some very straightforward notes on day game. The sort of notes that you can literally take, deploy and get results with straight away. Credit to Saad who got me onto a lot of these ideas which have been refined, replicated and used successfully in hundreds of instances around the world since. For these steps I would recommend the bookstore as the best place. You get a stationary crowd for the most part making life easier for you if you’re learning. Some other basic notes to remember before deployment: Don’t get too physically close during the day. No physicality except for handshake and MAYBE a shoulder tap if approach logistics are awkward. People aren’t used to being approached in the day, expect that, get over the 10 second awkwardness hump and the interaction will shift into more comfortable territory. A lot of people in the world have partners, that’s life. Soon you will have a partner and you will expect that people approaching her will respect that she’s with you. Don’t harrass a girl if she says she has a boyfriend or a husband. Be friendly and make friends if appropriate. Otherwise excuse yourself. Nine key steps to having solid interactions in low energy situations: 1. Ensure that you are in a good low anxiety, relaxed and talkative state. Do warm up sets, talk to people, motion is emotion, take the initiative to talk bullshit and entertain yourself. 2. When you approach, approach in a direct line unapologetically. Chill and relaxed, not ‘look at me everyone, I don’t give a fuck about how I conduct myself’. You should be in a good enough mood to be smiling, make eye contact and say ‘excuse me’. Starting with ‘excuse me’ is polite not a DLV. Such a simple approach is within a person’s reality, anything too complicated is beyond their reality. If you’re behavior is outside a person’s reality (what she can understand) than you will be too. 3. Ask a question. Any question that’s normal, it doesn’t matter. Asking questions will gel with a girl’s reality, anything too fancy or technical game talk is over the top and weird. For example, ‘what are you reading?’, ‘what’s the time?’, ‘are fiction books good?’ The value is in you as a person, not the content you ‘spit at her’. (Girl will respond) 4. Change the topic! If you change topic you spark the interaction. When you change topic of conversation you create an illogical frame that can go in any direction. If you don’t change topics you’ll get stuck in non-emotional logical mode. If you want to be more effective or fancy you can misinterpret the girl’s response as a form of topic change. If you want to be even cleverer you can make a joke in response to the girl’s response. (The girl will usually giggle or stop) 5. Transition from strangers to friends. Say ‘Hi my name is ‘dude’ by the way, what’s your name?” extend your hand for a handshake. Once you do this you go from being a random weirdo to someone she now knows. The energy of the interaction becomes significantly less anxious at this point. (The girl will usually reciprocate with her name and handshake, usually she’ll be relaxed with you by this stage. Others call this hooking) 6. Shit talk, chit chat, fluff talk. By this stage you’re ‘in’ as in you’re not scared of each other, so ask the standard chode questions. Where are you from, what are you doing, what's happening tonight, what are you reading, where do you party, how old are you, what do you study et cetera. She will usually reciprocate. For each question you ask it’s important that you create value with info of your own. Don’t be controlling in the conversation by bombarding her with questions. It is important during this stage that you create comfortable pauses to give her a chance to ask you questions as well and make an investment in the interaction. (This next step is the most important part of verbal outer game) 7. QUALIFY THE GIRL! Qualifying the girls mean to tell her why you like her other than her assumption that you want to sleep with her. Girls like sex, but only when they know that the guy doesn’t value them solely for sex. She needs to know why the guy LIKES HER FOR HER (credit this info to Jeffy and Tyler from pre 2006). a) State why the girl is different and unique. “You are very down to earth, you are very self-assured, you are very trusting, you have a good sense of who you are, you have an awesome work ethic, you have a positive work ethic, you can deal with people who try to bull shit you, you can think for yourself, you know who you are and what you want.” If you have spent some time talking to the girl you will surely have begun to appreciate her in a unique way. If you can’t appreciate her at all walk away. This personality compliment will appeal to the girl’s (or any person’s) ego. b) Compare the statement about her to everyone else “Most people are lost posers, most people are pretty insecure, most people don’t trust other people or themselves, most people have no idea who they are, most people are lazy, most people expect other people to do everything for them, most people can’t take a joke and go to pieces at the first sight of drama, most people don’t think for themselves, most people have no idea what they want.” This creates a unique connection between you and her. It shows that you set her apart from other people as well. c) After stating why the girl is different, then comparing that to everyone else ask her why she is unique in that way. It appeals to her ego. When you take the time to actually articulate why you like her you will stand out from every other guy. “Why are you so down to earth, what makes you so self-assured, what made you such a trusting person, where did you get your strong sense of self, where did you get your work ethic, where did you learn to deal with bullshitters, how come you think for yourself so much more than other people, where did you get your sense of who you are and what you want?” 8. Take her number. Avoid the word ‘number’ some good ways to do this are ‘we should talk later’ – pass your phone, or, ‘we should network’ - pass your phone. 9. Last thing, make sure the last you do isn’t taking the number and leaving. Chat a little longer. Make sure the last thing you do isn’t ‘getting the number’. Other options are instant dates like shopping together or getting a coffee together which is available in most book stores. During the day game your results will be extremely more solid than nightgame, however there are usually less sets to work with. If you’re still learning day game is great because the interactions are so overt and upfront that you can clearly see where you are lacking or miscalibrated and make adjustments – your lessons are much clearer and easier to self-correct. Day game is the quick path to learning progress and results. You’ll also note that when you do day game before you go out in the evening your indifference threshold is low as it can be, so it’s a great way to ‘get yourself warmed up’ and have great momentum for creating value. Have fun! Alex~ PS… if you see the White Wizard in Sydney… don’t be scared of him. He’s a chode. The White Wizard is the over protective manager of the bookstore in Sydney.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #34
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | July 31st, 2010 at 1:03 AM
Personality: Get One. Chode. Finally the sun is out in Sweden! So I’m sitting in McDonald's with colorful Australian board shorts and writing articles, but also thinking about summit in Vegas. The idea of summit is detracting from my living in the moment. It’s a pleasant fantasy -- so it’s ok. Summit is something that I like, something that I personally like. That ‘like’ of summit is an expression of my personality. Having ‘personality’ IS your natural game content. It doesn’t actually matter what the fact or content is. It just matters that you have content. Of course, avoid being overly rude or offensive in the things you say. Remember that if what you do can’t be comprehended by your recipients, you won’t be comprehended by your recipients. Have empathy. Be responsive. It’s worth pointing out that any expression of personality that falls into the category of ‘social faux pas’ is an extremely arousing topic of conversation or natural expression content. Personality and having personality is an observer’s way to tell if you are an alpha male or a beta male. If you are an alpha male, you are attractive. If you are beta, you have no chance*. The distinct difference is that alpha males think for themselves and therefore have infinite potential to continually express themselves and arouse the girls or people they interact with. People react to alpha males, making them high value. People don’t react to beta males, making them lower value. People with personality offer value. Those with no personality take value, usually in the case of liking other peoples' personalities, opinions and ideas better than their own. This isn’t about the differences in alpha male and beta male psychology; it’s about developing a personality and finding avenues to express it. If you’re lacking in personality, it might be from too much self help, entrenched bad habits from being a beta male all your life or because you have never been in a position of independence or authority. Several of these reasons used to be true for me and it’s true for a lot people looking to transform themself into a more attractive person. I meet guys in the community with NO personality. Poor cardboard cut-outs of people who are like the death eaters from Harry Potter -- no opinions of their own, no personal boundaries, no stories, no open mindedness. These guys are truly a burden to spend time with – it’s like they are dead on the inside. Then there is another category of people who use others' personalities as their own. Sometime I’ll coach a guy or talk to a guy after a workshop and everything that we talk about he will mention things like ‘that’s what Tucker Max does’, or ‘Tyler said this’ or ‘Anthony Robbins recommends this’. These are crutches for a lack of personality. Beware of falling into this pattern. But if you don’t know how to walk, crutches are a good means by which to transition from total disability to ability. Then eventually towards Olympic athleticism. Now, in having a personality you have to remember it’s usually a logically meaningless thing – it’s illogical. It’s like a party; there is no point. It’s simply a fun thing. Girls are arousal junkies – that’s why they like to party. Girls are arousal junkies – that why they like personality. That said, your personality is a fluid and changing thing. You can express yourself in any way at any time. Lie or tell the truth. They are both just different forms of expression that serve to arouse and offer value, not only for your audience and interactions but also a creative expression for yourself. Think of people – the social world – ‘as a verbal canvas upon which to express yourself’. If you’re stifled, it’s ugly and bleak. But if you’re authentic and variable in your expression, then your personality is a beautiful work of art. Something that you will be proud of and something that others will be drawn to and admire. If you are worried about your changing forms of expression being a fluctuating and therefore weak reality don’t stress. The base of your reality comes from your nature which is composed of biological, evolutionary and physiological things that are set in stone (or deoxyribonucleic acid). Stone that gives you a rock-solid underlying strength of reality. That natural self is PRESENT, POSITIVE-DOMINANT and A MAN OF ACTION. If you want to be assured that your expressions are congruent with who you are, ensure they are either coming from a place of presence, positivity, dominance or actions/initiative and you can be sure that you are expressing ‘from the right place’. That also means that virtually any form of personality expression can also be attractive. For example, the most passive and positive smalltown Church folk can have attractive personalities to women. While ruthless, murdering, drug dealers can also have attractive personalities. Point is: anyone can do it. So how can you tap into your personality? Find out about yourself. In the field, the more you talk to other people, the more you realize you are the fixed variable between everyone you meet and so the more you learn about yourself. Also, with each relationship you form the longer that relationship lasts and the more you emotionally invest into that relationship (with a guy or a girl – friends or lovers) the more you learn about yourself. So, when learning natural instincts aim to gather experiences and durations of interactions to make the fastest personal development progress. Admittedly, while you learn you will travel along a certain maturity curve and continually come closer and closer into congruence with PRESENCE, POSITIVE-DOMINACE and BEING A MAN OF ACTION. So keep an eye out for that. As an example, Oceans’ 11-13 are great movies to see cases of multiple dudes with different personalities, but are all still attractive. This is due to the fact that expression is the common denominator driving attraction, not other more superficial attributes. But to save you some significant time in terms of field experience and long interactions, stop and think about yourself. Interview yourself. Have you ever had someone interview you and just because they took the time to ask the searching questions you learned some deeper answers about yourself. Some ‘come to think of it…I am…’ moments. FOR EACH READER HERE IS AN EXERCISE – TAKE FIVE MINUTES OR FIVE DAYS. In fact it's probably good if you do it once quickly within five minutes then carry the exercise around with you for a week thinking about it. Now, I could have chosen any number of questions or any other list of questions but these sort of questions explore topics that touch people on a very, personal level. Notice as well that the questions below are more ‘future and hypothetical’ oriented. This gives you open content that can be explored and expressed, leading to deeper and longer interactions. Future and hypothetical topics are far superior compared to closed content ‘past and literal’ topics where the answers are definite and have far, less potential to arouse. Notice as well that the content isn’t all rainbows and flowers -- the other side of your personality is your personal boundaries. Having boundaries fortifies your reality and value. A combination of ‘likes and dislikes’ gives you the essential ‘full range of emotions' you need to be arousing. Copy the questions below, press respond to this post and answer these very personal questions to tap into your personality. If you have issues with this, you have discovered a blindspot in your ability to naturally and attractively express yourself and I would professionally recommend you spend some time soul searching and developing yourself. This was something I had to do to become a guy who could offer value. QUESTIONS! 1. If you had an extra hour in the day what would you do with it? 2. Why that? 3. If you were on death row, what would your last meal be? 4. Why that? 5. If you could invite 4 people to dinner who would they be? 6. Why them? 7. If you could travel to any place in the world where would it be? 8. Why that place? 9. What is your dream job? 10. Why? 11. What is you most important personal boundary that MUST NOT BE CROSSED? 12. Why? 13. Who inspired/s you? 14. How did they inspire you? 15. How would you like to influence the world? 16. Why that mode, and why that level of influence? 17. If you were only allowed to own one CD which would it be? 18. Why? 19. What makes you the most emotionally upset? 20. Why? 21. If you could fight anyone who would it be? 22. Why them? 23. Which charity are you most interested in supporting? 24. Why? 25. If you could be famous or infamous for anything what reason would it be? 26. Why? 27. What are two of your idiosyncrasies? 28. What are two idiosyncrasies of other people that piss you off? 29. How to love to relax? 30. Why? *Unless you’re rich and you’re in Amsterdam and the girl is shrouded in red light.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #35
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | January 17th, 2011 at 2:01 PM
Alpha Male Beta Male Notes Recently I have focused intensely on how to learn game, how to make the transformation from a guy ‘who doesn’t get it’ to a guy ‘who does get it’. In the context of game, the term ‘learning’ isn’t traditional learning like facts and knowledge, but rather personal growth, maturity and perspective change. As I was setting out to plan this program that I want to make, I realized that for every idea that I presented I would have to explain it from my perspective, translate it into language the student can understand, give examples the student can understand and then relate it back to the way that I think. So, there needs to be some kind of reality translation that goes on between alpha psychology and beta psychology. On alexattitude.com the articles are so long because this process has to occur -- and I will certainly admit that at the time I was going through the process of learning how to become a more effective writer. The main point is this: Alpha Males are naturally attractive, Beta Males are nurture-ally (a word I have made up -- it means socially conditioned as in ‘your nurture’ or upbringing) unattractive. And the understanding I want to communicate in these articles is why alphas are attractive, and why betas are not. So we'll do this by focusing on three things: how to tell the difference between an alpha male and a beta male, the ‘how-to’ information that you will need to make the transition from beta male to alpha male and then the application for learning. In other words, this means how to recognize what sort of a guy you are and whether you need to come into congruence with yourself or undertake a personal growth process, the experiences you will need to ensure you recognize and receive in order to make the transition from beta to alpha and grow into a naturally attractive guy and how to take lessons presented if you are reading from a beta perspective (at that point in your development) or an alpha perspective. Given your continual personal growth and continually changing perspective, it means you will continually get new ideas out of the same material or program. This effect is obvious in the case of Tyler’s The Blueprint Decoded. The significance between the two is that women instantly identify a guy who is an alpha male and categorize him as attractive – and that guy will just have to take the time to follow the process and figure out logistics – whereas a beta male will have little to no chance of girls categorizing him as attractive. But between the two, it can be very misleading and hard to discern what you are, so the following articles should help to clear those up. Once you realize you are an alpha male you can then give yourself a lot more self-trust, which will accelerate your results exponentially, whereas if you are a beta male you will focus your mind towards personal change rather than being frustrated with a lack of results and then dropping out of the game falling short of fulfilling your potential of personal growth and natural attraction. Evolutionarily, women are attracted to the boss or the ‘head guy’. All girls are attracted to the most important guy, so contemporarily when a girl cues that she is reacting to a guy it sets off those same evolutionary triggers. And that’s how the recognition system works and why it’s important that it works for you. The Distinction Between Alpha Males and Beta Males From a perspective of game, I think the biggest difference between alphas and betas is initiative versus reactivity. That is a very broad and unspecific description so let me elaborate to give you a better idea. Remember these are just words that point in the direction of phenomenon, not absolute physics. Alphas take initiative, think for themselves, make plans, act first, self rely, are expressive, positive, dominant, decisive and open-minded. Betas usually act in light of others' ideas, contemplate others' ideas rather than acting, follow orders or others’ ideas, react to stimulus and people, rely on others and systems they try to put in place around them, take actions in order to elicit an impression on others which they then react to, are negative though confusion, frustration or scarcity, are indecisive usually due to conflict between natural impulses and conditioned behaviors and closed-minded in efforts to retain external belief systems. That main difference of effect between initiative and reactiveness is arousal or non-arousal to people they interact with. Women's attraction recognition neurons fire when they are reactive to a guy, a man of initiative, whereas women’s attraction recognition neurons lay dormant when they are with a guy who reacts to them. Girls can clearly recognize what they find attractive but it’s harder to identify it. It’s a recognition system, not a description system. Evolutionarily, this stops any guy from taking that description, acting it out and tricking the woman. Historically, women have not been able to identify what is attractive, but rather just automatically find themselves attracted to it. This means that if you want to be attractive you have to be the real deal; you have to actually be an alpha. No faking it till you make it. Alpha males are competitive and have a hustler spirit. Alpha maleness is a relative thing. To be alpha means you are the leader or ‘the man’ of the situation or context that you are in. Beta males seek to avoid conflict and competition. I’m talking in the context of socially and emotionally, not in workplaces or other business type hierarchies. Alpha males have a kind of self-trusting delusion that influences their behavior. They are heavily influenced by the innate tendency of males to believe they are the best, they can do something better than anyone else or that if anyone can achieve something they are the one to achieve it. Obviously this isn’t possible, but congruence with this delusional mindset will give cause to plenty of initiative and set off attractive triggers. Beta males have given up on the notion that they can be competent at anything. It makes logical sense except it causes beta males to become passive or reactive in their everyday behavior, especially compared to those alpha males who are still in the mindset of action and achievement. The pivotal factor here is not whether something can be achieved or even if it gets achieved after attempts are made; what’s important is the self-trust and delusional belief that it can be achieved. This is what women are subconsciously filtering all the time. What a guy can offer a girl that she doesn’t have and wants from a guy is a strong reality. Or more purely, the good feelings that come from the sense of security that comes from a strong reality. This same delusional self-trust, self-assurance and self-belief offers good feelings and emotions to girls. Even though assurance, trust and belief don’t actually mean security, the feeling of security is what the girl recognizes and is attracted to. Alpha males have this through delusion. Beta males have weak realities and an inability to automatically set off attraction triggers though internal conflict between self-trust and self-questioning. Going from not self-trusting, to self-trusting, making leaps of faith and cleaning up as you go – soon you will realize that you are pretty much invincible (in this modern day and age). This is the same as playing the game in tests. Alexander~ NOTE: http://www.alexattitude.com is about to relaunch! Go there and subscribe... this relaunch starts the road towards the long rumored Alex~ RSD program
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #36
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | February 11th, 2011 at 12:17 AM
The Real Secret To State That The Pro’s Use To Get The Girls That You’re Not Tags: Self Actualization Alex Free Tour Dates are going up now! To hear the latest ideas and stories from the life of Alex~ Check out http://www.rsdfreetour.com or the 'where I'll be next' below for times and places! ******************************************************************************************************************** I’m at about 28,000 feet somewhere about Nimbin, probably, rocking out to some Deadmau5. I’m feeling good. I’m in a pretty good state. Maybe its virgin blue airlines? Or maybe it’s my natural game? For the purposes of this article I’ll attribute it to my natural game. But make note, virgin is where it’s at for airlines down under. The whole pick up industry is greatly misinformed and misguided when it comes to understanding what state is, and how they should use it to help them in their game. The true fact is that state is usually a very accurate determiner of how successful you are going to be. Not a necessary determiner but a very accurate one. This article is a guideline, not a biblical law – there are always exceptions to the rule. But if you follow the rule, you ensure that you mitigate inconsistency. That is, you take action to avoid bad nights. Which is better that trying to create or force good nights. One of the 28 points of natural game is ‘if you try to force something it will never come to you’ – that is to say that it’s unnatural. So it’s better to mitigate inconsistency and trust that you’ll have good nights - instead of trying to force state and trying to force good nights. Mitigating inconsistency is more chilled, and you’ll soon realize that you will have better state for the night - than forcing good state. Though this is complicated mental masturbation you should find yourself in the club thinking ‘we’ll I’ve taken the simple steps to chill out and relax’ and feeling the burden of concern lift from your shoulders. You can relax knowing there is nothing else to worry about. As opposed to being in the club forcing yourself to ‘manufacture’ an elusive nonexistent idea of state that you will never actually experience – a process that will obviously make you more and more concerned and anxious as the night goes on. So the ACTUAL and proper idea of state is actually relaxation. NOT AN ENERGETIC THING. Let me hereby once and for all announce proper state. RELAXED AROUSAL. Relaxation to the point of arousal. I’ll break this down in a second but let me hereby clarify some other former terms thrown around that are nametags for the same phenomenon. Relaxed arousal is a clearer way to articulate and explain terms like ‘laser eyes’, ‘hyper focus’, ‘being in the zone’, ‘nimbus’, ‘woo’, ‘the searing hot coal’, ‘when fireworks turn into a laser beam’. And those are just the RSD terminologies. I think there are other terms out there like the ‘ember’ and the ‘magic’ and the ‘flame’ or something. RELAXED AROUSAL is the feeling you had when you had an on night. A pure on night, not an ego-validation night. It’s that feeling when you completely unstifled, witty, funny, influential, giving girls the deer in headlights eyes, invincible nights. Or any of the other names given to this phenomenon as listed above. Usually, it takes some time to work yourself into RELAXED AROUSAL, maybe five minutes, maybe three hours, but once you know it and recognize it for what it is you can access that emotional pathway and take yourself back you RELAXED AROUSAL faster every time given rise to much quicker inconsistency-mitigation and the overall result is you become much better at picking up girls. Note this. RELAXED AROUSAL IS NOT AN ENERGETIC THING. On a personal note, if I see one more homosexual game chode running around with a bowtie on high fiving people and chinking glasses I will cry tears of bile. You do not get good gaming state – RELAXED AROUSAL – from pumping yourself up. This is one of the biggest misconceptions in the game. Energy is not state. Energetic opening is a dead end. Being energetic, i.e. loud, noisy, brash or abrupt in a club will get you attention sure. But guy who go out and are overly energetic are compensating for a lack of trust in themselves that ‘they are enough’ to begin with. Energetic approaches and energetic game yields visible reactions from girls. Proper game that has proven to be successful and DOES yield numbers, relationships and intimacy will usually rarely inspire the girl to overtly react to you. Simplified, RELAXED AROUSAL game doesn’t get reactions but it gets success. Overly energetic game (mistaken state game) will have the girls initially reacting but not following though for proper success. The reason why relaxed arousal game yields numbers, dates and intimacy is because a guy who doesn’t rely on reaction to verify he is enough is a naturally attractive guy. Whereas a guy who uses energy to generate reactions and ‘notice me’ situations doesn’t trust himself and isn’t a naturally attractive guy. On that same point, a guy who opens with excess energy in order to gain reactions cannot retain that energy for the entire interaction and the interaction is doomed to fade away as the energy invariably drops away. Whereas a RELAXED AROUSAL state interaction can build momentum, that is to say that once a guy starts an interaction the interaction will progress, get better and build momentum instead of fading away. So the misconception is that energetic behavior will equate to good state. It will not. BUT NOTE THIS, sometimes energetic behavior can carry you across the social indifference threshold on any given night. So, energetic behavior can serve to UNSTIFLE YOU which will cause you to become relaxed - the first component of RELAXED AROUSAL. So to clarify all subtle misconceptions energetic behavior can unstifle you to a point of RELAXING, you have shrugged off your anxiety in the situation, which leads to good natural game state. But energetic behavior is not good state for game, a subtle BUT VITALLY IMPORTANT difference. For example, go into the bar or club and act like a moron, let loose until you are relaxed and feeling good. Then go and make normal conversation. It could take some time and effort but with a few renditions you’ll access RELAXED AROUSAL quicker and more effectively each time. With day game just chat to a few people and very soon you will be socially relaxed when approaching strangers. Voila good state for game at night or day. A lot of guys pump themselves up to a point of energy that they simply can’t replicate or maintain. Then they become concerned or anxious that they can’t replicate or maintain their energy and this gives rise to massive anxiety. Anxiety is the opposite of relaxation, so this is obviously the opposite of good state for gaming. On the other hand if you can achieve relaxation in a bar, club or day game then you have a rock solid platform from which you can express yourself in whichever way you please or is calibrated to do so. So you can be relaxed and expressing yourself with low energy, or relaxed and expressing yourself with high energy. Relaxation as a baseline state means that you are free to express yourself in any form you choose at any point you choose. As we know A = HV (+-)E [attraction = higher value plus a full range of emotions] if you are the once choosing freely how you want to wield your emotions you can inspire whatever emotion you want in those around you at any given time. That means those around you will be reacting to you, making you higher value. Each reaction is an emotional arousal. Enough emotional reactions will leave them aroused. So if you’re relaxed and keep talking i.e. chatting up girls, you will inspire attraction and Pick Up. Alexander~ PS! Coming to Europe for bootcamps, free tour speeches and adventures to go into a book one day ( I wanna be like Jeffy!) so check out the 'where I'll be next section' below. Also CHODES NIGHT OUT TWO IS ONLINE! Alexattitude.com is almost re-done, it will be live within the week... i just have to stop partying and actually focus on doing some work... THE LEGEND OF TIMF BHROWHN!
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #37
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | March 8th, 2011 at 5:05 AM
The Huge Importance Of The Tiny Details; Controlling Your Mind! Tags: Self Actualization When it comes to learning something unfamiliar to you the way you learn it will have massive repercussions to the end results. If for example you were going to trade in sums of trillions of dollars over several decades the 15th decimal place of the rate of trade would have an implication of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Like with life coaching and personal life development the semantics of your understanding will have profound long term effects on your behavior. The semantics of your understanding will have profound effects on the automation of your behavior and the response/reaction behavior that you automatically respond to stimulus with. In even clearer terms, the words with which you understand the same rather basic ideas will make profound differences. An applicable example would be to compare the terminology of ‘I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks of me’ with the terminology of ‘unapologetic’. Both basically mean do what you want to do, not what other want you to do. But one focuses on shunning others while the other terminology focuses on centering and strengthening yourself. One is reactive, one is proactive. Both are good, one will have profoundly long term better effects. Especially if at the time of reading this you are sorry for who and what you are, and you do give a fuck about what people think of you. With semantics, they are the ways in which you digest ideas. Semantics and the way the idea is posed that you are left with to meditate on. In learning pick up you need to learn new ideas. Under the pressure of the field you don’t usually have to stop and recite things you’ve learnt from others word-for-word or action-for-action, it’s more like stimulus-recognition-response. -For example something happens in field – Stimulus -In the pressure of the moment your brain recognizes there is something you are supposed to do in this situation based on what you’ve read or learnt – recognition -You instantaneously react/respond – Response. The way you semantically learn things shapes your recognition system allowing you to generate the best thing to do at the time based on others’ guiding advice. To go even further again, the semantics should be specific enough for you to know what to do in any given situation, but not so specific that you lack maneuverability in the social situation under the social pressure of the moment. So be sure, the way ideas and actions will be described are designed to be the perfect balance between guidance and freedom. Researched and carefully chosen words successfully field tested personally for years and successfully with live students for 18 months. You will see that the things I will say gel and combine and clarify many other ideas you have heard before, but they give you the best possible understanding that will accounts for all prior knowledge and application in the field of pick up. Semantics are the start, the mode of communication to teach you. This is the foundation of your inner game. Inner game is the most important place to start, but semantics of how to learn inner game precedes inner game itself. When learning new ideas about your behavior and emotion it’s like rewiring your brain. For the purposes of pick up you can think of your brain as your computer’s software. Your inner game is your software that makes you work. So the integrity of your inner game and software – the way you understand things and the way it runs – will translate to your behavior and success. The tighter and smoother your understanding of the social world is the tighter your frame will be and the more you will trust yourself. With a strong frame and self trust your behavior will come into alignment with that and you grown into congruence with a natural. Naturals are successful with women, they don’t do game, they are game. I’ve written about this before and referred to it as natural instincts. In the previous article I said that game to coaches is as simple as the self perception that ‘I’m awesome’ which has resulted in self programming to the point that now I, and other really successful guys in the game are instinctual in their game. Good understanding leads to good experiences. Good experiences lead to congruence between thought and behavior. When thoughts and behaviors align, you are instinctual. Being socially instinctual is to say you are a natural. Being instinctual is the opposite of routines or manipulation. It’s also the same as being a guy who is automatically naturally attractive. I, and Real Social Dynamics teach natural game. And the above description is what natural game is. Growth into congruence with a naturally attractive guy. I’ll get to the how or what actions you actually need to do later. This is a bit of a mind fuck. For a guy who already is good with girls this doesn’t even warrant mention. But for guys who are yet to transform into alpha males this is the process before you. Teaching good inner game is more of a cancellation process than it is a building process. Its is a series of realizations that concerns are not actually concerns. It’s realizing, then internalizing, that things that were once limiting beliefs are not actually limiting beliefs. Teaching inner game is a process of dissolving social concerns and social cognitive dissonance until you have an air tight belief system. That’s inner game. The core of having good natural instincts is self trust. When you have nothing to worry about you have self trust. Trust is the deepest factor that drives the attraction dynamic. Once you have that good inner game, you have nothing to worry about and you are left with a supreme self-trust. I’ll explain later where you get the self trust from and why it is attractive but for now all you need to know is that you will have supreme inner game when you have realize flawless social self trust. It’s easier than you think when you understand yourself properly. Then ultimate realization you will have in the game is that ‘there is no way you can’t not trust yourself.’ And in realizing that you can’t-not trust yourself, you realize that it’s even something worth taking into consideration anymore. You’re socially invincible. Like I said before it’s as simple as “you’re awesome” let’s go talk to girls. Brad, how do you consider yourself? Sean how do you consider yourself? Jeffy how do you consider yourself? In italics above I use the terminology can’t-not. That terminology is the same as saying you ‘can’ but, the difference between ‘I can do something’ and ‘I can’t-not do something’ is huge. The holy grail of natural instincts pick-up is self trust. And the whether or not your trust yourself simply comes from the way you think about yourself. Not about the way you actually are. For example if you think ‘I can get that job’ it’s a hollow way to think about something. Like an idea walking a tightrope that could possibly fall. If your idea is in a state of ‘can’ then it could just as well be the idea of ‘maybe’ or ‘can’t’. This form of self perception doesn’t have an absolutism about it. And without an absolutism you can’t flawlessly trust the idea. Alex~
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #38
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | May 3rd, 2011 at 2:08 AM
The ULTIMATE Attraction Ammunition - Advanced Theory. Every time I’m on a bootcamp and we’re just about ready to hit the action in the field I get the timeless pick up question ‘what do I say?’ This is a particularly painful question, but one I know that is important to the students none the less. Depending on where the student is at, I’ll throw him in the deep end, or if he’s really struggling I’ll give him something to get the juices flowing, a nice compromise between competency and comfort zone. But before you even begin to worry about ‘what do I say?’ I want you to stop and think for a second that this so called concern is much more extreme for a girl who wants to start a conversation with a stranger. I mean, look at you, you’re reading a website about how to talk to girls – you’re much better than you think. Stop making excuses. For the record, it doesn’t matter what you say, but it does matter that you’re saying something. For the most part it doesn’t really matter too much what you say, in terms of ‘quality of content’ because as long as you’re a good guy and your beginning to get a feel for the idea that you are enough that fact alone should be enough to lead you to good success. But if you do want to take things to the next level FAUX PASs are the answer. When I say next level I mean several things. You will accelerate the rate at which you can attract the girl, you will supercharge the emotional exchange, and be generating tests left right and centre which you can expect to get – then pass – to very clearly demonstrate higher value (DHV). To use faux pas well you need to have a good strong frame and a decent wit to be able to thinking quickly in the moment and respond with versatility. Even if you don’t have this, give faux pas a try and start stepping up your infield verbal skills. The things that makes faux pas work is that they more arousing than ‘boring’ and less offensive that ‘distasteful’. They are nice little mechanism to flirt and have fun, to dance on the fine line of crossing social boundaries in a fun way that will have tension and chemistry to the interaction. For example, topics about ‘what are you drinking’ could be boring, topics about ‘child pornography’ is distasteful. The distasteful stuff is something that newer guys can sometimes slip into to get a surefire reaction, but it’s a reaction for negative reasons. There is a basic formula to creating faux pas, and I’m sure there are many more than what I’m going to list below, so use your imagination and continue to branch out with your faux pas creativity. The following faux pas are listed as themes. When I give you themes to think about, rather than deliberate lines you retain your social versatility, rather trying to recite things that are impossible to remember. Themes are ideas that can be bought in as responses, misinterpretations, questions or statements. They should give you some nice ‘high octane’ content, without bogging down your expression and delivery. So, without further ado here is the list, take it as you please, use what you want and discard what you don’t want. Beneath the list is the way to take the theme from the screen here and put them into pick up benefitting practice. Pheromones Jerry Springer Pornography Lubricants Heroin Philosophies Transvestites Douche bags Hugo Schtiglitz G-String Sand in the vagina? Trust me Valentine’s day Kebab’s Guido New Year’s resolution Inhibitions Ovaries Gypsies Chivalry Bridget Jones Love actually Booty call Haiku Tiger Woods Penetration Conceived Brazilian Anal Beard Old spice Cologne Poetry Mile high club Cougars M’oobs Affairs Morning glory Threesome Paris Hilton Pajama party Marriage Scientology Pedo’ bear Strip clubs Redneck Soap opera’s The prom Girls gone wild Cults Symmetry Examples; response, misinterpretation, statement, question. Girl: So what do you do? You: Run a cult, do you have a hole in your soul? Girl: Can I ask you a question?! You: Yes, ‘I do.’ Time to consummate? You: I am symmetrical, thus attractive. You: If I were Tiger Woods, would you have an affair with me? These are all themes that I have used in similar context in field that have worked extremely well for me. The ideas themselves have usually comes from something I easy thinking about, reading or watching on TV or online that day. The best way to take these ideas from the screen and take to your interaction is to read over them a couple of times and let them be. Think over some of the ideas that you like the best – and like magic those ideas will reappear at the right times when you’re in set in field. Like I said, these things are a little bit random, so as soon as you say them expect a test. Remember that beating test is the ultimate skill of this game. Faux Pas is a great way to elicit manageable test thayt you can breeze past and DHV. PLEASE ADD MORE FAUX PAS IDEAS BELOW! Then go out and clooooooooooooose Alexander~ Executive Coach Australia & Europe
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #39
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | May 10th, 2011 at 6:32 PM
Trust, Rapport, Arousal, Sex. What even happened to the idea of having rapport with a girl? Didn’t there used to be all these elaborate techniques that you get you some deep rapport? They still exist, but in natural game you don’t need techniques to create support, it will happen on its own naturally. But it’s important to know why you need rapport. Rapport is comfort plus trust. And you need a girl to be comfortable with you, to have sex for frivolous a one night stand. She’ll need to both be comfortable and trust you if she’s going to sleep with you after a few dates, which is more common way of sexual intimacy happening. Sometimes you may not need anything at all with a girl for intimacy to happen, but that girl would probably be very slutty – from what I’ve seen, these types of girls don’t make the best company, and even then, the girl herself can get buyer’s remorse after such quick intimacy. So let’s focus the most normal situations – getting to a point of comfort and trust so that the intimacy can go ahead. Firs you need to know that if you are a true natural you don’t need to do anything special other than just chat with the girl over time to develop rapport. The reasons why this works is because a true natural has no ego and therefore no defensive barriers up. Everything he says is a ‘heart to heart’ conversation. And if the natural can handle the frame of a heart to heart conversation, he can soon bring that out of a girl as well. Connection is well on its way – naturally. Physicality itself can help people to trust each other, so make your goal in public social setting to develop ‘physical rapport’ with the girl. That basically just means you need to be comfortable in each other personal space. Stick to the basic, escalate smoothly, no to fast and not too slow and voila, you’ll have physical rapport. Bear in mind that the way to be attractive is by being arousing; interesting, chatty and not predictable. So if you can just keep chatting to a girl and get a ‘heart to heart’ conversation going you are indeed going to be very arousing. Girls are open to talking about significantly more topics than guys are. So, talk about deep stuff about you and about her and the arousal factor is going to go through the roof. Some of my personal favorite topics that get the deep rapport and arousal going are things like dream jobs, heroes, things you love, things you hate and places you dream to go. You get the idea. The most important point in this article is the following: you need to know that the longer you know someone the greater the magnitude of your arousal from that person! If a sales person in a mall approaches you and tried to chat you it means nothing to you, whereas if a sibling where to talk to you it would mean a lot more (if it were a serious conversation). Of course I’m assuming you have siblings and you have extremely deep rapport with them – if you don’t think of someone who fits the description. If the sales person broke convention and called you a moron (and meant it) you wouldn’t really care – there would be very little arousal to it. If a sibling called you a moron (and they meant) then it would mean a lot to you, it might start a fight or passive aggression. It would be very arousing, albeit negative. Knowing that, the longer you talk to a person you just met, you as a source of arousal to them grows exponentially. That is to say, you as a source of attraction grows exponentially. Understanding this rapport dynamics is just one more pillar of self trust for you, a positive attractive energy that you’ll project onto anyone who crosses your path. So, in terms of ‘what you do’ to be better at pick up, make your goal to hold conversation as long as you can, while at the same time sharing good physical rapport. The girl will quickly begin to mean something to you, and you will quickly being to mean a big something to the girl. To reinforce this idea, as good of a pick up artist as you may be – it’s going to be very fucking hard to take a girl away from an alpha male (a guy who intuitively understands game) because the arousal she gets from that guy is going to be so intense, compared to the arousal she gets from you – a guy she’s just met. This is the same for you. When you do find the girl you want to settle with, know that over time you’re going to be more and more arousing inevitable eclipsing every other guy she’s going to meet from then on in her life. From what I’ve seen, girl who date the guys I know who really ‘get’ the game, never cheat on them. I’m references the RSD instructors here. Trust, rapport, arousal - sex. Alexander~ Executive Coach Australia & Europe
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #40
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | May 18th, 2011 at 6:25 AM
The Profound Enlightenment Of Ambition. Simply having a set of goals and working towards them is something that put you into an empowered mood and drive influential behaviors. Working towards goals is something you can do for yourself that will give you an amazing feeling that will be automatically projected onto whoever you interact with, inner game thought loops that lead to good results. The desperate times motvate you towards the privileged times. If you didn’t know the pleasures of the privileged times then you don’t know what you're turning your ambitions towards. Money certainly isn't everything. During my times studying I had barely any wealth, living on a tiny budget. Prior to my employment with Real Social Dynamics as an executive coach I was desperately broke and constantly sick with anxiety over where my next food would come from or how i could transport myself to my next work shift. But even in those hard times it wasn't the end of the world. And even thougn i was doing it tough financially it had no effect whatsoever on that fun I had when i was out in the bar. But living day to day asking my roommates for $3 dollars to do their washing for them so I could buy a 50 Pack of Dim Sims was utterly depressing. I will never be able to eat dim sims again. If i stopped to think about my situation I felt like a fucking failure. I fucking hated it. I, like all guys, felt like I deserved elite status in life. For a while I moped around and felt like a victim and let this lead to make me behave like a loser. After a while I realized that no one was going to get me out of the bad situation but me. When I started to make a plan to get out of debt and take control of my life it was the most empowering feeling. In hindsight I realize that the desperation of my situation was the catalyst for my self-actualization. While I found that it was great to plan to get back on my feet, it’s was exceedingly empowering to make plans that were ambitions. To aim high. Maybe it’s like the secret or something like that, but when you turn your focus towards what you want in life it really does come to you, as long as you commit yourself to it. Just having something towork towards change my whoel demeanor, despite that fact that I hadn't even com close to acheiving my goals yet. Just feeling as though I was moving forward made me infinitely more attractive. Perception is projection. I used to wonder about these guys who'd write on RSDNation and the way that girls would say that ‘there was something about them’. As soon as I switched my primary focus from 'not losing' towards my ambitions I became inherently higher value. I distinctly remember being in social situations talking to girls – during a time when I was trying to wrap my head around being naturally attractive – and the girls just weren't anywhere near as important to me as I used to think they were. The focus had shifted towards myself and my own ambitions. The dyanmics was changing right there within me, it was identity level change in action. Girls and people would be right there infornt of me in conversation, simply reacting to me and being around by me, instead of me trying to game her. I was all about me, and the more you are about you, the more influence you have an the more others look to you for reliability and stimulation. When you really think about it, if you’re ambitious and you sart to fulfill some of your ambitions you truly do put yourself first for a while. But there is a big misconception about those kinds of people. It canb be thought that ambitious people are selfish, self centered or that they ‘don’t take the time to think about others for once’. The truth is, these ambitions people are motivated by never, ever having to depend on others in the same way that they once desperately did. More than that, one of the biggest underlying motivations of an ambitious person is to become something so significant that his loved ones can rely on him. So that he can serve the role that he has respected others for. Helping him when he was desperate. Its growth and identity level change from beta-males to naturally attractive alpha male. I've gone through this and I've seen in it so many others as well in this RSDnation as well. You might have to be truly desperate to have the leverage to develop huge ambition. But reading about it here amidst your own self actualization it should motivate you to raise your own ambition-bar to be something more for yourself, and those you’d love to be able to influence positively. Friends, family, self and girls on the cold approach. Aim high, and keep going. Alexander~ http://www.alexattitude.com
find it, fuck it, forget it.
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