Använda nofap-"powers" till annat?
2016-04-22,17:44, (Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2016-04-22,17:46 av {2} Pienso.)
Inlägg: #12
RE: Använda nofap-"powers" till annat?
Hitta denna tråd precis, jävligt intressant läsning. Känner nu speciellt med nofap att jag vill få utlopp av att tömma för det finns en sådan stor sexlust. Men som du skriver ragnar att den energin ska användas till att vara kreativ och produktiv.

Jag känner mig helt jävla besatt att knulla och kollar brudar på tinder, happy och badoo. Skitsvårt att fokusera på något annat än brudar. Men det är som hjärnan fuckar med en, skulle egentligen behöva bryta det beteendet och försöka tänka på annat.

This is golden:

It’s important to understand, firstly, that it’s not “required” that you release this energy through a sexual activity. Most people unconsciously believe that they must find an outlet to their sexual energy through a sexual activity, hence they either suppress this energy in them (due to some orthodox beliefs) or try to release it as quickly as it emerges. But in truth, a completely different dynamic plays out in your physical expression when you don’t release this energy through sexual activity and simply contain it, allowing it to course through your space. It develops an energy of “magnetism” in your being – a charisma. When you don’t release this energy through a sexual activity, it will automatically channel into another creative outlet, I’ve listed some of them below.

– Sexual energy has immense healing powers and has the capacity to revitalize the organs in the body. The therapeutic powers of sexual energy are well documented in many spiritual literatures. When you contain this energy in your body, it automatically moves into bringing a healing to diseases present in the body.

– Containing sexual energy creates a sense of vitality and well-being in the mind, cutting through thoughts of depression, powerlessness or inferiority. It can create a spark of genius in your thoughts.

– People who study auras would tell you that sexual energy creates a very powerful positive aura in your physical being, which can be sensed by people around you as a “magnetic” quality in your personality. Napolean Hill, in his book “Think and Grow Rich” had mentioned that all the influential people that he’d interviewed were ones who had strong sexual natures in them but were also conscious enough to channel this energy into their being.

– Any thought that’s held in the powerful presence of this sexual energy seems to attract more strongly than in the presence of any other emotion.

– When you don’t expend sexual energy through a physical release, it seems to channel into creative actions automatically – getting things done which you might not have had the energy to do previously.

Detta har jag känt att man blir så jävla mer produktiv, vill få mer saker gjort. Innan har man känt orkeslös och trött, man pallade inte med att ta tag i saker på samma sätt.

– The force of this sexual energy has the power to burn through resistances within you (that arise from fears or phobias in the mind) – it’s like being under the influence of a powerful drug while also being conscious in its wake.

Känner mig mer presence, ser saker som jag inte såg förut. Känner dofter som jag inte tänkte på förut. Skitkonstigt men känner sig typ hög och sånt jävla zenmode i sig själv. Det känns som man är mer uppmärksam på allt runt omkring.

– People who develop the stability in their being, to be able to contain the surge of sexual energy in them, have a magnetism in their being that attracts the opposite sex. A lot of charismatic people are usually the ones who are conscious enough to channel their sexual energy into personal magnetism.

RE: Använda nofap-"powers" till annat? - av Pienso - 2016-04-22,17:44

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