Secrets to Seduction...Learn How Screening can Take Your Game to the Next Level
2013-06-07,16:58, (Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2013-06-07,18:13 av {2} godsgift.)
Inlägg: #1
Secrets to Seduction...Learn How Screening can Take Your Game to the Next Level
Hittade den här artikeln och tyckte den var så grym att den förtjänar att bli upplagd här! =)
Hänger mycket ihop med valles tråd om [Compliance, defiance and investment], så om ni uppskattar den e det bara att fortsätta läsa!

In game, buy in(from the girl) becomes the determining factor when you have your fundamentals down, that is, when your body language and tonality are solid and when you have a strong sense of your identity and your own value. For me, I don’t think much about “value.” I try to live my life the way I want, going for the goals I feel are important to myself, and giving it my best. Value is relative so I don’t bother actively to “demonstrate higher value.” It’s not something I do. I just am. At this point, buy in(meaning the girl "buys in" or is "hooked" to you and your persona) really becomes THE most important issue, in my experience. That's why I call it the key to ELITE game.

Buy in is not necessary just to get laid. Here's what I think it takes to get any girl.
A: Approach
B: Buy in and/or pump Buying temperature
C: Close.
Yeah....that's it. After the approach, you can lay a girl just by pumping her Buying Temperature. However, nine out of ten times, you'll have to rely on believability rather than on pumping BT alone.

Buy in gets at the issue of whether the girl feels she can believe your sincerity, that you really do mean what you say in your compliments and verbal rewards, and that your physical escalations make sense emotionally and are not robotic motions and/or scripted like most PUAs these days.

She does not need to believe that you want to have sex with her. Every girl will automatically think that she can attain sex from you, they have already decided this the moment you approach. That's not what's in question.

What she is begging to discover is whether or not you appreciate her for being more than just another sex object.

How do you accomplish this?


The most straightforward way of doing this is to use a two-step process. The first step is Screening, and the second step is Qualifying.

-Shows that you genuinely have high standards.
-Allows her to earn your attention and affection for her non-physical qualities.
-Shows that you appreciate her for her special characteristics and for meeting your high standards.

First, you should have reflected on what you’re looking for in a woman. I know almost all of you know what kind of physical traits you want. The funny thing is, almost every time I ask a guy what he’s looking for in a woman, the first (and only) things he tells me are her physical traits—how tall she is, her bust, waist, and hip measurements, her hair color, etc. Dude, this is one of those reasons why you’re not getting laid yet. What we’re after here are her non-physical qualities. Otherwise, you’re just the next creepy guy.

Think of at least five non-physical traits and write them down.

My high quality girl traits are

Loyalty. Mature. Intellectual. Sophisticated. Health/Fitness lover. Affectionate. Responsible. Understanding. Empathetic and knows how to cook.

These are examples of what I screen for. You should come up with your own list. That means you’ll actually have to pause and reflect for a minute or two.

For you to pull this off properly, you should genuinely want these qualities in a woman. It’s really up to you how much you’re willing to compromise on any of them. For me, she would have to be insanely hot for me to compromise on any of the above. And even then, I would have to be looking just to hook up.

This is NOT merely a technique. This is a whole frame of mind. It includes what others have called a SCREENING FRAME. You should have this frame throughout the interaction, from the approach to the close and over the long-term.

In fact, this should be your frame in life, not just with women, but with everyone. You should be a man of high standards, who knows what he’s looking for in women, in friends, in a job, in colleagues, employees, etc.


A. Verbal
Contextualize the statements and questions. Don’t just ask them out of the blue. Talk about a time when you or your friends were X before you ask her how X she is.

These should roll off your tongue as if they’re the sort of things you say or ask everybody you talk to.

You can do this as questions or as statements. Examples:
-“I like X.”
-“All my friends are X. Hmm, you seem X. Am I right?”
-“You strike me as an X person.
-You’re X, aren’t you?”
-“I can tell you’re very X. But are you Y as well?”
-“Are you more X or Y? You’re not Y, right?”

-[After talking passionately about some of your own quality traits... I say, “So what do you do for fun?” (this is a positive presumption which implies that she does in fact have fun, but I'm screening whether or not she is a high quality chick or some good rat party chick who thinks she is a model cuz she takes selfies in her bathroom mirror every night)
Since I'm an artist, I always throw out this screen....
-“You have that artistic air about you/You look artistic. What kind of art do you do! (Most girls say fashion design or dancing)
Then I'll reward and share my art with her, which boosts my value but also makes her feel more comfortable with me overall.

B. Physical
You want her to put some work into her answers. You’re aiming for a 50-50 workload here. After you make the statement or ask the question, pause and hold the tension. Freeze your body language», and look at her expectantly. Lean back a little as if you are judging her and are a little skeptical that she will have a good answer. After all, you have high standards. Apply social pressure. High-value people expect others to answer their questions and respond to their statements.

If she doesn’t give you anything after you pause, resist the urge to fill the silence with babbling. Look away or withdraw your body language» slightly to let her know she’s losing you. Then slowly turn back to her if you want to give her another chance.

I usually give a girl three strikes before I move on. It’s up to you how much you’re willing to compromise on your standards. Remember, though, it’s much more powerful if your standards are genuine. I’ve had plenty of girls that I’ve nexted come find me later in the night because they were so impressed because I held to my standards and walked away.

If she gives you a great answer, which she should if you did this right, you should reward her, which brings us to step two.


A. Verbal
Once she complies in a way that meets your standards you can now give her a verbal reward.

“Wow, you really are X. I like that.”
“Mmm. You’re so X.”
“It’s really cool to talk with such an X girl.”
“Wow, you’re so X. Very nice”
“You’re so X. I love it.”
“Okay, okay, you’re X. You can be my friend now.”
“I love having such an X friend.”
“You really are X. I'm glad we can be friends.”

By rewarding her after she meets your screen, you are verbally escalating. Another way to put this is that you are escalating on her high points. If you stack enough of these screens followed by qualifications, pretty soon, the girl will be begging you to escalate physically.

If you feel that she isn’t taking the compliment well, or you get the vibe that she is uncomfortable....then you should release her from her discomfort by injecting a “underhanded rejection” For example...

“Too bad you’re not my type.”
“You don't seem to be too friendly, don't make me regret talking to you"

B. Physical
Your verbal rewards and escalations should be accompanied by physical rewards and escalations. Start off small. Give her a a slight touch on her elbow then move on to a friendly squeeze on the outside of her elbow or her outside thigh. Pull her in for a big hug. Look deeply into her eyes with a puppy dog “where have you been all my life” look.

You screen her. She passes. You verbally reward her while also physically rewarding her. It all makes sense to her rationally and emotionally. She’s earned your affections and now she gets to collect her rewards.

[SIZE="3"]Phase 2 Verbal Escalation[/SIZE]

Your compliments should start being over the top.

“Holy shit, your lips are so sexy. You have no idea how hard it is for me not to kiss you right now.” Stare a lips go in for make out

"Holy shit look at that ass, I want to put you on the bar and fuck the shit outta you in front of everyone" (squeeze ass)

Again, calibrate. If she’s uncomfortable, make sure you use “backhand rejections.” See above.

B. Physical
Of course, the whole point of this kind of screening and qualification is to escalate kino really fast. So be bold. This takes balls. And very solid inner game».

With each phase 2 verbal escalation, you should be touching her in the relevant places. If you’re qualifying her on her lips, grab her face with your two palms and kiss her. If you’re complimenting her breasts, cop a feel. If you’re talking about her ass, grab her ass. Basically, using this kind of escalation, you can get to a makeout in a matter of minutes.

With the kind of over-the-top verbal qualifications you're giving her, your physical escalations must be just as over-the-top! When you say she's just so amazingly gorgeous that you had to stop and meet her, you should be as wide-eyed and mesmerized as you would if you were talking to the woman of your dreams.

Act as if you can't control yourself, that you know it's against social propriety to grab her ass (or whatever), but that you just can't help it, and that you're trying really hard to stop. And that it's all her fault for causing you to lose control b/c she's just so damned hot. You're just over the edge of self-control here.

There’s not that much technique to building buy in on physical qualities. It’s pretty straight-forward. It’s the mental and emotional state and frame that carry the day.

So there you have it.

Buy in is about whether she can believe that you like her as more than just a sex object, that she won’t be just another notch on your bedpost.

The easiest way to do this is to compliment her on her non-physical traits, but you can also give her over-the-top compliments on her physical qualities. Remember that these always work best when they’re genuine.

By doing this, you can escalate very very fast. Stack the screens and qualifications one on top of the other, and boom, you’ll be making out in minutes and in bed with her before you know it.

Check out this movie clip, it's a great example of screening/qualifying and getting to the point, once you get her buy in she knows what's up and its easy closing(when you lead her to it) from then on...
2013-06-07,18:46, (Detta inlägg ändrades senast: 2013-06-07,18:47 av {2} Evilvalle.)
Inlägg: #2
Secrets to Seduction...Learn How Screening can Take Your Game to the Next Level
Yeah legit stuff, allt handlar som sagt om compliance. Angående stycket:

Citat:Buy in is about whether she can believe that you like her as more than just a sex object, that she won’t be just another notch on your bedpost.

Yep, true, men samtidigt så är det ofta så att hon på något plan uppenbarligen vet att det egentligen bara handlar om sex, dock måste hon många gånger kunna rationalisera varför hon låter dig eskalera så snabbt (så att hon inte behöver erkänna för sig själv att hon är en "lätt slyna"), till vilket sånt här är riktigt bra.

En annan sak jag märkt är att man snabbar på processen att få hög compliance genom att även vara oförutsägbar med sin belöning/bestraffning: Sure, majoriteten av gångerna ska du belöna positivt beteende med eskalering (verbalt och/eller fysiskt), men om du ibland slänger in en diss ÄVEN fast hon visar positivt beteende blir du mer oförutsägbar och rent psykologiskt skapar det ett större begär vilket leder till ökad compliance.

Har lite funderingar på att skriva ännu en artikel gällande detta men som även innefattar allt övrigt inom game: Dvs beteenden, externa DHVs och hur dessa kopplas samman med qualification/compliance i ett enda stort mycket logiskt system - En form av överbild, en meta-frame om hur all game i grunden går till, något som alla "framgångsrika" (POAAHs som naturals) gör, medvetet eller omedvetet. Egentligen inget nytt i sig, inte några nya koncept per se - Men som sagt, ett mycket logiskt system, en "formel" om man så vill, som kopplar ihop allt.

Gäller att få igång lite fire i fingrarna bara =))
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #3
Secrets to Seduction...Learn How Screening can Take Your Game to the Next Level
Evilvalle Skrev:Yeah legit stuff, allt handlar som sagt om compliance. Angående stycket:

Yep, true, men samtidigt så är det ofta så att hon på något plan uppenbarligen vet att det egentligen bara handlar om sex, dock måste hon många gånger kunna rationalisera varför hon låter dig eskalera så snabbt (så att hon inte behöver erkänna för sig själv att hon är en "lätt slyna"), till vilket sånt här är riktigt bra.

En annan sak jag märkt är att man snabbar på processen att få hög compliance genom att även vara oförutsägbar med sin belöning/bestraffning: Sure, majoriteten av gångerna ska du belöna positivt beteende med eskalering (verbalt och/eller fysiskt), men om du ibland slänger in en diss ÄVEN fast hon visar positivt beteende blir du mer oförutsägbar och rent psykologiskt skapar det ett större begär vilket leder till ökad compliance.

Har lite funderingar på att skriva ännu en artikel gällande detta men som även innefattar allt övrigt inom game: Dvs beteenden, externa DHVs och hur dessa kopplas samman med qualification/compliance i ett enda stort mycket logiskt system - En form av överbild, en meta-frame om hur all game i grunden går till, något som alla "framgångsrika" (POAAHs som naturals) gör, medvetet eller omedvetet. Egentligen inget nytt i sig, inte några nya koncept per se - Men som sagt, ett mycket logiskt system, en "formel" om man så vill, som kopplar ihop allt.

Gäller att få igång lite fire i fingrarna bara =))

Skulle vara guld!! sluta fappa och börja skriv Smile
Inlägg: #4
Secrets to Seduction...Learn How Screening can Take Your Game to the Next Level
Evilvalle Skrev:Har lite funderingar på att skriva ännu en artikel gällande detta men som även innefattar allt övrigt inom game: Dvs beteenden, externa DHVs och hur dessa kopplas samman med qualification/compliance i ett enda stort mycket logiskt system - En form av överbild, en meta-frame om hur all game i grunden går till, något som alla "framgångsrika" (POAAHs som naturals) gör, medvetet eller omedvetet. Egentligen inget nytt i sig, inte några nya koncept per se - Men som sagt, ett mycket logiskt system, en "formel" om man så vill, som kopplar ihop allt.

Gäller att få igång lite fire i fingrarna bara =))

GÖREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERÅ. Jag kommer prova skiten direkt, gillar att leka runt med olika saker! När du ändå e igång kan du väl skruva ihop tråden mega-relaxed igen också? Wink Hur som helst, funderar på att dra till gävle nästa helg. Kan komma förbi och fjutta eld på fingrarna dina då. DEALIO?
Inlägg: #5
Secrets to Seduction...Learn How Screening can Take Your Game to the Next Level
Seriöst detta skit är fan potent, jag har fan lyckats summera upp ALLT som är viktigt i en simpel modell som förklarar allt så jävla bra, nu gäller det bara att orka skriva en lång artikel om det där jag förklarar det hela bra och utförligt till skillnad från hur det ser ut i mitt egna lilla kladd-dokument där jag suttit ett tag och skrivit ner allt möjligt skit med evilvalle-slangord och fan och hans moster Big Grin

Jag är i bns just nu, festar med min systerson som tagit studenten, u around RIGHT NOW?
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #6
Secrets to Seduction...Learn How Screening can Take Your Game to the Next Level
Evilvalle Skrev:Seriöst detta skit är fan potent, jag har fan lyckats summera upp ALLT som är viktigt i en simpel modell som förklarar allt så jävla bra, nu gäller det bara att orka skriva en lång artikel om det där jag förklarar det hela bra och utförligt till skillnad från hur det ser ut i mitt egna lilla kladd-dokument där jag suttit ett tag och skrivit ner allt möjligt skit med evilvalle-slangord och fan och hans moster Big Grin

Jag är i bns just nu, festar med min systerson som tagit studenten, u around RIGHT NOW?

Jag är 15 minuter därifrån. Fuck. Äru kvar imorgon har jag eld. PMar

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