Hur blir man alpha?
Inlägg: #1
Hur blir man alpha?
Läste Precis tråden om hur vida man ska me eller inte och att det har med testoproduktionen att göra. Enligt mig så är man alpa om man ler o skrattar mkt för att man visar att man är bekväm o kan släppa loss, men Efter att ha läst skratt tråden i vetenskapsdelen av forumet blev jag förvirrad..
Så nu till frågan... Hur beter mig sig riktigt alpha? |
Inlägg: #2
Hur blir man alpha?
Du är trygg i dig själv. Skrattar om du vill, är arg om du vill. Ganska enkelt egentligen.
Inlägg: #3
Hur blir man alpha? | |||
(Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2013-06-20,12:58 av {2} Fuckzoned.)
Inlägg: #4
Hur blir man alpha?
Du får så mycket bekräftelse att du inte behöver någon mer av andra.
Då kommer du bli alphamale =) =) Tips: Eget liv där du klarar dig själv/nöjd skapar din egen lycka. |
Inlägg: #5
Hur blir man alpha?
Bli en ledare
(Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2013-06-20,16:05 av {2} Mindful.)
Inlägg: #6
Hur blir man alpha?
Du skall vara säker och trygg i dig själv
En ledare för gruppen Beskyddare Leva i nuet Detta är dem sakerna jag kan komma på som är alfa styrkande! Edit: Sedan något som bevisar en riktig alfa är en person som har blivit personen som är behövd och inte personen som behöver något av andra!
Keep it up!
Inlägg: #7
Hur blir man alpha?
Fuckzoned Skrev:Du får så mycket bekräftelse att du inte behöver någon mer av andra. Vad och vem får du bekräftelse av om inte andra? Du menar att han inte skall vara bekräftelsesökande. Alpha handlar om att vara ledare i en grupp. Inte om att få mycket bekräftelse. |
Inlägg: #8
Hur blir man alpha?
n1ce Skrev:Vad och vem får du bekräftelse av om inte andra? Du menar att han inte skall vara bekräftelsesökande. Om vi återvänder till verkligheten är det nog jävligt svårt att vara alpha dock om du är utsvulten på bekräftelse från dig själv och andra. Tänk dig om nån inte är omtyckt, hur skall han kunna vara alpha? och japp, finns ju intern bekräftelse med! Människor behöver båda delar. Intern / Extern.
Will To Power.
Winning Beats The Game. |
(Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2013-06-20,17:46 av {2} golvmopp.)
Inlägg: #9
Hur blir man alpha?
TonightIsTheNight Skrev:Om vi återvänder till verkligheten är det nog jävligt svårt att vara alpha dock om du är utsvulten på bekräftelse från dig själv och andra. Tänk dig om nån inte är omtyckt, hur skall han kunna vara alpha? För att dra en lång parallell - Sandor Clegane i GoT är inte omtyckt av någon, men att förneka att killen har alfa-pondus är självbedrägeri. Skulle han inte vart bunden av tidens riddarkodex skulle killen drunkna i fitta anseendet till trots. Status = wet puzzay. Samma fenomen kan hittas i alla samhällen där en rigid maktstruktur infinner sig - kommunistiska republiker främst. Den sociala makteb som partipolitiker och poliser hade då var inte att leka med. Inte för att det har särskilt stor relevans för oss vilsna pojkar i ett välfärdsparadis anno 2013, men bara för att påpeka att fenomenet finns - ergo att positiv bekräftelse inte är nödvändigt för peen i vajayjay. Fan, kolla hur mycke murva nuvarande yrkeskrimknella får!
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."
(Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2013-06-20,19:10 av {2} TonightIsTheNight.)
Inlägg: #10
Hur blir man alpha?
golvmopp Skrev:För att dra en lång parallell - Sandor Clegane i GoT är inte omtyckt av någon, men att förneka att killen har alfa-pondus är självbedrägeri. Skulle han inte vart bunden av tidens riddarkodex skulle killen drunkna i fitta anseendet till trots. Status = wet puzzay. Samma fenomen kan hittas i alla samhällen där en rigid maktstruktur infinner sig - kommunistiska republiker främst. Den sociala makteb som partipolitiker och poliser hade då var inte att leka med. Inte för att det har särskilt stor relevans för oss vilsna pojkar i ett välfärdsparadis anno 2013, men bara för att påpeka att fenomenet finns - ergo att positiv bekräftelse inte är nödvändigt för peen i vajayjay. Fan, kolla hur mycke murva nuvarande yrkeskrimknella får! Well, okey, intressant. Men de du drar upp som exempel får väl ändå omgivningen "reaktiv" på dem vilket ger dem perceptionen av att de har högt värde, som en bieffekt av den sociala responsen? Kan du vara alfa eller icke-needy om folk ignorerar dig konstant? Aja, oavsett vilket så är jag ganska säker att det jag skrev applicerar sig generellt iaf. Vi uppmuntras att upprepa beteenden som vi får social bekräftelse för, som de flockdjur vi är. Sen finns det väl en skala kring hur mkt man behöver andras vs. sin egen bekräftelse och där det är bättre att luta mot att vända sig till sin egen snarare än andras.
Will To Power.
Winning Beats The Game. |
Inlägg: #11
Hur blir man alpha?
n1ce Skrev:Vad och vem får du bekräftelse av om inte andra? Du menar att han inte skall vara bekräftelsesökande. Öh nej alpha handlar om att vara en kanin i ett rymdskepp fattar du väl jävla chipsmongo. |
Inlägg: #12
Hur blir man alpha?
+1 för chipsmongo. Ett oerhört roligt ord.
"Do you mind if I sit back a little?
Because your breath is bad- it really is." - Donald Trump, to Larry King, on CNN'S "Larry King Live". |
Inlägg: #13
Hur blir man alpha?
Kioskmongo och grottneger ligger snäppet över, IMHO.
Ontopic: livserfarenhet och motgångar tillsammans med relevant litteratur (the way of the superior man) är mitt bästa tips. Det är en lång process, men en där din aura inte baseras på så kortsiktiga saker som "state".
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."
Inlägg: #14
Hur blir man alpha?
Klappmongo är min favo, damn u!
Will To Power.
Winning Beats The Game. |
Inlägg: #15
Hur blir man alpha?
Fråga Evilvalle om två artiklar skriva av en rysk professor. De är översatat till halvtaskig engelska dock. Typ bästaj ag läst ang alfa etc. har det själv på min dator i Sverige, inte här tyvärr.
Extreme Living
Never complain - never explain |
Inlägg: #16
Hur blir man alpha?
Fuckzoned Skrev:Öh nej alpha handlar om att vara en kanin i ett rymdskepp fattar du väl jävla chipsmongo. yeeah man frän-T |
Inlägg: #17
Hur blir man alpha?
Ragnarök Skrev:Fråga Evilvalle om två artiklar skriva av en rysk professor. De är översatat till halvtaskig engelska dock. Typ bästaj ag läst ang alfa etc. har det själv på min dator i Sverige, inte här tyvärr. Ligger inte de kvar på C-R eller har trojkan tagit bort dem?
Will To Power.
Winning Beats The Game. |
Inlägg: #18
Hur blir man alpha?
Haha. Det är den frågan vi alla försöker ta reda på och brottas med här.
Inlägg: #19
Hur blir man alpha?
Ragnarök Skrev:Fråga Evilvalle om två artiklar skriva av en rysk professor. De är översatat till halvtaskig engelska dock. Typ bästaj ag läst ang alfa etc. har det själv på min dator i Sverige, inte här tyvärr. Heeeeree you gooo! http://www.reocities.com/protopop_1999/treatise.html http://www.reocities.com/protopop_1999/faq_tre.html Citat:They prove that the crucial component of ranking potential is ASSURANCE in a own superiority, possibly and very often, not supported by any real merits and even totally groundless. Indeed, assurance of one person can hypnotize the other one and including himself or herself. It can be assurance of a student before passing the exam, or a driver in front of a policeman, or guru in front of believer, or a politician facing a crowd, or a leader of a sect facing his followers, and etc Citat:Acceptable volume of conflict tension is directly linked with ranking potential for each being - the lower ranking potential the less intensive conflict causes the sense of discomfort. Citat:actually it does not have any serious significance for a woman HOW a man expresses his desire but it is extremely important for her WHO does it. Citat:If a man has a high rank ("captain") then women will forgive him almost any behavior and almost any weaknesses; if he has a low rank ("cornet") then even complete impeccability will not help him. Citat:Love, as a call of instinct, can not contemplate and that's why it is often triggered on visual rank rather than on actual one. It happens that "captain" looks like pitiful whiner crying that he is so perfect and superior but the ungifted people around do not appreciate him; or like capricious child with child-women egoistic character and all people tiptoe around eagering to please him in every possible way (any other cases are possible). The main thing is that he is sincerely sure in his own superiority. Citat:In woman's emotional choice of a man the following has the highest significance - man's instinctive hierarchical status (including purely visual rank) that might not coincide with his social status. His physical characteristics takes the second preference. Betalisering explained: Citat:Do you want to force a husband to wash clothes, to clean floors or to look after the baby, etc? Did high-ranking males in primeval herd do such a contemptible job? If you succeed in this (but this is unlikely if he was not inclined to it by himself) your mind probably will be satisfied for some time. However, your primeval "ego" will immediately recognize the lowering of the rank of this male... and you will want to get a lover. Även om du inte är en brad pitt kan du skapa stark attraktion genom ditt beteende, till och med sexet blir bättre om hon genom ditt beteende ser dig som "high value" än om du är av low rank och snygg: Citat:Most probably a woman's sexual satisfaction comes from a subconsciously attractive man even though on a conscious level he might be unpleasant even disgusting. If there is no such subconscious attractiveness of the man (even giving him a logically high mark) then the attempt to achieve sexual satisfaction only by perfecting sexual technique might not give a result. Most likely is the allurement of high-ranking and highly primative men, which are dominant among the most successful lovers. Citat:Alcohol raises the low rank, and diminishes the high one! Citat:Who makes a choice? In the animal world it is always a female who chooses the male. If a male chooses this will conflict with the fundamental principle of gender separation - a principle of female's irreplaceability. Those few species where visually a male makes a choice can be considered as a short-term evolutionary deviation and even there the female's choice is probably rather camouflaged. For example, a female can make no choice by herself but instead she can provoke males to fight each other and then prefer a winner (or might become capricious and not prefer anyone at all...). The main feature of the selection is that there are a few males on "input" but only one on "output" and the mechanism of this selection significantly varies from species to species. It is obvious that exactly such reflected selection takes place among people. It is considered indecent and even impossible for a woman to make a choice directly without a preceding competition or even fight among men, even if in absentia or imaginary (let us recall medieval knights). Afterwards it is very hard for her not to prefer a man who demonstrates the behavior of a winner. Citat:1.Trying to display your high rank to women, do not be malignant and aggressive! Remember that the root of high-ranking potential is in the high self-esteem and following from it self-assurance. Probably opposite to it, malignancy is destiny of low-ranking men. Cheerful happiness of self-assured person having success in life, having to some degree everything from life, is not afraid of getting in contact with others, this is a lifestyle and behavior one should try to achieve. Moreover, even the most highly primative woman has some kind of rational thinking and open aggressor can invoke purely rational antipathy. Citat:1.So, biological roles of males and females are drastically different. Lower viability of males due to, in part, more risky behavior, was mentioned above. Obviously, the differences in behavior do not end here and certainly should suit the biological roles. Since the personal value of each female is higher than that of the male because males are born in much higher numbers than needed for fertilization of all females, then there dominate in female behavior the care for herself (and demand of such care from people around her), caution, avoiding risk, and if a self-sacrifice needed then it must be only for the sake of her children as the final goal of caring for herself. Societal traditions are solitary with women primacy because naturally they go back to instinctive behavioral programs - women and children are saved first from a sinking ship. Besides, while there is a great number of the laws and resolutions showing concern for women one way or another, there is none for men. The law takes care either of a PERSON (any person) or a woman. [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #20
Hur blir man alpha?
Ragnarök Skrev:Fråga Evilvalle om två artiklar skriva av en rysk professor. De är översatat till halvtaskig engelska dock. Typ bästaj ag läst ang alfa etc. har det själv på min dator i Sverige, inte här tyvärr. Heeeeree you gooo! http://www.reocities.com/protopop_1999/treatise.html http://www.reocities.com/protopop_1999/faq_tre.html Citat:They prove that the crucial component of ranking potential is ASSURANCE in a own superiority, possibly and very often, not supported by any real merits and even totally groundless. Indeed, assurance of one person can hypnotize the other one and including himself or herself. It can be assurance of a student before passing the exam, or a driver in front of a policeman, or guru in front of believer, or a politician facing a crowd, or a leader of a sect facing his followers, and etc Citat:Acceptable volume of conflict tension is directly linked with ranking potential for each being - the lower ranking potential the less intensive conflict causes the sense of discomfort. Citat:actually it does not have any serious significance for a woman HOW a man expresses his desire but it is extremely important for her WHO does it. Citat:If a man has a high rank ("captain") then women will forgive him almost any behavior and almost any weaknesses; if he has a low rank ("cornet") then even complete impeccability will not help him. Citat:Love, as a call of instinct, can not contemplate and that's why it is often triggered on visual rank rather than on actual one. It happens that "captain" looks like pitiful whiner crying that he is so perfect and superior but the ungifted people around do not appreciate him; or like capricious child with child-women egoistic character and all people tiptoe around eagering to please him in every possible way (any other cases are possible). The main thing is that he is sincerely sure in his own superiority. Citat:In woman's emotional choice of a man the following has the highest significance - man's instinctive hierarchical status (including purely visual rank) that might not coincide with his social status. His physical characteristics takes the second preference. Betalisering explained: Citat:Do you want to force a husband to wash clothes, to clean floors or to look after the baby, etc? Did high-ranking males in primeval herd do such a contemptible job? If you succeed in this (but this is unlikely if he was not inclined to it by himself) your mind probably will be satisfied for some time. However, your primeval "ego" will immediately recognize the lowering of the rank of this male... and you will want to get a lover. Även om du inte är en brad pitt kan du skapa stark attraktion genom ditt beteende, till och med sexet blir bättre om hon genom ditt beteende ser dig som "high value" än om du är av low rank och snygg: Citat:Most probably a woman's sexual satisfaction comes from a subconsciously attractive man even though on a conscious level he might be unpleasant even disgusting. If there is no such subconscious attractiveness of the man (even giving him a logically high mark) then the attempt to achieve sexual satisfaction only by perfecting sexual technique might not give a result. Most likely is the allurement of high-ranking and highly primative men, which are dominant among the most successful lovers. Citat:Alcohol raises the low rank, and diminishes the high one! Citat:Who makes a choice? In the animal world it is always a female who chooses the male. If a male chooses this will conflict with the fundamental principle of gender separation - a principle of female's irreplaceability. Those few species where visually a male makes a choice can be considered as a short-term evolutionary deviation and even there the female's choice is probably rather camouflaged. For example, a female can make no choice by herself but instead she can provoke males to fight each other and then prefer a winner (or might become capricious and not prefer anyone at all...). The main feature of the selection is that there are a few males on "input" but only one on "output" and the mechanism of this selection significantly varies from species to species. It is obvious that exactly such reflected selection takes place among people. It is considered indecent and even impossible for a woman to make a choice directly without a preceding competition or even fight among men, even if in absentia or imaginary (let us recall medieval knights). Afterwards it is very hard for her not to prefer a man who demonstrates the behavior of a winner. Citat:1.Trying to display your high rank to women, do not be malignant and aggressive! Remember that the root of high-ranking potential is in the high self-esteem and following from it self-assurance. Probably opposite to it, malignancy is destiny of low-ranking men. Cheerful happiness of self-assured person having success in life, having to some degree everything from life, is not afraid of getting in contact with others, this is a lifestyle and behavior one should try to achieve. Moreover, even the most highly primative woman has some kind of rational thinking and open aggressor can invoke purely rational antipathy. Citat:1.So, biological roles of males and females are drastically different. Lower viability of males due to, in part, more risky behavior, was mentioned above. Obviously, the differences in behavior do not end here and certainly should suit the biological roles. Since the personal value of each female is higher than that of the male because males are born in much higher numbers than needed for fertilization of all females, then there dominate in female behavior the care for herself (and demand of such care from people around her), caution, avoiding risk, and if a self-sacrifice needed then it must be only for the sake of her children as the final goal of caring for herself. Societal traditions are solitary with women primacy because naturally they go back to instinctive behavioral programs - women and children are saved first from a sinking ship. Besides, while there is a great number of the laws and resolutions showing concern for women one way or another, there is none for men. The law takes care either of a PERSON (any person) or a woman. [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
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