The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
Inlägg: #1
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
I been having massive success lately. So take anything I said as field tested. This shit works. I really feel that I'm accountable to give you some value here, just like I received value before. I have to say that I didn't came up with this stuff, this stuff comes from hitting the field. Tim and Tyler said these things all the time, I didn't believe it myself, but is fucking true, so if you have Flawless or Blueprint, believe that stuff is true.

Remember that looks and money are only self perception, and self perception is not applied here. I'm still insecure plenty times, social condition is hardcore, but this only happens when I'm inside the house in front of the computer; if I'm outside the house, these thoughts disappear.

So here it is:

First you must go out. If you are not going out nothing is gonna happen.

You have to learn that is ok to introduce yourself to strangers and start a conversation. You can just go, say hi my name is, shake hands, and it's on, the set is now owned; then you can just start talking or they would talk. Expect nothing but what is happening.

You have to learn that people around you are as intimidated and insecure as you are, sometimes you may think they are bitchy or aggressive, but it is far better to just recognize that "they may just be nervous, that if I quit the conversation now, is gonna be a lose situation for both, that I need to stick here to help them overcome their fears". Usually girls will be a thousand times faster to open than guys, but you have to open everyone, they will know you have a social vibe.

If you are in a club, party or a bar, NEVER stop interacting with people, as soon as you get there talk with the coolest or the chodest guy/group. It doesn't matter who is it, you need to keep the interaction going all the time. What I mean about interaction is not only conversation, you can also play games or stuff like that, sometimes they have darts, dancefloors and pool tables, where you can have fun WITH other people you met there.

Assume everyone is your friend and they all like you. I'm sure you have a group of friends where you can just chill and nothing holds you back from be yourself, so apply the same approach to the pub. You don't need to impress anybody with anything you say or do, you don't need to make any sentence longer, you are there to be out of the house and interact with people as any other socially healthy human being.

It is important that you get use to go out alone in order to get these mindsets. If you start going out a lot with wings and friends, all this stuff is gonna take longer to develop, once you are comfortable going out alone you can bring friends and stuff. I personally feel better to go by myself because it works so much better for logistics. Remember that even though you are going out alone you are never alone, because everyone around you is also your friend.

You should ALWAYS KNOW what you want. NEVER think about what you don't want to happen. ONLY think about what you want, and take right action on it. If you want to talk to that girl, talk to her, if you want to hug her, go hug her, if you want to call somebody on something they are saying, do it, if you only want to engage one girl, only engage that girl, if you want to change the conversation, change the conversation, if you want to be alone with her, take her with you, if you want to reward a girl for something she said, do it, if you want to punish her for something she said, do it.

Everything you do wether is calling someone on something, clawing, smiling, looking in the eyes, spining, it all should be done for your own fun, you are bringing this fun to the group, not the group bringing this fun to you. Your fun should not depend on what the others are doing or saying, it depends on you, this is frame controlling. All these stuff is straight forward guys, there are not metaphors or parables here, it is just as it sounds.

Whatever you are doing at the moment is the coolest thing going on, if you are talking to her, that's the coolest thing going on, if you are getting a blowjob in the restroom, that's the coolest thing going on. Don't think in terms of past and future. The coolest thing going on is right now, in front of your eyes, nowhere else, is only happening to YOU.

KEY is that good feeling you have inside your body, like Tim said, that feeling will dictate everything that is happening around you (to your own perspective which is the one that matters). You should feel like you are a Rockstar, that is on in all matters, that it doesn't matter what is going on, girls are only thinking: "I hope this guy close the deal, I hope he moves things forward" 'cause in reality that is what is happening.

KEY do not compare, do not judge, do not interpret, do not label anything she wears, do or say. You are not focused on her mind, she is not her mind, so there is absolutely no reason to focus on her mind. Focus on her heart, her heart and soul is where is at, literally.

Now that been said, there a few other things that I think are important, most of the time they will come naturally, but if they don't, there is nothing wrong with knowing about them:

Build the habit of using neutral rapport tonality. The only time I may use trying for rapport tonality is to spice up a character in a story I'm sharing. Breaking rapport you can use it when calling somebody on something, or when you are just being playful with her and enjoying the moment, it should always come from that having fun/giving value frame.

Speak loud, laugh loud, a good voice volume will give you instant value, don't be afraid of calling people's attention. People's attention is natural to you, you are a Rockstar, you don't check around to see who is looking at you, you are use to have people looking at you all the time, and you're careless about it, you focus on what you want.

Laser eyes: look into her eyes, you are the shit, she knows it, she is afraid of her feelings betraying her own self control, she is afraid that you can own her emotions.

Inner smile: you have not concerns, you know that not matter what happens, you always win, you don't need to try to win, you are already a winner, you know you are the shit, she knows that you know that you are the shit.

Intimacy: She knows what is going on, you know what is going on, it is assumed. She is willing to give up herself to you, is a win/win situation. A simple attraction becomes a strong upbeat connection, you are not two, you are one, you accept it as it is and you don't add future expectations.

Claw: Beware of the claw, the claw always win, the claw only grows stronger.

Remember that kino and escalation comes from this one question: What do I want right now? It does NOT come from this question: What should I do right now? (that what should do question should NEVER come in your thoughts).

Now, you can basically use all the classic stuff they taught us in early game and make it work. The main ones I use are:

Roleplaying - Plotlines - Bubble Of Love (give her a role, she doesn't have to be a random stranger, she can be anything you want her to be)

Storytelling (you have a life to express, you play Castlevania, you watch Anime, you read Homer, you are a fan of The Matrix Trilogy, you watch YouTube, it doesn't matter what is your life, is all cool because you are cool)

Missinterpretations (Take anything she said as she is hitting on you, remember is always on, do this with the I'm fun frame, not with the I'm a jerk frame)

Hot reading (I said "hot" because I think is way much more effective when you do it hot, meaning when you already know a few things about her and you are using those things to do the reading, btw, this goes very well before changing venues)

They never taught us when to know when a tool is working and when is not, so how do you know when a tool is working? When her head is spinning (this is why the actual action of spinning her is so popular, and this is why girls are afraid of us doing this to them).

How to escalate? Making her head spin with a wide range of emotions. These emotions will autogenerate with your fun frame. Make her heartbeat go all over the place.

Have you done a threesome?
Do you like doggy style?
Are you loud in bed?
Does your boyfriend likes to watch?
Have you kissed a girl?


How to piss her off? When you are making her head spin and you are not escalating. Always be pushing forward, one step back, two forward.

KEY NEVER look for indicators of interst (IOIs) from her, NEVER wait for IOIs from her. Sometimes she is not secure enough to make one. YOU KNOW is always on, so there is absolutely no reason to wait for her IOIs to do what you want.

The important points:

1. You should feel you are your own party. Really, feel good about yourself when you are out, feel like you are the coolest.

2. You always assume attraction, it doesn't matter what she is doing or saying.

3. You feel comfortable with any situation because you are having fun.

4. You make her head spin, you do not let logic ever enter in the interaction, you avoid routines, routines are not fun, you make everything fun for yourself.

5. You make the conversation sexual, you are not apologetic about what is it that you want to do or say.

6. You close the deal. I'm not saying tell her let's fuck right away (one thing at the time). If you want to take her home, take her home, "let's go, we are leaving".

7. You are the man, You take accountability for everything that happens. You never put any responsibility on her. It's all on you. You make the decisions, you don't wait for her to make a decision, she expects you to make the decisions for her.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #2
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
grym tråd från rsdnation, check it up
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #3
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
Hade varit grymt om du hade postat den på svenska. Detta är ju trots allt ett svenskt forum, vill jag ha engelsk så tittar jag på engelskt PUA forum.
Inlägg: #4
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
premium Skrev:Hade varit grymt om du hade postat den på svenska. Detta är ju trots allt ett svenskt forum, vill jag ha engelsk så tittar jag på engelskt PUA forum.

Tänker inte översätta den, yes det är ett svenskt forum, men engelska brukar vara rätt gångbart i sverige. Testa google translate i värsta fall.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #5
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
Fucking awesome! Känner att jag måste börja agera lite nu för jag har varit involverad i seduction nu i typ 3 år och känner mig fortfarande som en chode! Sjukt störigt!
2012-03-26,21:48, (Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2012-03-26,21:52 av {2} premium.)
Inlägg: #6
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
Vad menas med no routines? Vad för rutiner menar han? Och vad menar han med roleplaying?
Inlägg: #7
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
Rollspel är typ som när man lekte mamma pappa barn när man var liten. Det gör man än idag fast då heter det mamma pappa göra barn! Wink
Inlägg: #8
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
Madrock Skrev:Rollspel är typ som när man lekte mamma pappa barn när man var liten. Det gör man än idag fast då heter det mamma pappa göra barn! Wink

Ge exempel om du skulle stå o prata med en brud hur roleplaying skulle vara typ?
Inlägg: #9
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
Får någon annan göra då jag aldrig har gjort det! Och de tankar jag har får jag inte ner till ord = )
Inlägg: #10
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
Vem är författaren?
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #11
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
Evilvalle Skrev:Vem är författaren?

Tydligen en medlem på rsdnation som går under användarnamnet "ReallityFactory". :p
Inlägg: #12
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
TobiasK Skrev:You have to learn that people around you are as intimidated and insecure as you are, sometimes you may think they are bitchy or aggressive, but it is far better to just recognize that "they may just be nervous, that if I quit the conversation now, is gonna be a lose situation for both, that I need to stick here to help them overcome their fears". Usually girls will be a thousand times faster to open than guys, but you have to open everyone, they will know you have a social vibe.

För er som har problem med AA, läs detta en gång till. Maybe once more after that. Kanske en tredje gång. Detta är guld, och när jag insåg detta för x-antal år sedan så gick det sååå mycket enklare ute på krogen med approaches.

Bra tråd förövrigt
Inlägg: #13
The Ultimate Method To Get Laid Like A Fucking Rockstar @rsdnation
Stranger Skrev:För er som har problem med AA, läs detta en gång till. Maybe once more after that. Kanske en tredje gång. Detta är guld, och när jag insåg detta för x-antal år sedan så gick det sååå mycket enklare ute på krogen med approaches.

Bra tråd förövrigt

Precis det du markerade är det jag jobbar mest på i mitt game just nu. Jag är övertygad om att öppningen är så jävla key i raggning. Nu är jag Captain Obvious kanske men öppnar du inte träffar du inte många tjejer. Men det är inte bara det. Öppnar du vem fan som helst, när som helst och vet att du kan göra det, den vetskapen ger dig en jävla massa möjligheter och bidrar till den här I-don't-give-a-fuck-attityden som vi konstaterat är rätt effektiv. Sen kan du kvalificera som en gud eller snacka sex som Olle Waller, det känns sekundärt. First impressions last.

Mitt game är inte i närheten av det här men det är dit jag vill.
Haters gonna hate


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