Teknik för bättre självförtroende.
Inlägg: #1
Teknik för bättre självförtroende.

Hittade den här tekniken för att öka socialt självförtroende. Killen säger att man ska prata med sig själv i spegeln, sen när man scrollar ner så är det typ 100 st som har gett han cred för det svaret, är det något legit koncept som finns i psykologin eller?

Citat:Hey dude, I used to be really bad with social anxiety. Like run when someone knocks on the door, can't even order pizza, avoiding eye contact at all cost kind of social anxiety.

Now i'm a two star Thespian (honor society for drama club).

Here's what you do.

Go look at your fucking mirror. Don't bullshit it, do it. Now talk to yourself. Tell yourself about your day. You look pretty damn stupid, don't you? Keep doing it. Spend at least 5 minutes doing it. Talk about your day. Your cat. Megan Fox. Whatever. Now walk away. Go to sleep.

Wake the fuck up dude, you over slept. Alright, go brush your teeth. Stare at yourself. Don't even blink the whole time you're brushing your teeth. Kinda weird isn't it? Rinse that shit out and Listerine up in that bitch. Go through your day.

Come home. Go to that mirror. Get a post it note and write one thing that made you happy. Don't get all fancy and shit, I just said one thing. Now talk to yourself. Why did that make you happy? What's up? How was your day? Do it for 10 minutes.

Wake up. I want you to look at yourself more while your getting prepared for the day. Or if you're not getting out that day, put a mirror beside your computer.

Don't you get it, dude? You're not afraid of other people. You're afraid of yourself, and you're missing out 'cause you're fucking awesome. You'll learn that. You owe it to yourself to learn that.

Take care dude. Let me know if you've got any questions. Trust me, being on stage in a tutu clucking like a chicken in front of 200 people wasn't exactly the easiest thing I accomplished in my life.

But damn am I proud.

You will be too.

Make one more post it note. Write: I want to be proud.

I will be proud.

Get out there, man.
Inlägg: #2
Teknik för bättre självförtroende.
Affirmationer finns ju men detta verkar något annat. Han menar att man helt enkelt ska titta och prata om ingenting speciellt. Jag har grymt självförtroende och har gjort så i flera år. Tror dock inte pratandet är anledningen, gör det bara för att det är roligt.
Inlägg: #3
Teknik för bättre självförtroende.
En närstående fick av sin terapeut/shrink tipset att göra något liknande för att höja sin självkänsla. Tror det är en ganska vedertagen metod.

Möjligen relaterade ämnen...
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  Självförtroende Flumrider 23 16,758 2013-11-02,00:19
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