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Inlägg: #1
Bra citat från RSD
Här är några grymma citat från RSDs forum. De flesta är från olika användare på forumet några från Tyler och en kille som kallar sig Rocknrollpua som skriver bra grejer.

"If you can't deal with other dudes in that environment, if you ain't cooler to punk that dude and take that girl, then you don't deserve the girl dude... If you don't know why the girl belongs with you, then why the fuck should she know why she belongs with you?" /Derrick nån polare till Tyler

Dude do you even go out? Seriously. Chodes need to be destroyed, cheated on, fucked over, and completely emotionally obliterated without mercy. Why? It's the only way they will ever WAKE THE FUCK UP and take a good hard look at themselves in the mirror so they can stop being little faggots. Behind every master pimp is a girl got inside their head and fucked them over in some way. I guarentee every single guy here came to learn about pickup because of some sort of emotional pain from getting rejected by some girl they caught feelings for. The more you get fucked over by women and emotionally destroyed, the stronger you become when you recover. Most of these pussies on the forums don't know what real emotional pain is when it comes to relationships. You ever lived with your ex after she just dumped you and has a new boyfriend fucking her in the room right next to yours, and you can hear her moaning through the wall? I have. I pulled out my gun and almost went in there and blew the dude's head off. Lucky for me I had a good friend talk some sense in to me. That girl was the straw that broke the camels back and made me go all out on becoming a fucking badass and never revert back to being a crybaby little faggot again. Chodes need to be destroyed, it hurts, but its for their own good. The strong survive, and you only become strong through environmental pressure such as physical and emotional pain. Avoiding pain makes you physically and mentally week. / rocknrollpua

Tyler om skillnaden mellan persistency och needines

Value = raw attraction + enhancement to her self image.
If you lack the raw attraction and keep hitting her up, it's needy.
If she doesn't trust that you really like her, and you're just using her for a "peice of ass" then being persistent proves you're into her, and that her self image can be increased by being with you, so it's cute / sexy / etc.
You'll see girls you fuck who won't call you back, and then if you keep hitting them up in a fully positive and non-offended way, that reflects no butthurt neediness at all but just that you want to see her, it's often because she thinks you're using her and don't really like her. Then by seeing you jump through hoops and WORK to see her, she becomes re-attracted.
OTOH you have cases where the girl was never attracted to you, or was no longer attracted to you, and you keep hitting her up. This is annoying and freaks her out.

How do you know the difference? Intuition and experience. LOTS OF IT.


If you are not approaching because you are a pussy, then you have a problem. If you aren't approaching because you have so many bitches on your dick that you don't feel motivated, then you are ok. Ask yourself this question: If there was a 100% guarenteed chance of fucking that girl tonight, would I have approached? If the answer is yes, then you should have approached.

Being a man:
Being a man comes from walking your own path, learning from your mistakes, and overcoming your own obstacles. Being a man comes from living life, most often from getting knocked down (metaphorically, and/or literally) and picking yourself back up. It comes from doing what you believe is right without apology, and facing consequences without cowardice. That's how you build character, self-confidence, and a strong reality. Respect yourself, and "follow your own compass" above all else.
Inlägg: #2
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"But at the same time, really, everything that can be said about dating and meeting chix has been said already. Like, yeah, be dominant, be sexual, dont be a pussy, dont expect to get every damn girl on this planet, dont take urself seriously, believe in yourself, escalate physically, learn to calibrate your shit, accept this is a numbers game, be internaly validated, dont look for reactions, mindfuck urself everyone loves you etc. All that shit is really simple, if you teach some dude that stuff, and then send him out every day for a year he will improve ALOT, 2 years even more and after 3-4years he will be very very good, DONE. I have a really hard time understanding whats really the purpose of making anything even MORE complex!" Tror det var Tyler som sa detta

"People are always doing things to cause their anticipated responses to come true. Example: A girl who has low self esteem and her anticipated response is that attractive guys won’t like her – will blow off guys that approach her more than an attractive girl. She’ll have behaviors that keep her model of reality intact. A self-fulfilling prophecy. On the other hand, a girl who thinks she’s attractive who then meets a guy who shows no interest is gonna start flirting with him. – Yep legit shit right there. Also, you could really take this information and use it as an advantage."
Inlägg: #3
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Gillade i synnerhet förklaringen av skillnaden mellan persistency och neediness - TUNG.
Inlägg: #4
Bra citat från RSD
Ahhhhhh, vad grym tråd!! Keep em coming

Det är sånna här trådar som jag verkligen satsar på internalisera hårt. Till slut blir deras ord mina egna tankar!
Don't let today's weakness ruin tomorrows dream
Inlägg: #5
Bra citat från RSD
You give value by your presence -- your unique identity, personality, and energy you offer to the group.

You take value when you want a specific response, and women can feel that from you -- therefore nullifying everything cool that you're doing because it appears reaction-seeking, needy, and fake.

// Tyler

This stuff also always comes down to becoming too reactive/buttonpushing.
The more effort you put into "becoming good" the more you want it to WORK -- not because you're needy for the girl, but because you want to prove that the work you put into your new skillset is paying off.
This inevitably shoots you in the foot. It's a different breed of neediness. Like a thin shelack of reaction-seeking that you can't avoid, even if you "push her away" -- she just feels it off of you.

// Tyler

You'll find that when you base your model of the game around being unreactive/masculine/confident that you can avoid the whole buying temperature issue, and have girls stuck on you like GLUE in spite of it. This allows you the sustained increase, without actively doing anything to push it.

// Tyler
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #6
Bra citat från RSD
If your state, sense of identity, or general equilibrium is affected by the girl's response, you are taking value. She will feel this.

This is difficult because when you approach, you probably want a specific outcome. But really, you should be coming from the frame of a guy who already has a harem waiting at home -- oversexed and tapped out -- you're just offering value, and have no emotional reaction to her responses.

At the same time, you should also be conveying a ton of sexuality. She should know that you haven't the slightest hesitation to take what you want.

This is a fine balance, but when you strike it your results go through the roof.

// Tyler
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #7
Bra citat från RSD
Unreactive means not feeling an emotional reaction towards the woman's frame of --> I'm the shit, you want me, you're another guy trying to supplicate me, you're selling yourself to me, etc..

In any social interaction there is one person reacting more to the other person than that person is reacting to them. By not reacting, she starts to react to YOUR frame, and becomes attracted.
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #8
Bra citat från RSD
Whenever there are two guys, one of them has a stronger DRAW of SOCIAL-ENERGY in his direction. It's caused by being in state, assertiveness, positivity, playfulness, social savvy, frame control, dominance, etc etc..

Unless you're a GIRL who is worried about being PRETTY, looks has nothing to do with any of that... Smile
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #9
Bra citat från RSD
A few semantics issues here is all...

Basically, the "offering value" frame emulates the way a guy who's oversexed with 10 girlfriends would come across.
The issue with going out specifically to build skill set is......:
PREVIOUSLY: Scarcity mindset, outcome-dependent, trying to get that special girl.
NOW: Abundance mentality, outcome-dependent, trying to validate your skillset as a pickup artist.
So the result = still no girls.

Although you replace a scarcity mentality with an abundance one, you're still constantly trying to VALIDATE your skillset as a pick up artist.
This conveys like this thin shelack of neediness to the girl --> hard to put your finger on, but OBVIOUSLY there, like a steaming turd..... Which is honestly IMO a major reason that most community PUAs wind up with NOTHING, while many of their friends who aren't really any cooler than them wind up with at least a decent GF.
When you have the "offering value" frame down truly tight (ie: like a Vincent Chase or a Tommy Lee type vibe), you wind up with more girls than you know what to do with. Obviously it has to be combined with getting out of the house, meeting lots of people, having lots of experiences, and moving forward with the vibes of situations so that you're getting laid.

// Tyler
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #10
Bra citat från RSD
You do not have to be ON you just have to be CENTERED in yourself.

They are two very different things. One is a playful energy designed to draw women to you in a hectic club environment, the other is just being a man.

The fact that you're putting pressure on yourself to be ON could mean that you feel you're still coming from a position of having to compensate from lack.

So you once you get past that you'll find that the issue goes away, and also, to be in a solid LTR you have to be dating a girl who isn't at a non-evolved point in her life where she's so scattered that she's not yet able to recognize or feel deserving of a good thing.

// Tyler
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #11
Bra citat från RSD
Attraction = resourcefulness/dominance a LOT more than being a "pretty boy".

Even during ovulation, I can assure you the more resourceful and dominant guy will be one most women choose.

Looks are a pretty meager form of value. I have super good looking guys on bootcamp who can't open or get attraction for shit on a monthly basis.

If you're feeling bad, it's because you're believe you're a pussy who can't man up and step to the plate. If so, that's fine, but at least don't use Geoffrey Miller's book as an excuse not to try. If you fail, it's your own fault. Point blank period.

Use this as motivation to get better and improve. We'll keep aware of your progress as you continue and offer whatever help/guidance we can. Welcome to RSD Nation.

// Tyler
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #12
Bra citat från RSD
Overnight transformations happen all the time. Here's how....

You have guys who have core confidence, an internal locus of control, positivity, independent sense of reality, general social savvy, self esteem, etc... This stuff is not rocket science and LOTS of people have it.

However, just like MOST people, they still lack the skills/competence to approach strange girls (and people) they've never met. Or they lack the skill to take a girl they just met by the hand and lead her home and fuck her.

These guys can get this area of their lives fully handled in about three days. I see it all the time. Three days and their lifestyles go to full out playboy-mode. Out of my last 10 students, probably 3 or 4 were on that level.

OTOH you have guys such as myself who weren't raised to have core confidence, naturalness, charisma, or any of the above stuff I've mentioned.

They can ALSO learn to approach women and "generate attraction" for short bursts in about three days... but may take a few years to become truly 100% congruent to the point where they're always getting laid.

In the interim they can get make-outs and laid spuradically, and also it's the JOURNEY that's the real fun of this stuff -- whereas the eventual OUTCOME is just something that once you achieve it becomes yet another thing you can do regardless.

So yeah, "transformations" take a varying amount of time. Everyone is different. There's no point in dwelling on it regardless. However long it takes is however long it takes. If I'd been thinking about how long it was going to take, I'd have never gotten any success. It was because I enjoyed the process and focused on the spuradic small victories that I was motivated to keep moving forward.

// Tyler
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #13
Bra citat från RSD
Ultimately the reason that the Ego is ridiculous is that it is so SUBJECTIVE.

A poor African boy could be thrown into your situation and feel surging, insane levels of confidence. Meanwhile you can't do so because you feel that you should be in a better position in life.

The thing to remember is that there is a difference between MECHANICAL and SOCIAL confidence. Like, the old analogy "It would be very stupid to be CONFIDENT riding a motorcycle until you were COMPETENT at it first..." is IMO a misinterpretation of what social dynamics is all about.......... because even if you're socially "incompetent", as long as you have a high level of self-esteem you will find that you oftentimes get a great response from people regardless.

Think of any weirdo who was still high self esteem and you wound up liking anyway (or that other people really liked anyway). Ozzie, frankly, is pretty friggin' weird but everyone loves the guy because he's high self esteem. The dude walks up to girls saying "Do you like my ass? You wanna touch it right? Touch it... Touch it... Go tiger... Go tiger... Yeah I wanna grab your ass... Oh yeah I like that.."

It's totally ridiculous, but it WORKS because there's not a shred of reaction-seeking (aka self-seeking) in his interaction. He's just having fun, and the girls eat it up.

You've got to learn to stop being so hard on yourself, and realize that regardless of whether or not you're doing well in LIFE, there's absolutely no reason for you not to do well SOCIALLY.

As easy as it is to forget, as people we are ALL connected........ and rather than deriving confidence from the DIFFERENCES (ie: higher value) that you have with other people, start deriving it from the COMMONALITIES that you have (ie: the shared human experience).

Everyone, I don't care who you are.......... EVERYONE has their insecurities.

And most of us are too darned humiliated and caught up with ourselves to get out of our heads and really ENJOY LIFE.

So realize that while a lack of confidence in terms of say your career might be a good indicator that you need to step it up a notch...... as far as MEETING PEOPLE goes it's all subjective and really a non-factor.

Your life might be awesome or it might be in a rut, but there's absolutely nothing stopping you from going out and meeting people and experiencing self esteem and offering them that value of being around somebody who feels GOOD. The only thing between you and this happiness is a bad set of rules that you either got from society or from your own typically human self-limiting nature.

Move past all that and decide to 1) start taking action in your life to improve whatever areas you're lacking in, and 2) bring a high level of positivity and self esteem to the table with everyone you meet REGARDLESS of these subjective rules that you put on yourself.

Doing so, you'll find that your life is a lot happier and that you draw a lot more women into your life as well.

// Tyler
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams.
Inlägg: #14
Bra citat från RSD
Inte läst allt men , fan vad skön tråd det verkar bli Big Grin

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