Tyler best forum posts @RSDnation
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Tyler best forum posts @RSDnation
Cultivate the mindsets, beliefs, attitudes, vocal tonality, body language, confidence, positivity, humor, etc, of a naturally attractive guy.

Then approach with intent. Hold no outcome other than to be clear in your thoughts, words, and actions. Create momentum by taking action throughout the night. Lead at all times and physically escalate. Extract and isolate. Close.


The frames we discuss here on RSDN implicitly include the material taught in BP, so the knowledge sort of seeps into you without needing to watch it. But if it was never created then all those frames wouldn't exist, and we'd be teaching a very cheesy and less effective version of pickup. Basically it gives the background for the truths that now everyone accepts and takes for granted.

(Also if you watch it the concepts will sink deeper and deeper in as time goes on. The social conditioning stuff, core VS situational confidence, strength of reality, self amusement VS reaction seeking, etc... This is the shit that allows you to pull super hot women while barely needing to "do" anything... Think back to the last dime peice you banged and how did you do it? It was because you "got" these ideas.)

It's funny cause sometimes I read bad reviews of it and I start to believe it's true. The reason being that I don't really care one way or the other -- I'm not that guy anymore, I'm some new dood. So my tendency is to go be like "Oh cool well whatever I've got so much new amazing shit in the pipeline...I did that five years ago so whatever."

But then I'll skim back over the program and remember, "Oh yeah that's the entire foundation for who I am as a person today... All the hot women I fucked... All the success the business had... All the cool shit I'm doing creatively... The fact that I'm on the path to do great things... It's because of these ideas"


Hook = attract phase.

Any more conscious effort to "sell" the girl on you is IMO very excessive and winds up creating the opposite effect.


As with the movie "Swingers" you'll probably find that you start getting success when you become so fulfilled in your own life/existence that you female companionship becomes of minimal importance -- as this is when you become a challenge, internally validated, more exciting to be with, etc etc.


The time I spent streamlining all of the information into something tangible was insane. The main challenge was the fact that The Blueprint is basically like a PUZZLE -- I would CHALLENGE ANYBODY to take all the concepts I laid out and put them together in a way where each building block goes "click, click, click...."

That was really the hard part. Like you take a concept like "sub-communication" and it sounds simple, but there's like 10 PREVIOUS concepts you have to understand before you can really grasp it properly.

Every concept is layered upon the previous concept.

So I had to keep playing and tinkering with it like a fucking puzzle for four years in order to make everything go boom-boom-boom.

That's why people really like it -- because they're listening to it and the information is going "kaplunk.... kaplunk..... kaplunk....." into their reality for the entire four days.

Then you've got all the new focuses in it, which obviously help a lot as well, as this is the "New RSD" type stuff that I've been using get wicked results in bootcamps for the past few years.

IMO it's not just a "little bit better" than anything out there. It's maybe 5X-10X better than the next best thing. That's my opinion, and it's biased, but I also specialize in this sort of thing and you can be sure that I was "very aware" of everything else that was on the market and I made sure to surpass it by leaps and bounds for the good of RSD.

Now OTOH, a DVD program is still a DVD program dude. Ultimately The Blueprint Decoded has got a million dollars worth of knowledge and advice in it, but if you can't make the choice to go out and use it then it's really worth no more than the garbage bag you use to throw it out in the trash.

Lastly, I'd say a big thing here is that when there's so much information out there it's hard to know what you should really study. With The Blueprint it's like if you're into RSD then you KNOW that this is the DEAL.

So if you're somebody who puts a high value on your time, you can watch it over and over and know that there's not something better out there that you could be better investing your time into learning.

(This last one is the thing that I personally think about a lot whenever I'm studying any type of new information).

That's basically the best way I could put it to you, beyond the sales and marketing language of the main salescopy (which incidentally I think is pretty authentic -- but this is about as plain-english as I can put it to you).


You're warm but still confused.

You do not have to be ON you just have to be CENTERED in yourself.

They are two very different things. One is a playful energy designed to draw women to you in a hectic club environment, the other is just being a man.

The fact that you're putting pressure on yourself to be ON could mean that you feel you're still coming from a position of having to compensate from lack.

So you once you get past that you'll find that the issue goes away, and also, to be in a solid LTR you have to be dating a girl who isn't at a non-evolved point in her life where she's so scattered that she's not yet able to recognize or feel deserving of a good thing.


Anything that is "reaction-seeking" as opposed to "self-amusing" tends to come across as beta.


No better or worse than anyone...":


EGO = confidence (or lack thereof) based on the DIFFERENCES (where you're better or worse) than people.

SELF ESTEEM = confidence (perpetual) based on your common humanity.

I might "logically understand" that I have better developed characteristics than some people, more poorly developed characteristics than others.......... but at the end of the day we're all cut from the same cloth and if I'm walking through the world with a perpetually in my head computing where I'm "better or worse" it's just pure ego.

There are practical reasons to internalize this belief as well. The main one as related to "game" is that it ensures you'll never, ever experience "state" or "deservedness" issues. By not indulging in the feeling that you are BETTER than people, it's natural that you also won't INDULGE in feeling worse.

Beyond that, when you learn to be "present" you'll find that you immediately draw most (not all, but most) people up to your level.

I can oftentimes bring people up to my level "in the game" within minutes. You guys know I rarely make boisterous claims on here these days, so when I say this it's also important to note that YOU GUYS can easily teach yourself to offer this value to people as well. Perhaps most people won't instantly MAINTAIN this level after I'm gone (which is why a program is about teaching you this), but the basic idea is that "presence is contageous" and that we all have that "best self" inside of us, some of us are just more experienced and allowing it to come to the surface than others.

So when you live in a reality where people are most-of-the-time their "best selves" when they're around you (because you draw them up to your level -- an ability you have BECAUSE you already believe them to be there and you project that reality onto them), suddenly the whole "I am not better or worse than anybody else" becomes very true.

And you know what?? The initial belief is one of the "portals to the now" as Eckhart Tolle would call it (and Jeffy and I would mock endlessly, because it sounds funny).

There are certain "keys" that allow you to become "present". Believing you are no better or worse than anybody is one of them.

"My game is a 10":

Here, with this statement, to me encapsulates the true value in a program like Transformations.

You would never hear me teaching what Tim taught there. Likewise, you would never hear me teaching the whole "Just clooooooooose!!" type angle that Ozzie teaches.

Every successful individual on this planet has their own perspective / worldview /role colored glasses that they use to keep themselves going.

My "angle" is the super-analytical (borderline nerd / mad scientist) dude analyzes the game TO DEATH. I'll write a post that's 20 - 50 pages long on a weekly basis.

Tim's "angle" on the other hand is that of a guy who walks through the world probably quite a bit more "naturally happy" than the vast majority of the planet, and he has certain SIMPLISTIC worldviews that he holds at all times which allow him to do so.

(And his average post is about 1-3 pages, and yet they get a more or less identical positive response from people because he says the same types of things that I would say but more succinctly and in a way that communicates from his own personality).

So when you see Tim saying "Your game is a 10 and THAT'S IT!!" what he's essentially teaching you is this: "If you want to have game like me, the way I think in my head is that I never, ever, ever, ever question that my game is a 10.... I never think about this, therefore I never doubt myself and I always step to the girl with pure expectation of a positive response." (and remember that just stepping with 100% anticipation of positive response is like 90% of the darned game).

Likewise, Ozzie says 'Fuck rapport just close" but I've seen Ozzie have great rapport with lots of women in my day.

Again, it comes down to his unique outlook -- where he isn't thinking "I need more rapport before I can close."

He just ASSUMES RAPPORT (which is a self-fulfilling prophecy to a certain extent) and he's ALWAYS thinks he's on the verge of closing -- so while he be building rapport with a girl, he pulls the trigger a lot faster than most people because he has FULL BELIEF in the close.

So essentially a program like Transformations is teaching you more than anything about the worldview/outlooks/realities of guys who are known to be successful. It teaches you about their "internal dialogue" and the way they process the world around them to get success.

Remember that a LOT of this game is "delusional confidence". I don't believe that looks matter AT ALL. I seriously don't. I may be objectively "right" or I may be wrong, but I'll tell you this, I'm going to kick your fucking ass in the field if you believe different than me.

So THAT is a guy like Tim takes on a simplistic belief like "My game is a 10." It's a reflection of a "personal standard" he's set for himself never to retreat back into his head and question himself.

Hope that answers your guys' questions.


Attraction = resourcefulness/dominance a LOT more than being a "pretty boy".

Even during ovulation, I can assure you the more resourceful and dominant guy will be one most women choose.

Looks are a pretty meager form of value. I have super good looking guys on bootcamp who can't open or get attraction for shit on a monthly basis.

If you're feeling bad, it's because you're believe you're a pussy who can't man up and step to the plate. If so, that's fine, but at least don't use Geoffrey Miller's book as an excuse not to try. If you fail, it's your own fault. Point blank period.

Use this as motivation to get better and improve. We'll keep aware of your progress as you continue and offer whatever help/guidance we can. Welcome to RSD Nation.


Great stuff and total props for trying it. Also, for not giving up at the first sign of adversity.

Going "natural" generally works best when you're "in the know" of specific principles.

Some of the ones we talk about here are...:
-State (aka -- the nimbus)
-How to "pump state" AKA pump your own state
-Being the party as opposed to worming into their party
-Offering value
-Self esteem based confidence as opposed to ego based confidence
-Asserting the dominant reality
-Being unreactive (this goes hand-in-hand with self esteem and dominant reality)
-Moving towards "situational confidence" more towards "core confidence"
-Vibing and flowing
-etc etc...

Oh yeah, a few more very important...:
-Self-amusement VS Reaction-seeking
-Assertive/comfortable/playful bodylanguage, eye contact, voice
-Bold, even "out of control" openers
-Leading from open to the close, keeping the burden of responsibility off of her shoulders

You've got to have a solid grasp of all that stuff as well.


Yes. What you're referring to I call being "stifled" or "unstifled".

When you're totally at ease in the environment, you become unstifled and your voice resonates and projects hard. This causes instant attraction.


Im not exactly sure how to say this without coming across bragging, but I get approached all the time.

And I'm probably LESS good looking than I was when I was a chode, at leaset in a classic sense.

It's a lot more to do with your general attitude. Also, I get approached a lot when girls are with their friends next to me and they vibe-out that I'm "one of those guys" based on the whole unreactive eye contact and various voice tonalities that they get from your direction.

OTOH maybe it's because I wear a tee-shirt that says "13 Inches" on it, I don't know.


The concept he's getting at is "Ego VS Self Esteem" 101.

Idea being....... when you get "state" from validation, it's an ego-pump that will have highs and lows throughout the night --> therefore oftentimes blocking you out from closing the deal when the girl sees the fluctuations.

When you have self esteem it's more of a "clean high" so to speak.

One exception is that I think even with self-esteem you must become UNSTIFLED.......... and this is something that can be done by being playful, ridiculous, etc etc..... That's because even with self-esteem there are psychological mechanisms that are in place to prevent you from getting too uppety in an environment where you might get your ass kicked....... Upping the ante can push you through this.

Also, a key to this TheNow --> once this becomes your new METHOD you may find that it stops working.

That's what happened to me. I hit a 1 month G.O.A.T. streak where I killed it like nothing else. I was unstoppable.

Then I started getting into a headspace of "God damn I so fucking tight..... I don't need to do SHIT anymore...... All these dudes who need to run game are so wack..... I just rock up with no outcome and the girls jock me!!"

Once that happened, my "game" went to utter shit for a few weeks. A massive plateau, or more like a slump.

To get out of it I started being more playful again and offering more value that way. Eventually I hit the medium point I'm at now.


TWhen you move beyond wanting validation from women, you'll find that your "game" increases very sharply. Tolle's stuff is centered around that.


Unreactiveness is more often a SYMPTOM than a CAUSE.

It's a symptom of having self-esteem, so the girl's behaviour cannot affect your state.

It's a symptom of offering value (rather than trying to take it), so it means nothing to you if people aren't reacting in the way that you want.

It's a symptom of having a firm sense of who you are, what you value, and what your personal boundaries are........... so you don't allow anything into your reality that you don't like.

etc etc....

OTOH you could come at it from the opposite angle and say that if you UNDERSTAND that being "unreactive" is effective, you'll start doing all the above things naturally because you know they'll "work". So it depends on how you look at it.


Overnight transformations happen all the time. Here's how....

You have guys who have core confidence, an internal locus of control, positivity, independent sense of reality, general social savvy, self esteem, etc... This stuff is not rocket science and LOTS of people have it.

However, just like MOST people, they still lack the skills/competence to approach strange girls (and people) they've never met. Or they lack the skill to take a girl they just met by the hand and lead her home and fuck her.

These guys can get this area of their lives fully handled in about three days. I see it all the time. Three days and their lifestyles go to full out playboy-mode. Out of my last 10 students, probably 3 or 4 were on that level.

OTOH you have guys such as myself who weren't raised to have core confidence, naturalness, charisma, or any of the above stuff I've mentioned.

They can ALSO learn to approach women and "generate attraction" for short bursts in about three days... but may take a few years to become truly 100% congruent to the point where they're always getting laid.

In the interim they can get make-outs and laid spuradically, and also it's the JOURNEY that's the real fun of this stuff -- whereas the eventual OUTCOME is just something that once you achieve it becomes yet another thing you can do regardless.

So yeah, "transformations" take a varying amount of time. Everyone is different. There's no point in dwelling on it regardless. However long it takes is however long it takes. If I'd been thinking about how long it was going to take, I'd have never gotten any success. It was because I enjoyed the process and focused on the spuradic small victories that I was motivated to keep moving forward.

You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.

Tyler best forum posts @RSDnation - av Evilvalle - 2012-08-10,14:46
Tyler best forum posts @RSDnation - av TheD - 2012-08-11,01:01

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