Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
Inlägg: #21
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | January 11th, 2010 at 9:22 PM
State Doesn't Matter Controversy!!! Yes, the blueprint is my favorite pickup/seduction related product, although I like Transformations a lot as well. There is a concept in the blueprint that I see misinterpreted all the time. It’s STATE. Guys pay way too much attention to their state. How to always be in a good state. How important it is. How a girl responds to you if you are in state. What to do if you are in a bad state. Let me tell you now… It doesn’t matter. That is not exactly true, but it isn’t the be all end all that people make it out to be. I think the proper frame is, just don’t be in a BAD state. What is being “in state?” It’s that feel good feeling, where you feel like you can be yourself, you are outside your head, not thinking of what to say, gold is flowing out of your mouth, and you can get away with whatever you want… When I see a client on bootcamp hit state for the first time, it’s amazing. I’ve seen some of the craziest shit, crazier than anything I’ve ever done in a club, and the client gets away with it because people just realize he’s in state, and let it happen. It is really weird, like a glitch in the matrix. Seriously, one guy ran around the club in Croatia clawing every girl that got within a five foot radius… I was running away hiding because it was so hilarious. And every girl loved him. Another guy MAN-HANDLED some girl, cavemanning her over his shoulder and high fiving the boyfriend and her brother as he was doing it. –he did not know it was the boyfriend or brother at the time. I am envious of my glory days hitting state. It just doesn’t happen anymore. Seriously, I don’t EVER hit state in the night club. A lot of that has to do with, as you get into those high emotions, you learn how to channel it, as Tyler or Jeffy would say, the hot searing coal as opposed to the raging brushfire energy. It is more like an intensity these days, which is actually more powerful. Read my article about dancefloor game, and you can gain a better understanding of what I mean when talking about that intensity and how it can overpower the strongest energy a girl will ever throw at you. One of the easiest ways to hit state is by doing something outside your comfort zone. The main reason it is hard for me to hit state anymore is that there isn’t much I haven’t already done in the nightclub that would be outside my comfort zone. Tyler has made me go up to girls with my pants at my ankles, I’ve had students dare me to approach girls saying “I like wet pussy,” or “I want to be a part of your next abortion." And the proof is in the pudding. I have had SERIOUSLY SHITTY NIGHTS where I pulled majorly hot girls. I remember one night, in Paris… Met this AMAZING Parisian girl, mmm… just a stunner, with the pretentiousness that the French embody. We are going back and forth, and it leads to this passionate makeout, right in front of the students. But what they didn’t know, and neither did she, is that I had drunk an unpasteurized smoothie earlier that day and had the worste case of food poisoning ever. Right after the makeout, I gave the students a high five, and ran directly to the bathroom. Just recently, a similar experience. I met a beautiful Irish blonde girl in Las Vegas, and the entire time I had to run off to the bathroom every 5-10 minutes because I had such bad nausea. I just sat in isolation for a while trying to regain my composure, then I’d head back over to her and chat her up some more. Even when I pulled her back to my place, I could barely talk. I texted my friend my dilemma “Dude, this girl WANTS IT! But I can’t even stand up straight!” So I just let the training take over and went for it anyways, and luckily after a while my hormones kicked in, and it ended up being GREAT. Like REALLY GREAT! Haha, and then 20 minutes later that same feeling of malaise came right back. So part of this discussion is realizing that YOU CAN BE IN YOUR HEAD AND HAVE SUCCESS. YOU CAN FEEL LIKE SHIT AND HAVE SUCCESS. Don’t use the whole state thing as an excuse. And don’t dwell on it if you are in your head or things aren’t going your way. So as I said prior, you don’t need to hit state to have a great night out, but the difference between guys who CONSISTENTLY have great nights out and those who don’t is not that the guys that are the best are always in a good mood when they go to the club. It is just that when they AREN’T feeling amazing, they know how to get out of that funk. Here are a couple techniques that I use on program to get clients back into that fun happy feeling if they are all in their head and out of state. The first step is to get your mind right. Positive reframe timezzz. You are in this posh night club, with hot girls all around you, and you are sad. Boohoo! My little story of being lame! : ( As someone once said, “Go find a bigger problem.” You could be sitting at home right now. You could be fighting IN A WAR! OR you could be DYING OF CANCER!!! No, you are just being a little pussy, crying in a nightclub because some girl doesn’t like you. Be a man and step up. Realize that your life is actually pretty kickass. Another one, right out of the blueprint. Unstifling exersices. I just stick my hands straight above my head and yell as loud as I possibly can for a good 5-10 seconds. Take a look around after that, and you will realize that no one is even turning their head. They are too busy in their own little world worrying about what other people think of them. It makes you realize that you can be that unstifled outgoing guy you want to be in the club. Anything outside your comfort zone will work. Ozzie used to RUN around the nightclub. I’ll make clients approach girls with their shirts off. Or use stupid openers like make them go up to the girl and just start “Meowing.” Anything stupid to get you in that self amusement mode. Other things that help are screwing with your physiology. The old Alexander~ technique of lime juice in the eye. One, it is really fucking stupid, and burns like hell, so you get out of your head for that reason, and also, you have no time to be thinking about approaching, how sad you are or whatever because it just hurts so damn bad. Run up to some girl quick, before you get back into your head and approach! The girl will usually say something like “Are you crying?” But it doesn’t matter, it is fun and playful, and you’ll be laughing quickly. From there, when you do these state pumping exercises, it will get you in that feel good mood, and then you need to make sure to quickly get in set, and build some momentum again, because state is very tenuous when you build it artificially yourself. Thought experiment. Think to yourself right now, you could probably get into that electric feel good feeling. Feel good baby! But it only lasts for like 2-3 seconds. To get that to stick, you need some reinforcement, which is why it is so important to start talking to girls right away, and stick in there. As they become more receptive, so will you, and things will take off from there. Remember. Every man is equal when they get into the club. It’s just that the best do a certain set of techniques to get them in that feel good state.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #22
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | January 27th, 2010 at 8:21 PM
Self Trust - The key to consistency in this game I remember walking through the streets of Vancouver one night. I had just been coming into a new rockstar-level of success. Just finishing up an intense filming session in LA with Tyler, I was OWNING shit. As I walked through the moonlit streets with my buddy Gsaad from RSDNation, he asked me a question. “So what is the difference between guys who have sporadic results, and the guys who PULL consistently?” I hadn’t really thought about it before, and it caught me off guard. It took me a while, but I realized what it is. Self Trust. It really clicked when I went back and looked at all my old field reports, which are on the forum by the way if any of you guys are interested in seeing my progress… I realized that all the old little lines that I used to do, 2 years ago, all the little hugs and hip bumps, the stupid faces, whatever…. They are all the same now. I do EXACTLY the same thing. What is the difference between now and then? Self trust. At the time I was doing those things with probably 85% belief. Enough to get some stellar results, but not like now. Now it is like 98%. Where does that level of trust and confidence come from? Talking to girls in 35 countries, going out to the toughest nightclubs 6 days a week for almost 2 years, teaching it, and gaining secondhand reference points from my friends and clients successes as well. I have MILLIONS of reference points confirming that these laws of attraction we teach at RSD work. And the thing is, it might not be the best method. But the fact that I believe in it so strongly… Makes it work. Let’s take a look at why the natural guy, the guy who doesn’t need to study this material, gets the results he does. It is because most of those guys have MASSIVE blind spots, and they don’t even recognize when things aren’t going their way. Yet somehow their reality wins out and people fall into their frame. It is like they have this one track playlist in their head on repeat, “I’m the boss. I’m the fucking boss. I’m the fucking boss.” And anything the girl does, they can just rationalize to reconfirm this. The girl says, “Fuck you!” He interprets it as her playing hard to get. She says, “Your shirt is gay!” He thinks she is flirting. And the girl just falls into that frame. It’s the old social dynamics self fulfilling prophecy. Now most guys who get into this industry, start studying this whole “success with women” business, because they are on the opposite end. They are usually HYPER sensitive to the girl’s reactions. “Oh, does she like me? How’s my body language? How’s my tonality? Did she just turn away? Is this shirt cool? What about my hair?” A lot of what I do on bootcamp is blow past all these misconceptions that a client might have, and then prove it to him in real life that HE IS ENOUGH! You need to realize that your head is like a supercomputer. It only has so much mental RAM to determine how to respond or act in a given situation. If 20% is paying attention to the girls responses, 20% is worried about your body language, 20% is worried about what you are saying, 20% is worried about your tonality, how much mental energy do you have left to actually pay attention to what the girl is saying? How much of your mental energy can actually be used MOVING THINGS FORWARD?! Not much. So again, a big reason that clients have success after bootcamp is because they get an expert to tell them what they are doing wrong… But ultimately it usually is more about what they are doing right! EVERY PROGRAM I get guys asking about their tonality, how they dress, whatever insecurity they might have and I always respond… “Dude, if that were an issue, I’d tell you! Stop worrying about it!” Again, it frees up your mind to actually LISTEN TO THE GIRL! What a novel concept, active listening, and then you usually don’t run out of things to say because you are actually paying attention to her. And you can move on to more important trains of thought like what the logistics of the situation are, and what you need to do to escalate/isolate/pull/close properly. So besides coming on bootcamp and having an expert point out what you are doing right and wrong, how can you develop more self trust on your own? Well reading all these articles is a start. The brain sees so many continual reinforcements that the RSD method of building attraction is the proper way of doing things, and you really do come to believe it. It is also reinforcing to see other people utilizing the same techniques and succeeding as well. But ultimately it is the experience of YOU getting out there and actually putting the concepts into practice, realizing that nothing special is needed to get that girl. You can just “Be yourself". As vague as that sound, any guy leaving my bootcamp knows EXACTLY what that means. I know EXACTLY what that is for me. And again, it was only after getting out there and doing it countless times that I came to this realization. Self trust. Another huge benefit of the lifestyle I live as a pickup coach is that I get continual reinforcement that I am the shit, the RSD method is the shit, and building up that self trust. How? World travel. You start seeing patterns in every new country. You see the overarching scheme of how attraction works, and how it is the same everywhere. Just last month I was in the Dominican Republic, and whenever I am in a new country there is always a little bit of that self doubt, “Is this going to work here too?!” But just like in every other country, when at the end of the night you’ve got a girl chasing you down, the best 19 year old I’ve ever kissed actually, and another country to add to the list, it reaffirms that belief. I am the shit.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #23
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | January 29th, 2010 at 8:27 PM
I Fall in Love with Every Girl Real Social Dynamics is criticized at times for not explaining much pertaining to rapport and comfort, and that’s true. But most comfort comes directly from the fact that if you are conversing authentically to someone, without a front, people will naturally let down their guard, feel more comfortable around you and a stronger connection develops naturally because the other person is talking to the real you. Not some false self, ego, or manipulative dude. There is no front. No fake identity, no guy wearing his nightly PUAhhh mask. This isn’t an article about building comfort though, it’s about something that I remember Jeffy talking about one time when we were on program together in Los Angeles. In Nine Ball he calls it a “pseudo-oneitis” pretty much. Where each girl you meet, if it reaches a certain point, you almost fall in love with the girl. For the night. He attributed it to method acting. But for me, I’m a horrible actor, I think it’s almost a self hypnosis. In most of my recent successes I have seen the same pattern emerge. At some point, I’ll develop this deep connection with the girl. Like I can feel my eyes almost welling up with tears or something, it’s so weird. I’ll say shit like “I don’t even care what happens tonight, I am just happy that we met.” But the thing is, it’s the truth at that moment. Whether it is being caught up in the emotions of the interaction, or I’m just delusional or a romantic at heart, it solidifies the interaction SO HARD. Now, the thing is, don’t take this the wrong way. In between this I am spouting off shit like the old classic, “You don’t even want to know what I would do to you,” and pulling her hair, and biting her neck. So on some level there is that push-pull going on. There is a strong deep connection, but still that playful dominance fun for the night energy. There are a bunch of reasons why this pseudo-oneitis thing really locks in the interaction. 1. It creates the infamous bubble. The two of you are together, and you can physiologically feel it. Whatever you feel, she feels, and she’ll feel that connection too. 2. It’s authentic. I’ll get comments like “I can’t believe I met you tonight, this is so random.” You don’t give off that feeling of being a slimy player dude because it’s REAL. I’ll say similar things like that also, because I am always surprised when I meet some random stranger and develop a connection so quick. Even when it happens almost every night that I go out. If they ask why things are going so smoothly, just say “It’s called chemistry.” Haha… 3. It’s win-win. The experience is a lot more enjoyable for both of you. You have that emotional connection too, which always amplifies the sexual experience, and you don’t get that icky feeling the next day because the experience was more of a fun night culminating in whatever provocative conclusion might result. Not sleezy one night stand bull shit. So how to create this connection? Too many guys I talk to go about this “success with women” skillset objectively. It’s all about how many notches you have on your belt, how many k closes you get in a night, what percentage of your sets hook, how to befriend the AMOG/AFOG. Believe me, I’ve been there too, and had some pretty stellar success in that arena. But the shit that has been going down lately is like a whole new level of game. My results have been matchless in the industry. You need to get away from objectifying the process and start connecting with humans again. Sounds kind of funny actually, but all you are really doing with this whole RSD/pickup process is socializing with strangers. Realize that, sure it’s good to be disciplined and going out and working hard to get this skill handled, but really how much does discipline come into play when it involves going to a night club and talking to girls? Kind of ridiculous actually… Make it fun. And really look at the person in front of you. Another aspect of this is the self actualization side of things. Something I got out of Steve Pavlina’s book “Personal Development for Smart People” is the concept that: The more you know yourself, the more people are able to connect with you and share their deeper thoughts/emotions/insights. I’ve always prided myself on being a person that someone can open up to, have a deep personal conversation with, even if it is the first time meeting them. Whether it be a client on my bootcamp, or a girl I meet in the night club. And I think a big part of why others feel more comfortable opening up to me is because I am not hiding behind some shield. Some false self/ego. I know fairly well who I am, through the experiences I have had, the books I’ve read, meditative practices, and just hard core taking action and taking risks throughout my life. And the person on the other end can feel it when you aren’t speaking through some mask, there is an authentic communication going on, and it allows them to trust you and let their guard down as well. Along with this, the new age/self development concept that “we are all one” helps in empathizing and sympathizing with the other person. You can call it “universal energy” or karma, or Brahman… Seeing your shadow self in others… The course of miracles calls it heaven on earth, moving from perceiver to creator… There are countless techniques and methods for seeing yourself in others, seeing how we are all the same on some level, all from one source, depending on how cheesy or metaphysical you want to get. Take all these things into account, work on yourself, and work on connecting with the girl, and you will see your end game results go up dramatically.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #24
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | April 2nd, 2010 at 9:36 PM
I Want to Be Like Brad!!! Did I say that I’ve been fucking rocking out lately? Seems to be a recurring theme… Yet the truth. Damn. After a solid 2 years involved with the RSD crew I’ve finely honed my skillset and there are certain lines that I seem to use over and over again. Now, don’t get afraid and be all “OMGEEE, he’s giving me routines and lines!” It’s not like that. But the thing to look at is WHERE they are coming from. How my actions and what I say project my inner head space. I want to go through each phase of a given pickup, and point out some key phrases that I almost use in every interaction, and how it can highlight some of the internal head spaces that you should be cultivating. Starting from the approach. My faves would have to be the old classic “You’re cute.” Or the forced situational openers I talk about in the article on how to open. Although lately I’ve really like the true nonsense openers, where I’ll just go up to a girl and be like “Plaid shirt! You’re wearing a plaid shirt! Hi, my name is Brad.” Now what does this say about me trying to impress the girl? I am literally saying the most obvious, basic thing in the world. I just DON’T CARE. And she feels this. What does it say about me if I don’t care? I am coming from the higher value frame. High value=attraction. Cool. The BIGGEST thing to remember, over and over I reiterate it, is USE BREAKING RAPPORT TONALITY! Seriously guys. It is so important. It is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING for conveying your value right away. I have seen guys with REAL shitty inner game, but if their tonality is spot on, they can still get it done. Like major success, so start paying attention to your tonality. After the opener, I’ve noticed another thing that I will do fairly regularly. I am pretty much traveling all the time, always on the road, and it makes a good conversation starter. Now remember, you don’t want to fall into interview mode, so STATEMENTS NOT QUESTIONS. I’ll usually use the city or nationality. Let’s say I am in Sweden. ME: Hey, I’m Brad. Who are you? HER: Sarah ME: Cool, you know what… You look German. HER: No, actually I’m Dutch. Now this gives me one of those raisins to branch off of and the conversation flows. It works out really well for me because pretty much anywhere the girl is from I have already been there, so I have a lot to talk about on these types of topics. But what it really comes down to is that travel is my favorite thing to do, and my favorite thing to talk about, so it’s a really easy way for me to get talking about something I am interested in. And you see how by using statements, it is again coming from the high value frame. Another one that I use a lot is with the whole age thing. Super old school. You almost get asked your age in every single interaction. If I am kind of at a loss for words for whatever reason, I’ll throw out. ME: Hold on a second. Let me guess how old you are… You look about ___ Whatever, it gives me an opportunity to get a new thread going and also an opportunity to take a step back and fully, unapologetically check her body out. Then I’ll guess. What happens everytime? She asks me then… What’s my response? HER: And how old are you? ME: Guess. Again, super old school, but it turns a 2 sentence interaction into a 5 minute long piece which is slowly giving her more and more reference points of the type of guy I am until the set hooks hard. The big thing to realize when you are talking is not that what you say is getting her to like you more and more, it is the fact that you are just being consistent. More specifically consistently cool. Or consistently conveying high value traits. You know how attraction for men is like a light switch, and women it is like a volume knob. They just need to spend enough time with you, gather enough cumulative reference points of you speaking with good tonality, good body language, not reacting, going in your head… enough that she sees you are consistent in your actions, and she can trust you to leave together. Other ones I like: I almost always fall into the sarcastic frame of being shy. I’ll be physically manhandling the girl but at the same time be like, “Yeah, I am just a shy boy from the Midwest, please don’t take advantage of me.” -as I physically man handle the girl, and she is like “You most definitely are NOT shy!” It disengages her logical mind and keeps things playful. And I think it is funny as hell because it is so obvious that I am not shy. Self amusement boyzzz. Another one I have pretty much trademarked: “You don’t even want to know what I would do to you.” I use this little bad boy every time I really want to amp up the sexual energy, especially in a verbal direction. Almost every time she will ask “What would you do to me?” and it gives you the green light to get super explicit. Although as most of you have seen from some of my youTube videos, some times it catches you off guard and in that example I go all lame. Also another one that I’ll use pretty consistently is the “Hey what are you up to later?” It is just a great little line for figuring out the logistics for her for the night. Does she need to get up early, where is she staying, who did she come here with? Lastly, when going for the pull a lot of times I’m trying to see where the girl’s buying temperature is at, see how ready she is to leave with me. So if I am getting ready to leave, I will usually say something like: “Oh my god, this is probably the last and only time I will ever see you, that is so sad?” With obvious sarcasm, and at the same time I am staring her fucking down hardcore, full BEDROOM eyes. This is a good gauge to see what they are down for. Sometimes I’ll get a “Why are you leaving, I want to stay with you.” That’s obviously a good response. Other times I’ll get a “Well take my number! Let’s do something sometimes!” Now remember, this can look a little weak, like verbally it looks a little chode, but you have to realize how ALPHA everything else I am doing is. It’s playful! The amount of alpha/high value/leader/unapologetic tendencies I project in a given interaction allow me to go in almost under the radar, more for self amusement than anything else. The “CHODE TO EXPLODE” technique. I’ll come in like the normal nice dude, and when that shit hooks I’ll fucking pull her hair and bite her neck. Then say I am shy, and frazzle her brain. So they go hand in hand I guess… Enjoy.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #25
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | April 7th, 2010 at 11:32 PM
Language Barriers: Gaming in Foreign Countries I spent a good 6 months in Europe doing programs in almost 30 countries. A question people always ask is, “Well does everyone speak English, how does that work?” Well of course the programs are in English, but talking to the girls is another issue in and of itself. I have found that a lot of non-English speaking guys run into some interesting problems, so I thought that I would highlight a few of them for the foreign crew we got in our consumer base. The first problem guys encounter is if they are in a foreign country and have a some what proficient understanding of the native language. I remember when I was in Paris, I had a client who was Austrian, knew English well, and had been studying French so was fairly fluent in French as well. The problem he kept running into was that when we were out in Paris, he would switch into French if the girl didn’t know English well. It’s definitely a case by case basis, but can you see the dilemma. Who is in their head and who is outside their head? Who is reacting to who? It may seem counter-intuitive but sometimes it is almost more beneficial to continue using the language that you are more familiar with even if the girl can barely understand you because it forces her to think more. It also gets her investing in the interaction. When I was traveling around with my assistants and other RSD alumni through Europe, even when we were in countries where they knew the native language, a lot of times they would still speak in English because of how it made the girl respond. Another interesting dynamic that I have noticed takes place in the Scandinavian countries. The girls there are so notorious for hooking up with the “wandering nomad”, the guy just traveling through town for the weekend, that local guys will speak to the girls in English, pretending to be travelers. I remember heading back to a girl’s place in Stockholm, and as we were about to jump in bed she said, “You know what the best part about you is? You’re leaving tomorrow!” Nice. Most Swedes and Norwegians I meet have perfect English, so it is pretty easy for the guy to pull off being a foreigner, but girls have caught on too. I remember being in Oslo when a girl would not stop talking to me in Norwegian, it wasn’t until I pulled out my US passport that she embarrassingly started talking to me in English. I guess not a lot of insight in that one, but realize that you just need to get to Scandinavia, because those girls are DOWN! Here’s another one. I’ve noticed that since a lot of guys where their native language isn’t English, study the RSD material and other self help stuff in Enlgish, and almost develop a second identity. They have so many negative anchors with their old self, and they attach their native language to that old identity and only feel like they can be the new high value “player” guy when speaking English. I’ve heard MANY guys say, well it just sounds cooler in English. Maybe so, but I have heard many times that English is an ugly language, so my guess is that it is the former argument, and not the latter. Other issues are that the little RSD one liners sometimes do not translate well into the foreign language. Like the classic, “You’re cute.” From talking to many German dudes, and having German girls call me this, the best translation I have found is cute= suss. Or however you spell it. In Spanish, “Es guapa.” That’s as far as my translations go. Heh. Another problem that I ran into in EVERY new country was this self doubt that the girl wouldn’t know English. But over and over again I found it to be a non-issue. It is such a universal language in most of the civilized countries that you shouldn’t have any problems. That doesn’t mean that I still don’t get that same issue when I go to another country. I remember when I was in the Dominican Republic, it was the same thing all over again. Those thoughts come into your head. “Is she even going to be able to understand me? What then?” Whatever the self doubt, it is there and hinders your ability to hit the set hard, 100% belief. You just have to push through that first set, prove it to yourself. It is even harder because usually before I go out, you are interacting with restaurant staff, transportation, and hotel people, which usually never have the best grasp of a second language, so it reinforces your fears. But you have to realize that the people that are going out, that can afford to go out and buy 10-20 dollar drinks at a night club, are usually educated people that all have a firm grasp of English. So when I hear guys saying that they are having problems in Europe because no girl speaks English, realize, more than anything it is usually just a basic autopilot screening tactic by the girls. My opener usually runs like this… ME: AY! You’re cute… GIRL: Jahjahgrgrhajah ME: You’re cute! GIRL: Jahaja? ME: ENGLISH! You’re cute! GIRL: Oh, hey how are you?! It’s just their way of screening out most guys, just push through that initial resistance and the set will most likely open pretty smoothly. The only area I had issues was as I got very far into Eastern Europe, Poland and Hungary. But let me tell you, I still got shit done there, I just needed a little help from the student when it came time to explain where my hotel was at. : )
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #26
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | May 17th, 2010 at 10:21 PM
Stop Your Dating Frustrations with Women NOW! How long have you been studying this pickup material without getting ANY results? Are you still trying to read as much as possible to find the PERFECT APPROACH? Well, you’re at RSDNation, which is the best resource on the internet to get your desired results as quickly as possible. I want to get you there FASTER, just like I do for my bootcamp clients every weekend, and in any content/material that I release for that matter. Let’s get down and dirty in the details and find out what is going to help YOU specifically the most. What is the best way to get as specific as possible? How about a little Q-n-A session? My goal over the next few articles is to dive deep into some questions that I see over and over again from guys just like you. Feel free to ask more questions in the “I’m bored” thread that I created in RSDNATION’s main forum, but also I’ll try to get to as many comments left in these blog posts as well. I want to make this as easy as possible for you, so I plan on organizing the questions in specific groups and get you the results you want NOW. I also plan on answering some personal questions here and there. It seems like few people know much about me. This could get interesting I guess, but I figure the more transparency the better. Within reason!!! Here we go… First question: Q: epishred Wrote: Yo Brad, in your recent article you said you can pull even if you're thinkin shit in your head. tyler says you'll come off as a creep. how do you do it? A: A lot of it is “in the training,” basically just building so many reference points from going out so much the last couple of years that my reference experiences can push me through my shitty state. But even when I say I am in my head, it's different thoughts. The reason Tyler says that being in your head is creepy is that when 90% of the guys are in their head it is because of low value thought patterns. "What should I say that is cool? Does she like me? What do I do next?" That is not me when I am in my head. I've had too many reference points proving that thinking you are high value builds attraction. I don’t EVER worry about attraction or if I'm cooler than her. For me it's like: "I feel like shit, this sucks. Ahh, but she really likes me! She’s standing there!!! That’s all that matters. Now step up and do it anyways, it'll be fun once you get her home." Fully assume attraction, I NEVER worry about it or my value. I just assume I am the coolest guy there, which ultimately leads to a huge amount of attraction. I have a lot of faith in the Command & Challenge technique as well, (the tonality I use when I approach, and the value it conveys) and that also gives me a lot of confidence when I am talking to any girl. Similar to breaking rapport, when you approach the girl think COMMAND & CHALLENGE. Have that commanding tonality and screen her with your voice. You can say anything, but it’s gonna convey a SHIT ton of value with the C&C tonality. -Just like my articles… heh Q: TripleShot Wrote: Hey Brad couple of questions. 1)I am a good looking guy, but originally had bad results with women. I noticed that a lot of guys with hot gf's were not as hot as them, so I concluded that there must be some missing link to attraction. The dilemma I have is when to apply "tactics " (not necessarily routines, ), aka. when do I have enough attraction where it is just a matter of going for it? There were times when I had attraction but didn't know it, and kept on going in pua mode and ended up blowing myself out. so when do you know when to stop and go for it and when you need to do more? 2) I have had situations where I called up a girl and a guy answered saying he was a husband or bf, how do you handle these situations? A: ASSUME ATTRACTION!!! Always. Again, I don't pay attention to attraction at all. Who cares about IOI’s, if she is laughing at your jokes… Of course she wants me, I'm the most high value coolest dude there is. It's OBVIOUS!! Start at the end, as Ozzie would say... Assume it so you don't have to worry about tactics or gaming or any of that bullshit. Conveying high value traits and qualities is enough. As for question 2... You hang up. It's her husband.... Dick! Just kidding… Alright, how about a personal one. Q: Svall Wrote: Maybe you've said this but I cant remember, did u study any other game-material before joining RSD? A: I was exposed to the community by some old esoteric book by Cameron Teone. He brought up N.eil Stra.uss in it, so I checked his stuff out. Read the g.ame, got into m.yster me.thod. But once I started buying magic trick books and stuff I was like, ""WTF, I'm cool. I don't need to bring a deck of cards to the club!" Was interested in this Tyler Durden dude after reading the g.ame, and checked out the two hour free audio and was like, "This dude sounds like a nerd, but his material is spot on." Then I got Transformations, then got on RSDNATION, then took the bootcamp. I would say my foundation is deeply RSD, but I still believe in the fact that anyone who has gone out for 10 years probably has something to offer. So I have gotten some good golden nuggets from M.ystery and maybe one or 2 things from some of the other “gurus.” I'm an equal opportunity type of guy. I got no hate for anyone in the community, and try to read everything out there just so if someone on program asks about it, I can be like "Yep, I've read that." Although, you quickly reach the point of diminishing returns on the pickup stuff. So lately I’ve been studying other areas of self actualization. Mostly pyschotherapy, some Eastern philosophy for a while, and 1900 transcedentalist stuff is always solid too. Thoreau, Emerson, Whitman… All real good… Alright, that’s all I got time for today. After going out for almost 6 days a week the past 3 years I have material/theory/mindsets flowing out of my every crevice. Damn, it’s like all I think about and talk about. So the RSDNation articles will be flowing more consistently. I’m also working on some other projects, which I think you should be INCREDIBLY excited about… But I’ll save those bad boys for another time. I’M MYSTERIOUS!!!! Get ready to supercharge your game. COMMAND & CHALLENGE BITCHES! Brad Branson- P.S.- What do you think of the new format? I plan on using this discourse for a while, so if you have any suggestions for tweaking it up. Shoot me a comment.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #27
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | July 14th, 2010 at 5:37 AM
Brad Branson Assimilates to South Beach Nightlife Scene by Growing Extremely Dirty Mustache Hey guys, Check out this recent clip from the Free Tour Tyler and I ran in Miami, FL last week. One of the big new concepts I’ve been teaching that has been getting students massive success is a condensed version of the only thing you need for an internal mindset. It comes down to two things: 1. I am the coolest guy in the world. 2. Every woman is a sexual being. So the first part comes down to creating a reality that you are the coolest guy in the world. How is this accomplished? Well, you need to realize that social value is COMPLETELY ARBITRARY! You decide what has value to you. So why not pick things that make you the highest value person? Sure, by a superficial standpoint, there is always going to be someone richer, more well traveled, having access to all sorts of things you’ll never be able to get… But why not choose attributes that YOU have, and value? Really it can be anything. For me, it’s things like how conscious someone is, how humble, the control they have over their emotions, and being well read. And when I create that specific criterion, I am BY FAR the most coolest dude in the fucking world. And any girl I talk to should be damn lucky, because she is talking to the coolest guy she will ever talk to. So with this logical understanding, I then filter my entire reality through this lens, and use everything in my life as me being the coolest dude in the world. Growing a mustache? Damn cool. Having a mustard stain on my shirt and not giving a fuck? Fucking awesome. Again, you create this criterion. And what is the awesome byproduct of this? Well since the way to build attraction is by being high value, and I am the highest value person in the world, every woman is attracted to me. THIS IS THE LOGICAL REASON WHY WE ASSUME ATTRACTION. Get it? So now that I have proven to you why I am the most attractive person in the world, and how you can be too, how does this lead to every woman wanting to fuck me? Well, it’s physiologic. As Tyler says in the Blueprint, who is the one screaming in ecstasy during sex, the man or the women? It’s so blatantly obvious. Check out any Cosmopolitan magazine, or go read Nancy Friday’s My Secret Garden and you will see that women enjoy sex MORE than men. I even went through a SHORT phase, haha, where I started reading romance novels, and I mean COME ON! My MOM reads those things… Have you ever read a romance novel? It’s saying shit like “… and then Sergio with his throbbing member grabbed Sarah and…” Full on sex mode. 24-7. This is an extraordinarily powerful mindset, and teamed together with being the coolest guy in the world, it basically makes sex INEVITABLE. It’s just the logical conclusion of any interaction you have. LOVE IT!!! So start cultivating these mindsets, and it will take you a long ways towards getting the results you want in this area. As for how to convey these mindsets, well that’s for another article. For now just enjoy my greasy ‘stache and raging forearms.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #28
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | July 21st, 2010 at 7:39 AM
The Ego vs. Self Esteem Debate, and why what you think is WRONG! -vBlog So the last article I wrote created a little controversy, hehe. The real controversy is nothing more than a semantical issue of what a good definition of the EGO is. So I am here to give you that definition. From here on out, in the Real Social Dynamics Curriculum… EGO = YOUR COSTUME You hear all the time in self development spiritual woo woo circles about getting rid of the ego, you have a big ego, and detaching from your ego. But is any of this even possible? Let me give you a longer definition. Ego is the false self. Your ego creates your identity, perceptions, opinions, and beliefs in a way that gives your life meaning. But there is no meaning. We’ll save the whole nihilistic discourse for another time, but getting back onto the ego talk. As a consequence of this, ego creates duality. It creates distinctions that separate you from everything else, and everything else from everything else, and every time else from every time else, and so on… So to live “in this world” there is no way to NOT have an ego. Get it? Otherwise there would be no labels, and therefore there would be no difference between you and a mountain, and a grain of sand. It is all one. All just a “manifestion of isness/silence/the universe/energy/god.” Again, I’ll stay away from the metaphysicals, but what all you philosophical dilettantes need to realize is that when we are dealing with social dynamics, YOU ALWAYS HAVE AN EGO!!!! It is the costume that you wear whenever you interact with another thing on this earth. You interact from your perceived costume, and the other person from theirs. So this gets into what I was talking about in the previous post. The goal is to discern between “good ego” and “bad ego”, and in an existential fashion, create the costume you want to live your life in a way that makes you the happiest. Guys talk about self actualization, higher levels of consciousness, and getting to know yourself better. What this all boils down to is not transcending the ego, not getting rid of it, not detaching from it, but analyzing your own self and seeing what is actually up there in your mind. The bad ego is the part of your mind and identity where you don’t realize that there are things that you identify with, your self concept that YOU DIDN’T EVEN CHOOSE to put up there. Social conditioning, school, internet, advertising, past relationships, family… We don’t realize that there are actions we take EVERY DAY, based on certain beliefs we have. And some of these beliefs we either don’t know about, or don’t want in our mind because someone else put them there. And a lot of times the other person didn’t want to create that belief for you anyways. It’s just a weird byproduct of some random event or relationship. Like you are a rebel because your parents were too restricting. Or someone abused you as a kid and now you think everyone is out to get you. Or even you are social because you grew up in a big family. Get it? Weird right? Completely arbitrary. Whereas the good type of ego development is where YOU decide what stays up there in your mind. These are the values that I talk about in the previous article. Things like being the coolest guy in the world based on YOUR OWN conditions. CAUTION: BE ACTION BASED not RESULTS BASED The big thing to always remember is to have ACTION-based characteristics as opposed to RESULTS-based. That is why it’s not good to create an ego like “being successful with women” because it depends on some outward force, but it is good to have an ego like “a man of action.” Because this is something that is ultimately under your own full control. Whether your ego is consciously created or not, good or bad, they BOTH create your perceived reality, and control every action you take. It's your self-image, and how you filter reality, and the actions you take based on your perception of reality. So I've taken the existential viewpoint that, it's my own decision, and I'm going to choose the most effective identity/ego/personality to get me whatever I want. Right now that is having a rockstar lifestyle with lots of hotties... And this technique is so sick. It’s worked spectacularly both myself and the hundreds of clients I’ve had in over 25 countries… 1. I am the highest value/coolest guy in the world, and since attraction = value, every women is attracted to me. 2. Every women is an EXTREMELY sexual being, and since they are all attracted to me… SEX IS INEVITABLE! Enjoy.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #29
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | August 11th, 2010 at 5:07 AM
Dialing your internals. Let’s get serious with some inner game advice. Whatsup guys, I like all these questions, it’s bringing up a lot of commonly discussed topics. I’ve gotten a bunch of inner game questions, so this one, and probably a few others, will focus on getting your inner game handled. Ready… Here we go: 6am.sedna Wrote: Went out on my first date… One of the things I'd like some advice on is how do I make a girl comfortable around me and get her to ask me questions instead of me doing all the talking and asking? Is the girl not interested enough if she's not asking me questions about me? Or am I reading into it. The fact that you are worried about if she likes you, or how much she is interested is what is making it awkward. ASSUME ATTRACTRION! It takes care of everything and you can just talk. Whatever you feel she feels, so as long as you are uncomfortable thinking "Oh man, I don't think she is having fun." you are going to be in your head and uncomfortable and she will also be uncomfortable. Chill back, smile, and have some fun. It doesn't matter what you are talking about, as long as you find it interesting, so will she. ffioddjds Ey Brad, I get a lot out of your articles, tight ass shit yo! Anyways, the player "my game is a 10" frame is easy to reinforce if you're going out every night. And it happens with me whenever I go out especially multiple times a week; I just SNAP into that ultimate "me" identity. But, for guys who are busy with work, university, etc for weeks at a time, how do they keep that 10 player mentality without going out as frequently? Is there another way to reinforce that identity? Thanx man! The frame boils down to being higher value than the girl. That's what "my game is a 10" means. It's like "I am enough, I am the coolest motherfucker here!" I like calling it the Donald Trump frame. How to reinforce this frame? Well one way is in the club, getting reference points from approaching girls just being yourself, vomiting bullshit and escalating and getting a mental picture of girls responding positively. But when you aren't in the club, what are other ways to reinforce that you are high value? Anything! What do you value, what are your goals? It's basic self actualization. How am I making myself more "attractive" i.e. more comfortable in my own skin, more experienced, more centered, knowing myself better so I can empathize with others. It's basic inner game stuff. I travel A LOT. My work allows it, and I take every opportunity to see the world and gain a better understanding so I am less prejudice and judgmental. When someone becomes less judgmental they also don't let others judge them. They are less likely to let others opinions define their identity and know themselves better and create their own identity. I read A LOT. Learning about myself. The books I talked about in a previous article. Gaining a better understanding of my own thought processes, and how I can control them, transcend my emotions, all that kind of stuff. I live LIFE. Embrace uncertainty and have fun. Don't stress about much, and realize that everything just kind of flows. Stop fighting the current and just jump in and see where it takes you. So now, when I go into a nightclub and some girl says "You're a player!" I take a little snapshot of my life here... it's always in the back of your mind. Here's my subconscious thought pattern... "Hmmm... How does this girl giving me shit fit into my reality? Travel. Actualization. Intellect. Work ethic... Ummm... Nope... It has no bearing whatsoever on anything... That's cute.... Cool..." No emotional response. And that builds HUGE amounts of attraction. Also, the positive reframe is very important. Anything you experience, read, think about, can be viewed in an empowering frame, or a negative one. So in everything you do, you want to be like "Hell yeah, I'm motherfucking WINNING!!! I am the SHIT!!!" Everything. And in comes my favorite quote... There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. -Shakespeare Ah, nice little diatribe, I’m sure you guys enjoy it. I enjoy the inner game stuff myself. And as usual… A personal one: Serpicoo Wrote: Hi Brad. Did you have a 9-5 job when you were going out almost every night? And how did you make this work. Naps? My schedule was like this... 7AM: Wakeup 8AM: Work 4PM: Get home from work, pass out 9PM: Get up, shower, Double shot of espresso, shot of rumplemintz with a chaser of Jujubees 11PM: Head to club 2AM: Head home 3-4AM: Pass out based on if I have an after party, or girl... Pretty ridiculous, but it got me some SERIOUS results. Mitizaro Wrote: Brad - do you have small town experience? (this pic actually makes the city look cool) Ehh, I developed my game in Milwaukee, which is about 700,000 people, but more like only 15-20,000 actually might go out since it's very blue collar and there is only 2 universities in the area. The big thing with small town game, is that you can't just go for broke like you can in Las Vegas or LA, because you are likely to see these girls again. I talk about this in my article "How to game your city," where sometimes slowplaying interactions because I know I will see them again, unlike Vegas, where you might see a girl once, and then she's out of your life forever. Usually there will be less cavemanning bitches in the corner in the small towns, more likely everyone knows everyone, so discreteness is key. Also, to get really good at this shit, you are gonna have to do some traveling, There are only so many references points you can pickup in a small little community. Travel to a new city for a weekend and try out some hardcore shit, you'll never see these girls again, so have some fun! Those references points will help you out a lot once you get back home. Peace out men and keep at it in the field. See ya soon.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #30
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | September 13th, 2010 at 8:08 AM
Tweaking your verbal game for ultimate success Time for another round of question and answer guys. This time, we will be discussing some specifics related to verbal game: AmbitiousObsessive34 Wrote: Brad, if i dont have the fun instinct, or its just plainly sucks. What can i do while out (can i do it at other times?) to build and exercises it? Same question for humour. Yep, guys ask "How do I self amuse? How do I become more playful?" At RSD, what do we answer? Look inward. What makes you laugh? What makes you smile? What movies do you like? Really come to recognize what it is that makes you laugh, and find ways to make things fun and playful for yourself. If you are having fun, the girl will too. Whatever you feel, she feels. flux Wrote: What's the advantage of being instantly verbally direct with girls? I think you can use sub-communication, eye contact, teasing and kino to make it 'on' but to actually SAY whats happening is just giving her all the power, it's like your showing all your cards and making HER the decider. It's also often said never to say directly that you're taking her home for sex...so doesn't that go against the verbaly direct game that is often talked about? I can see the advantage in doing it for quick club make-outs but is it generally really better? The more I go direct, in different scenarios, the more I think it is the ABSOLUTE SHIT! It just cuts to the chase. Don't you think it is obvious why you are going up to her anyways? Like even if you ask something like "What time does this club get busy?" She knows whats up. You could have asked the staff. You could have asked a dude. It's obvious. So the reason direct works so well, is because you cut through the bullshit. You convey SUPER high value traits because you are unapologetic, you are a man of action, when you see something you want you go for it. As for the "showing your cards" concept, here's the scoop. I lke what Tyler calls the "Prince Harry" concept. Think of the frame that Prince Harry has when he goes up and approaches a girl. It's like... He has everything: royalty, rich, celebrity, all the girls in the world... Let's say he stepped to a girl, his frame: "Hi, I thought you were cute... But what ELSE do you have?" Just because a girl is physically attractive doesn't mean she's completely won me over. It should be the same for you. Just because you go up to some girl, and she is smoking hot, if she is dumb as rocks, are you still as turned on? The idea of showing all your cards would only apply if you ONLY value her looks. There is something to be said too about how if you go in HARD and DIRECT it cuts through a lot of the social pleasantries and just hits them on a raw level of primal attraction. This is almost what you are getting at with the quick makeout thing. You convey so much value, so much raw masculinity, that it fries their logical brain and they just go instantly wet. Yeah, you can turn this into an instant makeout, or ride the wave all the way to your bedroom. jona20cr Wrote: Hi Brad, I am very logical, How I can change my communication skills to be more emotional?? how to escalate the interaction verbally, from the opener to the make out??? Thanks Jonathan Men are logical, women are emotional. If you look at the 2 separate parts of the brain there is the left hemisphere which is VERY logical, word forms/language/representations... And then there is the right hemisphere which is more creative, holistic, and probably emotional -although that is my own language and deduction... So the goal is to turn off the left side of the brain and get into that creative zone where things are just flowing naturally. The biggest thing you can do is gain a intellectual understanding to stop worrying about being attractive and realize that when you stop worrying and have self-trust, everything takes care of itself. That is true attraction/high value/confidence/self esteem... But then... What do we talk about? Well check out my article on vomiting words... http://www.rsdnation.com/brad/blog/milli...vomit-girl As for how to escalate to the makeout... That is not done on the level of words man... Anything can lead to a makeout. Checkout my facebook profile for a video of me kissing a girl after she says my glasses are lame. Or the youtube clip where no specific word leads to the makeout. What I have come to realize is that the verbal part of the interaction remains pretty consistent, it is a neutral slop, not upward. Your physicality and time spent together are what escalate the interaction fluidly towards the makeout. And as usual, let’s end with another personal question… Proximity Wrote: Did you proactively try to become an instructor and planned it even before your first bootcamp or did it just sorta happen? I went into my bootcamp thinking a little bit... "Yeah, I'm pretty cool, I think I could do this. I'm gonna show Alex whats up!" But if I had a quarter for every guy who said that they wanted to teach this stuff... I'd be RICH! I put myself in front of the right people as much as possible to get this gig. It wasn't like they just called me up and were like "Wanna teach?" I'd already met Papa 3-4 times, had been interning for 6 months, assisted on 6-7 Alex bootcamps, been to 2 superconferences, a VERY active poster on RSDN... And worked on my game a lot, worked hard as an intern, and prolly paid about 10,000 in airline tickets and bootcamps that I didn't have... Not suggesting you do the same, but more than anything, work your ass off and people will notice. For whatever you end up doing in life as a career, go read Think and Grow Rich. Develop that true desire and start creating value. Eben Pagan says that for every dollar you receive it takes about 10X the value creation to get 1X back. So create 10X the value in whatever you choose to do, and have the desire and motivation to push through, and the higher quality the value you give, the more you will get in return
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #31
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | September 15th, 2010 at 6:36 AM
How about some talk on how to get physical? Here ya go guys… I found a few questions related to getting physical, and as this is a concept I really enjoy talking about, I figured it would be a good time to check it yo! For a full, explicit explanation of physicality check out my old article in my blog called http://www.bradbranson.com/how-to-hug-a-girl/ Oh, and thanks for all the questions and insights in the comments section, I’ll take any comments into consideration. On to the QnA… subx Wrote: You mentioned escalating smoothly. How do you escalate "smoothly". And what is "unsmoothly" escalating? It's basically calibration, which comes from experience. Doing something for a reason, not because you read on a pickup forum that it works. You just have to get out there and push it, whether it be going for the number or getting physical, and then over time you will develop your own flow, and be able to pick up the rhythm of the interaction and know EXACTLY what to do when. Like there are all of these rules, even my own like "hug the girl within a minute" which is good for a newbie, but there are plenty of times when I don't hug the girl within the first minute. But it's taken a long time to know when the right time to get physical is and when she will be most receptive. I've pushed it too quick, or waited too long, and even now a lot of times I still surprise myself by wondering if it's alright to kiss the girl or something... go for it... and get it... In my head I'm like "Oh, wow, that went better than expected. Try to store that reference point for next time you go for the kiss close." You build up those reference points, and that's what makes you a smooth motherfucker. yorro Wrote: Hi Brad I'm very curious about this one thing. You said once that your conversation skills sucked and your game was almost completely physical game. So tell us, how you were meeting women in a low-key daytime locations like malls / libraries / cafes / airports / bus stations / etc. Going physical during the day in a low energy level place is not the best idea IME. It's just fucking weird meeting a girl in college during the break clawing her getting in her face etc.. So how did you do it? Haha, I didn't. Yep, read my daygame article on how to approach daygame... http://www.bradbranson.com/how-to-meet-w...g-the-day/ It took much longer for me to get good at meeting girls during the day. elemeno Wrote: I have decided I am taking my bc with you, hopefully by the end of 2010. That will be one of my goals. question; So last night I went to this concert with a girl I am friends with and her super hot friend. I had already hooked up with the super hot friend 4 yrs ago but havnt really seen her since, and I wanted to hook up with her again. It was definitely on from the very beginning as soon as I met up with them at the concert and I could tell she was really attracted to me. I was told she wanted me to spend the night. I tried to escalate things between us the whole time and went pretty well because we were touching eachother a lot throughout the night. But it also felt like there was no rapport and no connection so the attraction seemed kinda weak. Towards the end of the concert the girls started getting kinda bored and the girl I am friends with wanted us to leave and go to a bar. I said okay and went with it, and as soon as we get to the bar two goofy orbiter dudes show up to meet up with the girls. They were of course engaging the super hottie the whole time (girl I was trying to hook up) and buying them drinks, but I could tell these guys didn't have any game so I just chilled back and talked to the girl I am friends with. When we left the bar the two girls invite me back to their place. I kept trying to escalate things at her house by playing music and dancing with her but it felt it was just me giving her a lot of attention and her just jumping around doing her own thing not really paying any attention to me. It felt like the window of oppuitunity wasn't there. I never got to isolate her and I never really got more than 20 minutes of 1 on 1 conversation with her, and it was nothing beyond small talk. I feel like I could have pushed things farther(especially since I already hooked with her) but I am having trouble figuring out where I went wrong and trying to make sense of it all. If you have advice on this it would be greatly appreciated. I am going to partying with these girls tonight so hopefully it goes better. I am just gonna focus on having fun and escalating at the right moments, hopefully it goes better this time. Looks like I hit you a little late on this one, but you gotta dominate!!! If you already slept with her albeit a long time ago, the attraction will still be there, and hopefully the sex was good. You gotta FULLY assume attraction, and then get really physical and playful with her. Have fun, smile a lot and REALLY get physical. I'm not talking little brushes against her leg, or holding her hand. Have fun and pin her up against a wall, pull her hair. Get physical baby!!! Do you guys notice a common theme in a lot of my responses? ASSUME ATTRACTION. Over and over again, I reiterate this. It’s so key. Why can you assume it? Because if you approach properly, and work on your internals, as long as you are just comfortable and be yourself, you convey SO MANY HIGH VALUE TRAITS! And ATTRACTION = VALUE. So just relax and be cool guys. Lastly, lets get personal… 6am.sedna Wrote: Yo Brad, how do you deal with doubt about abilities to do something, not necessarily pickup related - but your future? school, career...feeling like you'll fail. etc I tend to worry a lot, and it's been getting worse the past week. That’s a pic of Mark Twain and he said it best… “I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” Life is what happens while you are planning for the future. Embrace the process. Embrace the moment. Embrace uncertainty. Learn to stop worrying about all the bullshit and notice that there is a pattern to things. Quiet the mind and you'll know what to do. More and more I see how everything kind of just happens for a reason, and I just go with the flow. Again, you gotta stop fighting the current and just jump in the river and see where life takes you. But then, once you find out where that is, work your damn ass off to get there or it or whatever it might be. I've learned to stop planning long term. Look at my goals 5 years ago. Would I ever have imagined I'd be a DATING COACH?! But here I am. Loving life. And hopefully helping you guys reach fulfillment as well. Cheers until next time, Brad
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #32
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | September 20th, 2010 at 7:27 AM
Time to go inwards again. Let’s work on your mindset So you guys seemed to like the last inner game QnA so we will head there again. Also, write in the comments section what category you would specifically like to talk about and I’ll take that into consideration on future articles. Let’s get right to it. Showtime~ Wrote: Im 19, and dont have much money etc. What would you recommend as words of wisdom to a 19 years old being 27 now. (Im not in college yet) Like what would you say to yourself (Im not in a relationship anymore too =P) Don't build your identity around your career, even if you love it. I view money as a means to provide a certain lifestyle, and try to "work" as little as possible so I can live the lifestyle I want. 99% of the world idenitfies with their job: I'm a doctor, I'm an engineer, and the personality traits that go with it. Me... I'm a traveler, a wanderer, an intellectual... Not a dating guru, not a pickup coach... Also, don't have super set goals for career type stuff, most people change their major 2-3 times, and almost no one uses what they went to school for. I view college as an opportunity to learn social skills, and to learn how to learn. So have fun and party and meet as many people as you can. And find something you love to study so it's easy to get good grades. And get good grades! nattyfresh Wrote: hey dude. lately i been hang out with girls left and right. im a sexual guy all the time. i keep it moving but lately all the girls been giving me the same excuse as all i want is sex from them and if they give it up too easy ill dissapear asap. i enjoy the chase it fun but im also trying to get it in as well suggestion would be great! thanks in advance This is usually a sign that there are some incongruencies in your sexual frame. You want to be fully unapologetic about this. The player frame. Push it hard now, because it will take a while to internalize. Some girl is like "All you want to do is fuck me!" Your response. "You know it!!!" That will get you into that player/more unapologetic frame, where the girls will be less likely to place you in the provider frame. That's your other problem. You are subtly conveying some sort of provider frame stuff in there because they are saying things like "If I give it up, you'll just disappear!" That means they are seeing you as BF material, which is bad mmmkay... Not really bad, but if you are going for the quick hookup, and not 1950 style courting it's bad. So make sure you aren't sending off those types of signals, which again comes back to the player frame. Ooze sexuality, be fun, playful, physical, smile a lot, and trust that it will internalize over time. You are getting close, it's just a few cracks in the armor that they see. Also, make sure to get out and be gaming up other girls too, fuck a few randoms and the girls in your social circle will see you in a new light. Also, just thought of this, make sure you are discrete, those friends of yours might be more worried that if you fuck them everyone will find out and then they will look like a slut. So find ways to be more discrete, don't brag about other girls you are seeing or fucked to friends, don't be overtly sexual with a female friend in front of everyone else, and then when you are in private ESCALATE!! Whorelord~ Wrote: Brad, coming to this forum is distracting me a lot, how do I stop? Something that I really took away from Brad Blanton's Radical Honesty book was this: People think that we are separate parts. But we aren't. We are whole.. "Part of me really wants to stop leering on the forum! But I can't stop." There is no parts, there is just you. And you are on this forum. So you FAIL! Be disciplined, use the forum as a reward for when you get studying/work done or whatever... Get an intelectual understanding of why you come on the forum. Is it boredom? You feel like you are missing something? You are procrastinating? Once you know the EXACT reason that brings you hear constantly, address it, and then see if you are actually gaining anything from being here... Prioritize. Time is everything. I value my time more than anything. malaspina Wrote: What's your take on discipline vs. immediate gratification? It's funny when I here guys who are like "I'm so disciplined! I go out like 5 days a week!" Like it takes discipline to go out and party 5 nights a week. Haha, although I have a lot of sympathy for dudes hitting it hard and pushing thru rejection after rejection. For me, if the question is based on development vs. getting the girl in front of you... I'd go for the case-by-case basis. Have a desired goal, whether it be working on tonality or hooking, but if a set starts going really well, throw away the gameplan and push things forward with that girl and fucking CLOSE! ANNNND…. Time for another personal one… subx Wrote: Brad. Think back to when you were uncomfortable in field. What did you do to get past that? How did you view being nervous and coming off as a scared pussy when approaching girls? I remember you saying you had to re-learn the process after you stopped drinking while in field. Did you get bad anxiety or anything? I think I might be cut from a different cloth because I'm extremely paralayzed with anxiety in field when I am not drinking. Or maybe it's because that I THINK that i am cut from a different cloth. Perhaps I see anxiety different than others. I hate it and i am scared of people knowing that I'm extremely nervous. Nah, I was lazy.... I just took a bootcamp. That's what got me over the drinking thing. As for nowadays, I feel like 2-3 warmup sets is equivalent to 2-3 beers. You NEED to do your warmup sets. Everyone does. Go talk to a god damn fatty, or a bartender, or a married couple, or a dude... Doesn't matter, just get in that social flow so you can start building some momentum... And realize it's just a warmup set, too many times guys build up so much anxiety because they are trying to do everything with that first girl like... "Ok, I'm gonna open, her.. Then work on my vomiting, then qualify her, then get physical, then get sexual, then get her number then............." Stop worrying about that shit, your only criteria for success is the open. Whether it goes good or bad doesn't matter... Just OPEN! Then you start building momentum, and things smooth out naturally... Rock on guys, let’s chat again soon. Brad Branson
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #33
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | September 27th, 2010 at 7:47 AM
I like you. Time to talk about some qualification Ohhh shit! That’s a good jam. Click on that shit seriously. I used to play in a band and rocked out on the keys Herbie style… I want more views guys. Grab my RSS feed or get some of your friends to check this shit out. I’m on a mothafuckin role! Let’s talk a bit about some qualification. Svall Wrote: Brad, what are your thoughts about "qualification" ? I used to think it was necessary, but don't anymore. I even wrote in an article about how qualifying is good. I think it is, especially when you are coming across pretty high value, you need the girl to realize that you like her. But I've come to qualify in a different way lately, more authentic. What I have guys do on program is make a list for what they value in a girl besides her looks. What are they looking for in someone they would date? I'll give you some of my list: Non-smoker Positive Bubbly Intellectual Bilingual Binge-Drinker Something extra-curricular like gymnastics/volleyball/running... So those are a few. Then when I am in conversation with a girl, this gives me an opportunity to both show that I have standards i.e. I don't put up with any bullshit.... but also to qualify her if she has something I like. So if she is like "I'll be right back. I need to go smoke." I'm gonna say something like "Eww, that's gross." What would the chode say? "Aww, that's cool, I don't smoke but I used to back in the day..." It shows that I have standards. Doesn't mean I won't make out with the girl when she gets back. Doesn't mean I won't have sex with her at the end of the night, but I am still conveying that I have standards. Another example: Her: Blah blah blah, life sux. ME: You're boring. And we are at a club! Let's have some fun!!! The other is also true, what you asked about, qualification. If the girl starts talking about skiing or how she studied in Paris and knows French I'm going to respond with "That's awesome!" because it is something I actually value in a girl. Again, I'm not looking to marry her, but it still helps and is genuine. And the post response… Svall Wrote: Cool great answer on the qualification question. Kinda interesting how you dont think its that necessary anymore, because alot of guys in the community do. I know a.fc a.dam talks about investment IS attraction, in other words qualification is attraction, what u think about that? From an investment standpoint, it sounds like he's talking about the girl qualifying herself to you... Although I do think investment is important, it's not what attraction is. Attraction = Value. Straight up. It's inherent in the definition of Attraction. I posted an article a while back on how to get the girl to invest, and it is a huge part of my game. But that is more to mitigate LMR than for building attraction. Attraction is usually fully-developed and taken care of before you get into qualifying. Like in the first 5 minutes. Although I think getting a girl to invest and qualify herself HUGELY solidifies that attraction. TheHitter! Wrote: What are some good ways to "push" vs "pull" - there's a lot of techniques for "pull"ing i.e. escalate, SOI, qualify, whatever. I'm looking for some good ways to "push", old school stuff like negs and takeaways have never worked for me. btw, these articles are awesome - thanks for doing this. Push vs. Pull comes from the "having standards" technique that I mentioned earlier in this article. It's fucking sick and truly authentic. It was in response to Svall about qualification... Steve-0! Wrote: Brad- Can you breakdown how you fulfill a broad range of emotions in an interaction.. alexanders model. I am really good at pumping positive emotions into a girl ... but she already has all that stimulation at night.. How do you hit the full range of emotions. Thanks! The negative comes from takeaways, like I'll go to take a piss, go help a student, go grab a beer... Sometimes jealousy plotlines... Usually I don't actively create these, but they happen organically after you have a couple sets in a given venue. And the one that comes up the most frequently again is having STANDARDS. She says something I don't like... Call her out on it. "Ew, you smoke!" "You're boring." It's nothing forced. It's authentic. I'm a man with standards. I'm high value... Also for how a girl talks to you... If she isn't paying attention I am gonna yell "Hey! You have bad eye contact!!" When people talk to me, they pay attention. And I don't put up with bullshit. Now let’s get personal! Steve-0! Wrote: How does your BC compare to says other instructors? I have taken one with ozzie and it seemed to focus on finding what I care about and what I like are sharing that with the world. Making me as uncomfortable as possible. Nathan's seemed to focus on the introduction to game ... reference experiences, the more the merrier. I would say my bootcamp is more like Nathan's than Ozzie's. Ozzie takes more of an authoritative frame, whereas Nathan's is more laidback and about personal accountablity... At least that is my take... Mine is similar in that regard, but I am probably more of a nerd and try to break things down as deep as we can go. Get a really good understanding of how your mind works, and changing how you view experiences, and framing interactions in a way to reinforce very specific mindsets. My mantra over and over again on bootcamp is "Be high value! Be high value!" And that is conveyed through the exercises, content, field experience, feedback, gameplan, techniques, QnA.... Everything we do is to reinforce that high value headspace. And since I have a delusional sense of high value, any questions or ideas that are asked... I let them marinate through my own delusional brain and give my take on it, so you can see how you should be looking at a specific situation/experience, and how you can develop that same mindset... Now get out in the field bitches! Until next time, Brad Branson.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #34
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | November 29th, 2010 at 11:57 AM
How to Set Up the Perfect Date Originally posted on http://www.BradBranson.com on Sept 16th 2010. Here is a fail proof guide to setting up the perfect date with ANY girl. Did you finally get that perfect girl’s phone number, and now you are nervously trying to figure out what the next step is? Are you wondering how to set up the perfect date that will ultimately lead to MORE, as opposed to another awkward experience to tally up? Are you afraid to go on another date, just to end with her saying “let’s just be friends”? I want to give you a gameplan that will give you confidence, and ultimately RESULTS! The first thing you need to remember is that in any situation where you are trying to get the girl home, logistics are going to be the most important thing. Your best approach is to find a place near your house, so at the end of the night, you don’t get confused about who’s driving where, how you are going to get there, transportation, or whatever it might be. Meet at your place, and find a place within walking distance. This also helps because you don’t want to end up waiting at the meeting spot forever if she is running late. What I am going to do is outline MY OWN personal date gameplan, which will highlight the necessary things you’ll need to do as well to streamline the approach. For the date, I chose a little swanky lounge about 2 blocks from my house. It turned out to be pretty cool, but ultimately the only factor was that it was the closest bar to my house. So I set the date up where she met first at my place. I’d set it up for “drinks”. Make it around 8:30-9PM so she knows it isn’t a dinner date. Once she got there, she would call or text and I would tell her to come inside. Don’t get apologetic,. No, “Hey, can you come in quick? I’m not ready yet.” Just assume it. “Hey, I’m in 102. I’ll buzz you in.” Once she is inside, I’ll offer a drink. Sometimes one drink leads to 2, leads to 3, leads to… us not even leaving my house. Nice cheap date. But if that isn’t the case, we’ll then head out to the lounge. When there, it’s just normal chit-chat. You want to sit side-by-side or on an angle. Don’t be across the table -- it is too hard to get physical. In the conversation, you also don’t want to “proactively give out the resume”. I used to give my whole life story, and what would happen is the girl would slowly come to the conclusion that “This guy is boyfriend material. I have to make him wait so he values me!” This doesn’t mean being intentionally vague, not answering her questions if she asks something specific about you, just don’t be proactive about telling your whole life story. Keep it playful and just vibe, she will fill in all those empty details with her “perfect man” and it actually probably makes the experience more visceral for her AND YOU, when you get home. I usually get 2 drinks a piece, and I’m willing to pay for two drinks, much less of a headache than trying to split it or get her to pay. Just be nonchalant about it and take care of the payment. During the conversation, at some point I want to seed a reason for why we are going to back to my place afterwards. What do I use? Nintendo Wii!!!!! At some point in the conversation I’ll start talking about how I was OWNing Tiger Woods a few hours ago playing the Wii, and how we should check it out later on. Don’t sell her on it then, just say it in passing and move on in the conversation. But as I am paying, that is when I’ll say DECISIVELY, “Let’s go play some Wii. It’ll be FUN!” Don’t even wait for a response, assume it. Grab her by the hand, and the SECOND you get her out the door, it’s WALLSLAM of GLORY time. Slam her, gently, against the wall outside and go for the kiss. This way you don’t have to worry about the 1950’s front door style kiss -- you get it out of the way. And for some reason, on a venue change like moving her around, girls are always more open to escalation. Be sure to break the makeout first, then grab her hand and keep walking like nothing happened. Keep it playfvul on the walk home, some hipchecks, cutting her off, poking her, keep her out of a logical headspace. Then once inside, I'll usually make some more drinks, crank on the Wii, which is great because it is competitive and playful, and then ride that playful wave of emotions until you guys are playing on the ground, getting groovy.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #35
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | January 10th, 2011 at 3:38 AM
Extreme Self Love: The New Magic Pill to Take the Stress Out of Your Life (originally posted at http://www.BradBranson.com on Nov 17th, 2010) Do you want to know the EASIEST way to get girls? A technique that requires NO THINKING? If I were to boil my game down to one concept, one thing that has unlimited capacity to continue growing, one mindset that conquers all… It’s extreme self-love. Narcissism at it’s finest. This attribute is LETHAL when interacting with women. I could very well see, when I start releasing products that at least one of mine will center around this topic. As I’m writing this right now, it’s hard for me to actually write out what this so-called “self-love” thing is, so I’ll riff for a while. My assistants sometimes joke with me. If you read my articles, I focus pretty heavily on outer game techniques. Yet in my own game, it’s almost completely internally-focused. But a lot of the mindsets I have cultivated are so internalized, it’s hard to communicate and teach them in a way that is effective. Especially when you only have a single weekend. You can only work so much on “sense of entitlement” during a 3-day bootcamp. So I haven’t had the time to flesh a lot of this stuff out. But I’ll try here… Jeffy drew this pic of me while I was on stage during last years World Summit, and I think it’s a pretty good description of what my life is like. Haha! It’s extreme narcissism, and it works great to keep your life fulfilled and for getting women as well. It’s all I think about all day. If I’m drinking a water… “Sweet! I’m drinking a water, no soda for me. God damn I’m going to be so money once I get a rockin six pack!” Walking down the street… “I’m just rolling down the street in downtown Chicago, heading to NYC in a few days, then off to Amsterdammmm. Damn I’m cool because I live in the coolest cities!” Having ridiculous hair… “I don’t give a shit about my hair. It’s so fucking money. Even when it’s all fucked up I look cooler cuz I don’t give a shit!!!” I’m always thinking about how I am better looking than every other guy out there, how I’m smarter than any other person in the world, that I have a better life than anyone, that my vocabulary is better than anyone, that my fashion sense is the best… It’s borderline insanity. But life is insane. -------------- I really have these thoughts constantly, and it builds me up. Pumps me up. Makes me feel happy at all times. My life is almost completely stress-free. Now there are a couple of ways to cultivate this mindset. 1. It requires a very existential viewpoint - You need to realize that life has no meaning. It’s just a crazy story, and you can create whatever crazy story you want and be happy. So I’ve created specific goals in my life. However those came about, who knows? Most likely social conditioning, partially just natural inclination. But you can’t live by other people’s standards. You will never live up to them. Create your own idiosyncratic standards that allow you to excel, to be the best, to be a “hero in your own mind.” So I create goals based off of my own value structures, and whenever I take an action that moves me towards these goals… I feel good. Damn good. Travel, health, women, financial freedom. Some I have pretty well handled, some I don’t. But ALL of them I’m working towards gaining a higher level of success. Remember, you need to create life goals so that when you take action towards that goal, you feel good. Let’s say you are working on those six pack abs. Every time you grab a water instead of a Coca-cola, you should celebrate! Get excited about the process. Life is what happens when you are planning for the future. 2. Optimism “…for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” -Shakespeare You need to realize that you can view any situation in a way that empowers your reality, or disempowers it. If your mindset is going to be “I am the shit. I am the coolest guy in the world.” Any disempowering thoughts need to be immediately extinguished. A good book that elucidated this point clearly was: Ask & It Is Given by Abraham-Hicks. These were the guys who were spotlighted in the movie, The Secret. Although I think The Secret is cheesy, this book is great and gives you lots of hands-on techniques for retraining your subconscious. I don’t believe much in the philosophy behind it: the whole “we are all energy” type shit. But if you look beyond that, the book uses VERY powerful techniques for training your subconscious to only think positively and how this can manifest the things you desire in the real world. From a success with girls standpoint, social dynamics is almost 100% a self-fulfilling prophecy. So the more you can reinforce positive beliefs, the better chance you have of making them real. Be cutthroat on negativity. Do not even allow it to enter your thought processes. Also, never talk in absolutes. So if you are fat, it’s not that you are unhealthy. It’s “you are working towards becoming healthy.” It’s not that you are negative. It’s “I’m getting more positive every day.” -------- As you start viewing things this way, it takes a huge weight off your shoulders. You are less stressed and just overall more happy and fulfilled. This again creates a very attractive “vibe”. It relates back to the old caveman times. What did the cavewoman look for in her ideal mate? Well, the caveman that has his shit together, has the nice cave with fur rugs, plenty of meat in his little cave fridge… This caveman is probably pretty chill and at ease in the world. He has no worries, and therefore strolls through life stress-free. He knows he’s the shit, and when he walks past a cavewoman, she can just feel that vibe. In today’s culture, it doesn’t take as much to get your “cave” stocked with food and some carpet. You have everything, no need for expensive cars and all that. It’s more about your MINDSET. Don’t think that you need anything else. You are enough. Start actualizing and realizing this. And life will become IMMENSELY easier. ( checkout http://www.BradBranson.com for other awesome articles... )
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #36
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | March 15th, 2011 at 2:51 AM
How to Break Up With Your Girlfriend: Breaking Up is Hard to Doo-woo! Here is my exposé on how to look at ending long term relationships, getting into new ones and the whole process. It’s an amalgam of multiple blog posts I’ve had over the last two years. It starts with my sadness post breakup of a 2 year relationship, and my ramblings and insights gained through the process. Sit back for a lengthy read, and ENJOY! Originally posted on www. BradBranson.com December 28th, 2009 Title: How to Find A Girlfriend What up guys, So it’s been a LONG time since I’ve been posting up articles on the regular, and it’s good to be back. I’ve been through some serious shit the last few months – matured a lot. No need to get into the dirty details, but as usual when drama ensues there are usually women involved. I’ve had some great new insights into the whole dating process, especially more of how the relationship actually goes down, and how to make that as healthy as possible. I’ve been talking with a lot of guys about the process of being single lately, like truly single, and how hard it can be, yet ultimately how important it is. I kind of need to get personal here so you guys can gain some perspective, but I’ve basically been in a relationship AT ALL TIMES, since I was like 12. Now, not always exclusive, or whatever, but there has always been some sort of female presence in my life. And I’ve come to realize how many guys have that same draw to always have a woman in their life. How many friends do you have who are the serial monogamist type? Going from one relationship to the next? How many friends do you know that have settled with the first girl that would have them, because they couldn’t handle being on their own? It was so weird for me being single, no strings attached, with no fallback, and how I could feel myself grasping to find another girl right away. Like I even signed up for e-harmony and shit. Now don’t start thinking “OMGEE, Brad is a chode!!!” The weirdest part of it all was that I was having more success than ever out in the clubs, the RSD World Summit, multi multi MULTI girlies… But I still had the weird desire for that strong female presence, and I’ve fought it hard. Throughout the process of forcing myself to stay single, I’ve talked to a lot of guys and gotten some great insights that drastically changed my outlook on being single. The first epiphany came from Tyler. Think about being a man. Each year of your life, if you are working on yourself, you only become MORE ATTRACTIVE. It is inevitable that you are only going to be able to get a HOTTER woman each year of your life. Just from life experiences, the contacts you meet, how successful you are, it is INEVITABLE. Think about how you were 2-3-5-10-20 years ago, were you as centered, experienced, attractive? Relatively, how comfortable do you feel in your own skin now compared to then? This only makes women want you more, so as you evolve as a man, and grow older, you will be able to attract a more quality woman. The next insight came from a good friend in Chicago. Based off of this new book I just finished called the Black Swan, one of its key concepts is that of explaining the science of outliers. Basically it is about this guy who played the stock market, and did VERY well. At a social gathering some people form a circle around him and ask “So which way do you think the stock market is headed?” His response. “Up.” Then they went on to ask his position in various stocks, and the crowd became perplexed because the man stated that all his positions were short, betting that the stock market would go down. But what he explained was that even though he thought the stock market was going to go up, the gains would be minimal, and the way he was positioned in the stock market, if things went down, they would go REALLY down and he would make a killing. My friend’s view of relationships is very similar. If you are constantly in and out of relationships, trying new girls, but never allowing yourself to settle, you are going to deal with a lot of emotional turmoil. It hurts to invest in someone, and break it off if you aren’t totally happy. The pain you feel, and the pain you make them feel. Much like the pain you would feel if you were betting against the market and it keeps going up. It hurts. It would be much easier to settle for the comfort of the first girl that comes by. But what you are doing through each relationship is slowly realizing what you really DO want, learning how to work a relationship properly, and ultimately playing the numbers game until you find that big winner.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #37
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
Another friend of mine from Guatemala had a few cool insights.
Let’s say you settle for a certain girl because it is convenient and you want that comfort. Yet internally, you know you aren’t happy and say to yourself that you are still looking out for a better girl when she comes around. Well if you are with this sub-par girl, how much time can you really spend looking for that new girl? How much of your physical time is spent with your girlfriend? How much mental energy are you spending on her that should be spent working on YOURSELF, making yourself more attractive/centered and finding the girl you really want? Another concept that we talked about, right as we parted ways before leaving the airport, was how he embraces the dating process, both the start and the breakup. Just as each rejection is a learning experience, so is each relationship. Each relationship gives you an opportunity to hone your relationship skills, making you a better companion for that next girl you find. Then hopefully when you do find that girl you really want, you will be ready and the relationship will flourish. But one last piece of advice that Tyler suggested. There will always be a better girl. Always a better match. There is no one special girl, and you can’t spend your entire life waiting for that perfect one to come, because it is inevitable that you will always find someone better if you look hard enough, wait long enough. So at some point you just need to hunker down, not settle, but when you find someone that you are really interested in, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and put 100% into that relationship and enjoy life. My new perspective is that of patience. I am just being patient. I see how everything I do now is only going to make me that much more centered, that much more of an attractive man. The work I am putting in through all this traveling, all these life experiences, and girls… It is all for when I do find that special one, and I’ll know EXACTLY how to make it happen. It’s good being back boys… ---- Originally posted on http://www.BradBranson.com November 8th, 2010 Title: How Changing Your Beliefs Changes Your Emotions … Let’s say you just broke up with your girlfriend. You feel pain. What is that pain associated with? Many times, your identity is heavily tied into the relationship. You view yourself as a COUPLE, and you factor every action you take through the filter of how it relates to BOTH you and your relationship. Also, it might be due to the possessiveness you feel towards the girl and how that gives your life meaning. Whatever the cause, let’s try to figure out how we can overcome the strong emotional feelings you get after a break up, and how you can change sadness into MOTIVATION. You need to first become conscious of the specific reasons for why there is an emotional pain, and realize what belief structures you have in place that create the emotional response. Sometimes that ugly beast scarcity bubbles up and you feel that you won’t be able to find another girl like the one you lost, or maybe it’s just the emotional connection you had with her, and don’t think you’ll be able to find that with anyone else. Well, that is most likely because you only have that one experience with her, and the emotions are always strong in a relationship, which intensifies the experience even more. The more reference points you have, and the more emotions tied to the experience, the stronger the belief. How many reference points do you have to the opposite? That there IS another girl out there that can give you those feelings? Most likely none! So how do we change this belief? We must attribute more pain to you staying in that relationship, even if it is out of your control to stay in it anymore, than the pain you feel outside of the relationship. Think of the scenarios that would happen if you were to stay in that relationship. The stifling you would have from not growing, not working on yourself. Think about all the girls you met along your path to meeting that previous girl, and how that helped you grow into the man that was able to attract that girl. Think about how much more you will be able to grow as you get back into putting your personality on the line every weekend. The introspection that goes along with pickup and self actualization as a whole. Try to meditate and create a visceral experience in your body as you start getting those successes again. How great does it feel to pull a gorgeous girl at the end of the night? Man, I’ve had some amazing experiences the last few weeks with girls, and I wish I could go back in time and tell my old self a year and a half ago, as I was getting out of a break up, that I would be having the crazy success I’ve been having lately. Living the life I’m living, how none of it would have happened if I would have stayed with that girl. I’m relishing in the moment, and reinforcing new beliefs now. YOU have control over your beliefs and your emotions if you want to. Start taking control and stop living life in reaction. --- Originally posted on http://www.BradBranson.com November 9th, 2010 Title: Breaking up is Hard to Do! Yesterdays article brought a flood of questions from some guys, and one in particular piqued my interest. So here is his email and my response: “Hey man, I just broke up with my girl, and I feel like shit. She basically put me on the same ultimatum of serious relationship or nothing. It’s weird we’ve “been together” for more then 1.5 years now and I’d never thought that I would actually care that much when it’s over. I think she’s the closest I’ve ever come to having a real girlfriend, yet I know that I probably couldnt stay faithful to her. It sucks because I really wonder if I can ever have a ‘normal’ relationship, or if its just going to be an endless string of sexual encounters, pain/fun and destruction. I liked her a lot yet a relationship wouldn’t have worked, I would have cheated on her she would have been unhappy and I don’t really want that kind of relationship. Is it just the ego attachments that make me feel awful or am I maybe making a big mistake. This shit is fucked up. I everybody knew what getting into this pickup/mckenna/life stuff meant, nobody would ever want to and no pu company would make money ;> Do you think that meaningful relationships are just some romantic concept I’m still clinging to and there is nothing like that and most people are just disceiving themselves? It’s weird I’m thinking that all the random sex I’ve had might amount to nothing and I should just drop it and have a relationship with her, but then I know that I couldn’t switch off that part of me. Yeah so fuck me :/ Thanks” Ya, I think everyone has to go through this break up dilemma at some point. One of the best things I’ve heard about this, something I have said before, is from my mentor. He said, “Dude. I’ve been out almost every weekend this year. I’ve been dating my girl for 5 years. And I literally met at least 15 women this year that would probably be better for me than her. Women that were more successful, hotter, whatever… There is always a better girl.” You are only going to get cooler as you get older and you will find another, better girl. GUARANTEED. It’s inevitable, I have no doubt whatsoever, the girls I’m getting lately are 1000X better than my girl or any other girl I was getting a year and a half ago. As for the meaningless sex stuff, you can’t look at it as a negative thing. The ups and downs you have from that are not related to the sex or the journey but your perception of it. If you view sex as a fun thing, not something to identify with, not something to give your life meaning, but just a cool more fun thing to do than anything else that is socially accepted as cool and fun, then you won’t have those emotional attachments towards it. It’s the old “release the tiller” analogy. Stop fighting the current and just go along for the ride. For me, girls is just part of my story. Being a man of stories, partying a lot and meeting a lot of hot girls. I don’t identify with it, I actually think it’s pretty funny, and I don’t have those emotional swings because of this. As for the relationship, the fact that you have any doubt about being with that girl means that the only way it would work, is if you somehow DAILY deluded yourself into thinking that you are happy. When you won’t be. You need to stop thinking short term. Think long term. Short term SMALL pain will lead to long term HAPPINESS. Times 1000 dude. Do you really see yourself marrying this girl? I doubt it. So don’t think about wasting time with her exclusively unless you think it will help you grow, and I think you already know the answer to that. As for ever having a serious exclusive relationship. I’ve already came to the conclusion that I won’t. I don’t believe in monogamy. I don’t think it’s natural. Does that make me pissed, or sad, or jaded? Not at all. It’s just my logical conclusion, and through that filter, how I decide to move forward. I do wish that I was in an intimate relationship sometimes, I think I’m hardwired for one. But I have the trust in my skillset that if I were to meet someone I really like, I’ve experienced enough to hold on to her, and also not be constantly worried that I’m missing out on life or something. But even her, I don’t think I could ever be 100% monogamous. Would I cheat on her all the time? No. But if I was away on some business trip and I met a really cool/hot girl, would I feel guilty about sleeping with her? No. I just don’t attach any sort of intimacy towards sex. That doesn’t mean I would tell my “significant other” about it, that would be unnecessary. And in a lot of ways, I think these random “flings” would only make our relationship healthier. I wouldn’t have those thoughts about my girl “holding me back.” You ask about people in romantic relationships and if they are “deceiving themselves.” Many are. 99% of humanity lives in scarcity. They cling to security and take the first thing that comes along. They trade motivation and happiness for security because it’s more painful to be alone, than to be unsatisfied in a shitty relationship. Again, I do see happy relationships. There is a lot to be gained from having an intimate relationship with someone, especially if you are happy in it. And I want to have kids some day too. But I know I’m still meeting hotter and hotter, cooler and cooler, more successful and amazing girls, so I am in NO HURRY to settle down. Can you delude yourself? I think it’s too late for you. You’ve already gone too far “down the rabbit hole.” Is that a bad thing? Well naivety can be good. But I prefer truth. What to do now? You talk about ego attachments, and yeah, those are the hardest to break. I had to systematically cut each one CONSCIOUSLY that I had between my ex and myself. First things first, no contact. Do not text, do not call, do not email. I deleted my girls number, I don’t even know it, so no drunk dialing. Delete the number. Cut her from your facebook newsfeed, and any friends associated with her that you might get secondhand inferences to what she is doing. Get rid of anything in your place that reminds her of you. Shirts, gifts, whatever, get rid of it all. Damn I miss that watch she got me, but it’s gotta go. Switch up your location. Get out of your environment and check out a new city and the girls it has to offer. Get out there and start fucking girls! Get over it by going out and finding other cool girls. It took me a good year before I didn’t think of my girl at least once a day. So expect that. And don’t think that because you think about her all the time is “a sign that it was meant to be.” It’s not. It’s just another example of the old story, a sign of the attachments we create, a way to give your life meaning. Those thoughts will go away. And life moves on. And it gets A LOT better. Then you die and everyone forgets about you. --- Originally posted on http://www.BradBranson.com December 9th, 2010 Title: How to Get a STUNNER Girlfriend One last article where I received another question from a former student. "Hey Brad, Since I came from the bootcamp I dated 3 girls. I sort of forced myself into it. The “problem” is this: they were all cute and nice but not really my ideal. Eventually I just couldn’t feel enough attraction for them. Logically all were nice girls without any psycho problems and all theoretically “marriable” in the long term. But I realized through these experiences that I am extremely visual and if there’s something I don’t like – not a really beautiful face, not really slim and proportionate body, I just lose the feeling. The problem then is this: when I break up with them, they are of course devastated. And I don’t like that. So I am sort of stuck: if I don’t date, it’ sucks. If I date and then let them go, they suffer and I don’t like that either. Maybe one night stands are the only way to make these short term adventures work? I see that if I date a girl even just for a short time (I met one girl 4 times and we ended up in bed and she became so passionate and obsessed that I had to break up with her immediately the next day. Otherwise the pain of breaking up after a month or so would be even greater for her.) So I might look only for my ideal girl because that’s where I really feel the passion and attraction. It’s a tough one though because I like really the super good looking ones. And I might also go out and look only for a “pull” like you call it. How do girls react after the “pull”? Happy holidays to you too and keep up the good stuff you write about!" ————– There are a couple of things that come to mind when I read this question. It happens often to guys as they start getting good results. First things first, how are you framing the relationship? If you want exclusivity, that is cool, but it also might be a good idea to keep the relationship more casual so you don’t have to make a decision so quickly about how serious you want the relationship to be. A lot of times when girls get really clingy real fast, it is more an issue of what the GUY projects as opposed to what she wants. Yes, most girls, when they find an amazing guy, want to try and pin him down. But if you create the proper framework from the beginning, and act congruent with this, you mitigate a lot of these types of problems. I know that I am probably one of the most “eligible bachelors” most girls will ever meet, but if a girl starts dating me, she also realizes based on my travel schedule, how I act around her and other girls, and the stories I tell, that she is going to have a REALLY hard time reigning me in. Most girls just think it’s out of the question. Knowing your travel schedule (the former student travels a lot), and the tangible things you have going for you, it shouldn’t be too hard to create a similar context. If you are traveling all the time, a girl should realize that nothing is going to be long term with you, unless YOU make that decision. Again, a lot of times a girl gets confused though, because most guys don’t have an example of how to interact with a girl besides traditional monogamous relationships, and Hollywood. You can’t fall into boyfriend/girlfriend like habits like holding hands, and buying dinners, unless it’s incorporated with slapping them on the ass and telling her you plan to fuck her in the bathroom later. Now, I like being chivalrous and opening doors for girls, but I’m still going to slap her ass once she walks through the door. Always keep it fun and light hearted, no matter how far into a relationship you are. It’s being dynamic, showing that you care, but also showing that you are not the typical boyfriend type of guy, you are coming from a place of abundance. Then there is the old rule of only seeing them so often. If you are trying to keep it casual, the once a week rule is an important one. —— Now let’s move on to if things are framed a little differently. Instead of the casual relationship, there is also the concept of having girlfriends for 3-6 months, fairly exclusive, and seeing each other more regularly. In this situation it’s hard to not allow the girl to develop serious emotional attachments, especially if you are really cool and have a great lifestyle that you can bring her into. But it’s something I talked about in the Cold Hearted Player posts a while back. I think there was a reason why these posts were so popular. It resonated with a lot of people, and turned off others that haven’t been through the process yet. Most guys who haven’t always been successful with girls, sympathize with the girls they date. They break up with them, see that they are sad, and remember back when they were in that position. Maybe it was a girl that they had a crush on, but couldn’t get. Or maybe they lost a girlfriend because they were too chode. Then when the script is flipped, and THEY are the one breaking up with the girl, they see the pain they cause, and it makes them feel bad. But what happens is, being the rock star, having the abundance, this scenario plays out OVER and OVER. The more you experience pain, the more you desensitize. You don’t really become numb, you just don’t put as much value on it anymore. Just as the first rejection is the worst, but after thousands of rebuffs and rejections, you put no value on them, and it doesn’t even register as an emotional event. I see the process in motion all the time with guys that I train up long term. Usually the first few months I have a new assistant, when we pull 2 girls back, afterwards while I’m trying to kick mine out, he is in the other bed CHERISHING in the night. I get pissed and try to hint that they should leave. And he CONTINUES CHERISHING!!! Like it’s prom night or some shit. I think part of it is that we assume girls are more clingy by nature, and yes to a great extent they are. But for a one time thing, most girls are just as happy to walk away with a high five, saying “Well, that was fun. See ya later, maybe…” Girls are just as cool with the random hookup as guys are, but if you PROJECT a socially conditioned reality that girls are sluts if they give it up the same night, and men are chauvinistic pigs, then those sort of vibes will come through. The interesting thing that happens though is after you’ve taken 30-40-50-100 girls home, you stop caring so much. It’s just a casual thing. You project that, they ping, and everything is cool. You aren’t as emotionally invested in any girl, because you’ve experienced so many, had intimate experiences, had the attachments broken, and you realize it’s NO BIG DEAL. Even if the girl is a little pissed or sad afterwards… Girls LIKE TO BE EMOTIONAL! Back to the 3-6 month type relationships. There is going to be a little pain in a breakup, but there is also something that you need to develop long term if you want to really accomplish your goals in the self actualization department, and ultimately live a fulfilling life. There was something I noticed recently when I went back to Europe. I saw some of my old assistants, and they said they noticed a difference about me. I told them that I felt different as well, the biggest reason… I am more selfish. Ayn Rand style. I feel entitled to the world. I want it all. And I plan to work for it. If you feel entitled to a hotter girl…. GREAT!!! Time to find her. Don’t hold yourself back just because you feel bad for some other girl. It’s survival of the fittest. We are all animals at heart. Do you feel bad if you stunt on someone else’s face in the business world?
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #38
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
Do you feel bad when you beat someone for the front page, number one spot in a google campaign?
Sure you could say there are more emotions involved in a relationship. And I’d agree. But there are a lot of emotions involved in business, money, and finances as well. Now, it might sound callous of me to juxtapose a great relationship with a cute girl and a business plan, but… I’m a nihilist… Haha. Not truly, but remembering that life is all a dream, and everything is as fake as the next thing. And nothing is right or wrong. Why not make your life AWESOME! Break the chains, don’t let the weights hold you back. Whether that be thought patterns, a bad skillset, family, girls, whatever… Live the life you want to live and PRIORITIZE! Yes, I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but MY feelings are more important. Set yourself before others, and ultimately YOU WILL OFFER MORE VALUE TO THE UNIVERSE. Think if you ultimately do find that amazing girl, have a synergistic relationship, where everything turns out awesome, and you have amazing children! How does that help expand and evolve humanity/consciousness whatever sort of philanthropic semantics you want to use? Now picture being stuck with that average “cute” girl. Eck! Just the negativity of contentment alone that you’d project into the world… It’s a drastic difference. —— Now something along the way that I have noticed is that there is a learning curve. There is friction when you go through the evolution between getting the “cute” girl and reaching the point where you snatch the stunner with an amazing personality. There is a learning process, where SHIT IS GONNA BREAK ALONG THE WAY. I look back at my last serious relationship, and there are certain things I’m ashamed of. Trying to act like the “cool pimp” because I had this new power, and I thought I was doing things to make her like me more, when I was actually just being a complete dick. I’ll give an example because it seems like this is going to be a long post anyways, so I’ll forget brevity at this point. I used to tell my girl that we could only meet once a week. The other days I would go out gaming. Now we had already been together for over a year, but she knew this, and stuck to it fairly well. Well one night, she went to a concert and got all over stimulated by her favorite band, and was all bubbly and just wanted to say hi to me at the bar I was at. She even wore the shirt that I bought her for her birthday. Just so I’d be extra excited to see her. When she arrived though, without forewarning me, I got pissed because I couldn’t game other girls. I asked her to leave but she wouldn’t. She was confused, and started to cry. I walked her downstairs while she was crying, hailed a cab, threw her in, told the cabbie to take her home, and gave him $10. I felt like such a pimp. Fuck, what a dick. I actually completely forgot about this, being completely enraptured in pickup for 2 years and banging other girls, that I didn’t even remember this event until she brought it up when we were fighting and breaking up. I felt like shit. But I needed that experience. Shitty for her. But it’s made me a better man. A better boyfriend. The type of boyfriend that CAN attract the stunner girl with the awesome personality. —– You talk about going for more one nighters, and I think that is a worthy goal. Part of the process. But you do not need to focus solely on pulling just because you are feeling bad about breaking up with girls that like you. Random hookups are good to train you for how to be more casual with the girls you date, so that aspect is good. But don’t run away from intimacy either, and having the ability to break away as well. It’s a skillset unto itself, and a good one to have in case of emergency. In case of those times when you meet a girl who sneaks through the back door, sinks her talons in, and really gives you a run for your money. Certain girls are savvy, and as you’ve been with more girls in general, you are less likely to have this happen, and more able to break it off without emotion, no matter how hard they cry to try and keep you around. --------------------------------------------- Wooh! Thanks for taking the journey of breaking up. I’d like to hear your thoughts and opinions, so comment below or on my blog.
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #39
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | July 18th, 2011 at 10:49 AM
Spinning Plates: The Full Guide To Getting Girls Just got to Berlin after a week in Stockholm, and I have a week of amazing night life ahead of me, and my first weekend off in a while. I’ve officially gone out 21 nights in a row, but it’s more like 30 of the past 32, and I’ve been consciously noticing new things every night out. Also I’ve gotten great news from Papa and Tyler about the Brad Branson Brand. I’m basically going to be completely rewriting the entire RSD newsletter, literally between 300-400 articles over the next year. I plan on organizing it so that each article sequentially builds off the previous one in a way to give a full curriculum and paradigm of game. It’s going to be fucking sick, I’m super stoked, and pretty much under contract to do it, so it’s not like other projects I’ve hinted at but never came to fruition, this baby is already in the works. If you aren’t already signed up for the RSD Newsletter, go to http://www.rsdnewsletter.com and sign up! Otherwise, if you are already a subscriber but have been bored by the old school articles on the newsletter right now, you better get ready to start reading again, because I’m literally throwing blood, sweat, and my entire bootcamp curriculum into these articles! Fuck yeah. Anyway, today I want to get back to some on point material, and bring up something that I noticed while in Oslo a few weeks back. After years of fighting through the leading sticking point, I think I’ve finally ironed out the last little kinks. There is a new way I look at every interaction. The Approach The first night of every bootcamp revolves around the approach. No matter what skill level or experience the guy has, I truly believe that the better you can get at starting the interaction, the more effective the entire conversation will be. It’s all about setting the initial context RIGHT AWAY. The frame that you are an attractive, high value dude, who takes what he wants. The best way to accomplish this is to GO IN HARD! And I teach this through a few simple tips that are easy to implement. 1. Eye contact 2. Vocal Projection 3. Commanding Tone of Voice That’s it. That’s all I teach. Heh, and a lot of other random tid bits that can really only be elucidated in person. I truly believe, if you can master the skill of approaching proficiently, with 100% volition, good tonality, good eye contact, and a commanding voice, that about 80% of your interactions will open well. Attraction is like a switch. Go in strong. Attraction is created. Spinning Plates Now onto the new way I view an interaction. Basically the initial approach is like taking a plate, and getting it to spin. If you open strong enough, that plate starts spinning quick, and you don’t have to worry about much for a while. But, as the plate slows down, or if you don’t approach strong enough from the very beginning, the plate starts to falter, and you have to take action to get it spinning fast again. If you wait too long, the plate falls. And usually after a certain point, even if the plate is awkwardly balanced and spinning, no matter how much work you put into trying to get it to spin on point again, it’s gonna fall. How does this relate to an interaction with a girl? Open strong, and get the plate spinning. At some point, you can feel the interaction about to dip. If you don’t make a move real quick, the interaction is going to start falling apart. It’s similar to measuring the girls “buying temperature.” Is she hot and happy, or is the interaction starting to cool off? As you get more experience, you can feel out how the interaction is going, and you can tell when it is slowly starting to stagnate, there is too much of a static feel to it. So what do you do? MOVE HER! “Let’s go to the bar!” “Let’s go meet my friends!” “Let’s go chill outside where it is quieter!” “Let’s go dance!” “Let’s go meet YOUR friends!” Whatever you need as a reason, you need to move her as soon as possible. The problem is that if you wait too long, the interaction is like a plate that is totally off balance. Her buying temperature is too low, and if you try to make the move, she won’t want to do it because she is already starting to get bored. You have to do it on a high note. Preempt the buying temperature drop and move her whenever the thought pops into your head. This is basically the pattern I use for the whole interaction. Keep the plate spinning, i.e. keep the high value, self amused frame running strong, and as you start to see a dip in the road… MOVE HER. Over and over again. Later on, this same “move her mentality” can be applied to any form of escalation. Physicality, kissing, pulling, closing… Dancing Monkey Now as I write this, it almost sounds like I’m heralding back to the old days of being the entertainer man, or dancing monkey frame. This isn’t about getting a reaction out of her, I think it is more for myself, or yourself, to still feel like the man in the interaction. One, you can never lead too much. So if I can create some artificial rule to move the girl around more, then GREAT! Two, social dynamics is a self fulfilling prophecy. If you go in hard, the interaction will open well, but as it starts to stale out, instead of just going into your head and wondering what the next step is… MOVE HER! As you lead, it conveys all the cool high value qualities that build attraction, and by moving to a different area of the club, it naturally gives the interaction a new flair. It keeps you in a good headspace, keeps the two of you in the right roles, and makes the interaction fun yet domimant. And it's under your control. You are not waiting for signals from the girl to move, you do it BEFORE you start seeing bad signals. Try it out and get back at me!
find it, fuck it, forget it.
Inlägg: #40
Brad@RSD Samlade artiklar.
BY Brad- | August 1st, 2011 at 12:25 PM
Just Call Me Tony Robbins Jr. - My 5 Year Plan I just landed in Dublin, my last city before heading to Las Vegas! I swear this city is severely underrated. Blond Irish girls with their cute faces, accents, and their bubbly sarcasm make this city an enduring highlight every time I come to Europe. As I entered the country, sliding my old ragged torn up passport across the counter towards the customs officer, he gave me a weird glance. Then once he opened it and realized it was completely full, I got another weird look. Going into this Euro tour I kind of got busy with work and forgot to get a new passport. Woops! I was pretty nervous that I would run out of space for new visa stamps, but it looks like I JUST made it, as long as I don’t get any shit coming back into the USA. There’s one for the bucket list, first passport FULL. The first 6 months of 2011 have been good to me, looking at the remainder of my yearly schedule, things just don’t seem to stop. I decided at the beginning of this year to go full nomad, I literally don’t even pay rent, don’t have an apartment, it’s been a full year of just me and my suitcase, and it’s interesting the effects it’s had on my psyche. I feel at home everywhere. I have little anxiety towards any situation, whether I’m getting lost in a new city, not knowing where I’m sleeping next week, or how to find a good night club, I know it will sort itself out. -with Stuart’s help of course (concierge to the stars) ;P haha As I realize it’s about half way through 2011, I figured I’d fine-tune my goals for the remainder of the year, give you a peak into my life, and what I plan to do in the future. Lifestyle Development Tying back into the Tim Ferris 4 Hour Work Week mindset, my perspective is that lifestyle is the first priority, with everything else a means towards a specific lifestyle. Real Social Dynamics is a huge part of that. Through meeting new friends, other like minded people, honing my game, craft, teaching skills, public speaking skills, AND getting paid to run around a nightclub; being an RSD instructor is probably the best job in the world. Can’t complain. My ultimate dream is to some day be on stage in front of THOUSANDS of people, like full Anthony Robbins style running around pumping people up. That’s probably 5-10 years away, yet everything I do now is to help me reach those goals. Teaching bootcamps will always be a part of that, but the goal is Lifestyle Development. One of the main pillars of lifestyle development is a surfeit of travel, which is obviously a big part of my life already. But I’ve yet to go to crazy places like Thailand, or climb Mt. Kilamanjaro (which is on my short list) or start BASE jumping into caves. And I don’t think I’ll be conducting bootcamps near the Chilean cave mines any time soon, which is why my recent motives have shifted away from just girls, girls, girls, and onto how I can have a voice and life outside of the bootcamp medium. Bradbranson.com is a big step towards that, building the Brad Branson Brand. But my goal is to create not only a brand, but an idea. The idea of creating an amazing lifestyle in all areas, how to WIN with girls, have financial freedom, live healthy, travel the world, increase consciousness, and win at LIFE! Get Paid I also think that to be a credible holistic lifestyle development mentor/guru/coach, being financially successful is a necessity. Yeah, I live a pretty amazing lifestyle already being an RSD executive coach, but I think there will be a huge boost in my credibility if I don’t teach because I HAVE to for a living, but because it is my craft. Also if entering more of a holistic self development arena, the biggest charlatans are the ones who make money by teaching you how to make money. I don’t see how I could congruently be on stage, teaching people how to be successful without first succeeding on my own. So I’ve been working on a variety of side ventures, everything from taking on more responsibilities inside of Real Social Dynamics, to SEO campaigns, to offline business consulting and investments. And by the way things are looking, I should be able to heavily diversify my income sources by the new year, mostly passive style. (mmm…. That’s the best style… It's an interesting shift in my priorities. On one hand, the more I go out, the better my understanding of the game gets, yet I know that if I stay in the house for one night, I can get a shit ton of work done. My to do list is pretty much limitless, between all the new responsibilities that I've taken on with RSD, and my side ventures, AND the girls, and the beer... heh. I'm running on all cylinders and trying to lead by example. As always, Bradbranson.com and my brand are on a constant path of growth, and there are big things coming in the near future. So stick around, enjoy the site (which has almost 200 articles now, and close to 3000 comments). I thought I'd also scrounge up an old article that doesn't seem to have as many views as it should... It's an oldie, but a goodie... How to Pull Every Night Enjoy the ride!!! Brad Branson Lessons in Lifestyle Development
find it, fuck it, forget it.
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