Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
Inlägg: #31
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar
BY Alexander~ | January 8th, 2010 at 8:11 PM
The Alexander~ 2010 Tour Schedule. The Growth of the Tour.

Hey crew out there how’s it going? Did you have a good new year’s eve? Have a good party wherever you are in the world? Did you find someone to kiss at midnight? I hope so... if not you’ve got about 11 months to take the actions you need to change that for the next NYE.

I myself just spent the last four months travelling through Europe and then South Africa, conducting workshops and meeting the RSDNation citizens from the far corners of the physical world – and might I add shared plenty of adventures with them as well.

The tour was pretty hardcore at times, but absolutely enlightening at all times. On tour sometimes I’d find myself in desperate and dangerous situations, and sometimes I’d happen upon delightful instances. A tour brings with it a whole range of experiences that help me to continually put things into perspective, helping me to learn about the nature of myself and the nature of the people of the world.

See when you go on a tour, you expose yourself to new experiences that you haven’t ever had to deal with before. In these new situations, you are called to think on your feet and continually ask questions of your value systems and sense of self. Ultimately the more experiences you have, the more you are familiar with. The more you are familiar with, the less you can come across instances or situations that give rise to anxiety. The less anxiety you experience in life, the cooler you NATURALLY are.

The more naturally cool you are, the more you naturally inspire attraction in girls. Tours = experience = developing strong natural game.

So when I set out on these tours, I know that I will be inconvenienced, angry, tired, frustrated, and forced into unpleasant situations. But even in light of this knowledge, I accept the RSD tour duties because I know there are lessons – and victories – to be had that will ensure that I CAN’T NOT grow and develop as a person. It’s a great thing.

Besides the negative range of experiences, there are always new adventures and excitements to be had. If you stay in one place and one lifestyle for two long, you can get caught in the daily grind and get so lost in your cushy comfort zone that to even step outside your daily routine is to cause sudden and sharp rises in anxiety. Anxious in many situations means less cool than girls. Means bad natural game.

Touring and new beyond-comfort-zone-experiences are key to getting good and staying good.

Another way to think about the value of touring is this:

They say that the bottom line of pick up is you need to be cooler than the girl. Being cooler than the girl comes not from achievements, but rather being unreactive and comfortable in more situations than the girl. The more experiences you’ve had, the wider your reality. If you are comfortable in almost every situation, scary or fun and exciting, the more situations you are naturally attractive to the girls you talk to.

Just remember to actually talk to the girls to let your lesser anxiety be subcommunicated and emotionally conveyed to the girl.

So tour it up. Get organized with a crew, some guys or girls and drive to a bar you’ve never been to and put yourself under new social pressure to incorporate that new experience into your reality.

Go overseas. Travel to new places to realize that people are in fact extremely emotionally alike. Socially interacting with people that hail from different forms of social conditioning, what is more commonly referred to as different cultures, you realize how shallow and meaningless the social conditioning that you were constricted by where you grew up really is.

I’m back home in Brisbane now with a brand new perspective. I’m looking to get out and do research for the inner game program I’m working on. Four months at home, then five months overseas, then home again to Australia in October is - I believe - a great balance between gathering experience abroad and gathering experiences at home.

Some experiences you need to build up over time in one place, others need to happen on the fly in faraway lands.

And... let’s be honest, Lithuanian girls are pretty stunning, and Vegas Summit is absurdly fun.

So add it to your new year’s resolution to take a tour. Get experiences, get cooler, and grow to get girls naturally in more new situations this year than ever before.

If you’re here on RSDNation, it’s your duty to represent RSD in the world.

Make yourself and the RSDNation proud.

From me, a Happy and prosperous New Year and I wish you many enlightening and growth inspiring experiences.


RSD Executive Coach,


P.S. I’m working hard on the 2009 video in high definition. I have images and video clips from ALL KINDS of situations from all around the world. As a Pick Up Community Video it’s looking like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Stay tuned.
find it, fuck it, forget it.

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Alex@RSD samlade artiklar - av TobiasK - 2012-12-12,03:03
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar - av TobiasK - 2012-12-12,03:05
Alex@RSD samlade artiklar - av TobiasK - 2012-12-12,03:05

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